Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 ..There is so much mil grade gear around?Just thinking about it, and if the 'end-game'/'top-tier' (both terms make me cringe) gear is this mil grade kit, isn't that encouraging you to use it the same way your just to using it on games? to kill over players?I'm just suggesting theres a mindset with it..In most FPS we are used to, when given a new big gun, the first thing the average player thinks is "I want to see the holes it makes in people." & because of the common FPS game those people are other players, we are pushed towards opening fire on them.Add in the paranoia that comes in DayZ and we got a lethal mix of that mindset and the obtain/defend mindset.Just wondering as i've watched the forum and youtube change from mostly groups of Park Rangers sharing Mak rounds and beans to full Ghillie Bush Wookie .50Cal kill squads and 4 NVGs for every man woman and child. Of course this is hugely effected by dupes and hacks but isn't it a bit nuts?If DayZ is survival not mil-themed FPS why is there all this Mil-grade kit about?I'm aware of ARMAs setting, etc. but that aside and looking at it in the context of Dayz standalone, wouldn't it play better if it didn't have all the powerful mil-grade guns in it?Also if we change the gear set from Shit guns - Ok Guns - Mil grade Guns - Top Mil grade Guns to just Shit guns - Ok guns would that effect peoples desire to steal and protect gear as much? 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
athrins 39 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I agree. Finding an M4 and camo outfits isn't really what one would expect out of an apocalypse situation.I would be more ok with herding weapons if they weren't attractive in themselves; like winnies, M1014, CZ550, etc. It would feel more like I was herding them because firearms are useful in defending against zeds, rather than they are an advantage over other players with inferior attachments on their weapons.I'd quite honestly prefer to just use a crossbow, but the current one isn't practical when compared to alternatives.Gear really shouldn't be the goal of the game. The goal should be supplies and tools. Equipment is luxury. Being able to defend against and kill zeds should be a fucking privilege, never mind other human beings.I want the setting to be more like The Road, only with infected people and elements of horror. Edited August 1, 2012 by Athrins 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted August 1, 2012 Way too many military pieces, and way too much ammo. Also "nothing else to do" (which is bull) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lennsik 176 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I understand where you're coming from, but let's also think about the setting DayZ is in. We're in a, possibly, post-Soviet Union country that was once and possible still was in total Dictatorship with a strong focus on military. On that, with society having been broken apart and destroyed by the infection, there is no one to police the surrounding military bases and areas. So after, what I'd be assume, mass riots and destruction and raiding of these locations, and those people subsequently dying, that leaves us, the survivors, to realize that these military grade weapons will be highly effective to us.I mean, in honest hindsight, a silenced assault rifle can do a helluva lot more survival help than a loud arse Lee Endfield, right?Edit: I should also state that obtaining an "Ok" gun to me is still worth fighting for. I mean, hell, I killed my first man last night in cold blood so I could make sure my only vehicle was safe. Edited August 1, 2012 by Lennsik 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 175 Posted August 1, 2012 Because they can, pure and simply.People need to bash each other, it doesn't matter why.In this case since there are no consequences for this kind of behavior, that's what we get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haviv[3rdid] 57 Posted August 1, 2012 I think there should be mil stuff lying around (after all, there are military bases and zombies) but the weapons should be Russian and none of the fancy Navy seal stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Good gear exists in this world. Removing it would just hurt realism and ultimately punish everyone for the actions of a few (who will most likely do the same with lesser weapons, their value is relative to whats available) Edited August 1, 2012 by bad_mojo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 I understand where you're coming from, but let's also think about the setting DayZ is in. We're in a, possibly, post-Soviet Union country that was once and possible still was in total Dictatorship with a strong focus on military. On that, with society having been broken apart and destroyed by the infection, there is no one to police the surrounding military bases and areas. So after, what I'd be assume, mass riots and destruction and raiding of these locations, and those people subsequently dying, that leaves us, the survivors, to realize that these military grade weapons will be highly effective to us.My friend i did state in my OP that ignore the AMRA related DayZ setting as it stands, and rethink DayZ as a more survival focused standalone game. A bit like the mod was in the early days before it went all snipefest. I understand the setting as it stands i just think it would have more depth in its own setting removed from the one imposed by ARMA. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Good gear exists in this world. Agreed, But should a 15km x 15km area contain 60 people with .50Cal weapons? Does any modern military even deploy that many in such a small area? Its not about what guns exist, its about if Dayz is a survival game with PVP or another Mil-themed FPS. Edited August 1, 2012 by Never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lennsik 176 Posted August 1, 2012 My friend i did state in my OP that ignore the AMRA related DayZ setting as it stands, and rethink DayZ as a more survival focused standalone game. A bit like the mod was in the early days before it went all snipefest. I understand the setting as it stands i just think it would have more depth in its own setting removed from the one imposed by ARMA. :)Oh no, I do understand the setting, thing is, Rocket chose this map just for what it is. And again, look on your map and find the nearest military base and tell me you don't expect it to be raided and looted like crazy if an infection like DayZ struck. If we were going for your type of survival, you'd have to remove basically half of all the town, all major cities, and reforest over 100+ km of land. That, to me, sound boring for a Zombie Survival game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) No, they're not. They're playing that way because they fucking want to.Give them a slingshot and some pebbles and they will still shoot your fucking eyes out with it.Military gear is a very important part of the tactical aspect of DayZ.The reason you see people in videos using these weapons is because they're effective. It's not rocket science. .Give everyone a medium-ranged weapon and you're basically playing Halo with zombies. No thanks. Edited August 1, 2012 by ZedsDeadBaby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
athrins 39 Posted August 1, 2012 The argument that there should be mil-grade equipment can easily be countered with the fact that we were washed up on the shore after the party was over. Everyone was either gone or dead. The only equipment we should find we should have to rip out of the cold, rotting, dead hands of eaten soldiers and civilians. Everyone that managed to escape wouldn't have left without everything worth a damn in that situation. Finding a single freaking battery in an otherwise empty firearms storage should be considered lucky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Military gear is a very important part of the tactical aspect of DayZ.I actually agree to a point but can we have a discussion without all the swagger and swearing please?But back to this point, it does have a place yes, but do you think it should so widely spread? Edited August 1, 2012 by Never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonahcutter 51 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Yeah, the mod seems to be very focused on "gearing up", mmo/WoW-like, as it's primary gameplay. Camp spawns for l33t gear to camp spawns for more l33t gear... Gather parts for a car or helicopter (lol)...Once you learn the basic mechanics of the zeds, and where basic survival needs spawn, the "zombie-survival" portion of the mod basically becomes a nuisance.I have absolutely no fear of zombies in this mod. I haven't died to a zed in a long long time. And I've NEVER died to hunger, thirst, disease or exposure. Edited August 1, 2012 by jonahcutter 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) The argument that there should be mil-grade equipment can easily be countered with the fact that we were washed up on the shore after the party was over. Everyone was either gone or dead. The only equipment we should find we should have to rip out of the cold, rotting, dead hands of eaten soldiers and civilians. Everyone that managed to escape wouldn't have left without everything worth a damn in that situation. Finding a single freaking battery in an otherwise empty firearms storage should be considered lucky.Thats it really.Any mil grade kit should be fucking rare.Make them uber-bastard-rare spawns. Best way if characters were fixed to servers is make a handful of mil-grade guns on each server along with 5-10 NVGs as unique single spawns. That makes groups assign kit to roles more sensible rather than every member geared to the tits, and also makes players fights over that gear mean something. Edited August 1, 2012 by Never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Udak 104 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Yeah, the mod seems to be very focused on "gearing up", mmo/WoW-like, as it's primary gameplay. Camp spawns for l33t gear to camp spawns for more l33t gear... Gather parts for a car or helicopter (lol)...Once you learn the basic mechanics of the zeds, and where basic survival needs spawn, the "zombie-survival" portion of the mod basically becomes a nuisance.I have absolutely no fear of zombies in this mod. I haven't died to a zed in a long long time. And I've NEVER died to hunger, thirst, disease or exposure.EXACTLY. Once zombies aren't a threat (by which I mean, you've played for 10 hours and have come to terms with their limitations), you have very few choices for further entertainment. I've never seen any vehicles except for bikes (and in over 100+ hrs of DayZ, i've only seen two) so while I can appreciate that being an end-game situation, I think the truth is that too many people hoard vehicles for that to ever be a viable option for the average joe. If you no longer need good stuff or at least understand where that rabbit hole inevitably leads, the game is super boring. I took up the medic stick just to have something to do, but I certainly understand banditry. Even if you die with all your top tier stuff (because you're actively hunting other humans), who cares? Now you have an excuse to start looting again.I will say that most hunting in Cherno/Electro is just in poor sport. Real men hunt Stary and NWAF.EDIT: Duping has to be fixed, first and foremost. It's cool to talk about there being limited military spawns, but most top-tier stuff is a tenth of a percent (1/1000) chance in the first place. Duping leads to L85s, AS50s, Camos, etc all over the place. Edited August 1, 2012 by Udak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted August 1, 2012 It's not an FPS.A lot of gear is duped or hacked. Some legit crews do operate though. A lot of people go deathmatch in the major cities because they lack imagination and honestly, they know they can dominate. Play as you want though. I don't got to the high traffic areas because I'm not interested in that. I'm still having fun though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Yeah, the mod seems to be very focused on "gearing up", mmo/WoW-like, as it's primary gameplay. Camp spawns for l33t gear to camp spawns for more l33t gear... Gather parts for a car or helicopter (lol)...OFT.Actual lol, looking at it like that it makes DayZ seem like a hardcore permadeath FPS version of Farmville. Its quite a sad thought. Edited August 1, 2012 by Never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 It's not an FPS.I've always treated it as a survival game using the FPS format personally. It just seems the majority of the player base think is is an FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amaROenuZ 144 Posted August 1, 2012 I would prefer to play the game cooperatively. but I'm a sniper rifle wielding wookie. People assume the worst of me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonahcutter 51 Posted August 1, 2012 EXACTLY. Once zombies aren't a threat (by which I mean, you've played for 10 hours and have come to terms with their limitations), you have very few choices for further entertainment. I've never seen any vehicles except for bikes (and in over 100+ hrs of DayZ, i've only seen two) so while I can appreciate that being an end-game situation, I think the truth is that too many people hoard vehicles for that to ever be a viable option for the average joe. If you no longer need good stuff or at least understand where that rabbit hole inevitably leads, the game is super boring. I took up the medic stick just to have something to do, but I certainly understand banditry. Even if you die with all your top tier stuff (because you're actively hunting other humans), who cares? Now you have an excuse to start looting again.I will say that most hunting in Cherno/Electro is just in poor sport. Real men hunt Stary and NWAF.EDIT: Duping has to be fixed, first and foremost. It's cool to talk about there being limited military spawns, but most top-tier stuff is a tenth of a percent (1/1000) chance in the first place. Duping leads to L85s, AS50s, Camos, etc all over the place.Well, when people die now, they can run back to their tent and pick up another kit from the multiple kits they have stored there. Completely bypassing having to build up from nothing.There is little fear of death when you know you don't have to start back at zero. Tents are an incredibly carebear mechanic, completely contradicting how realistic and hardcore this mod prides itself on being. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 Well, when people die now, they can run back to their tent and pick up another kit from the multiple kits they have stored there. Completely bypassing having to build up from nothing.There is little fear of death when you know you don't have to start back at zero. Tents are an incredibly carebear mechanic, completely contradicting how realistic and hardcore this mod prides itself on being.This is a very bean worthy post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonahcutter 51 Posted August 1, 2012 OFT.Actual lol, looking at it like that it makes DayZ seem like a hardcore permadeath FPS version of Farmville.Its quite a sad thought.Permadeath?You have heard of tents haven't you? "Permadeath" is kind of a joke when you know you can run back to a tent where you've stored several assault rifles, dozens of mags, dozens of cans of food, medical supplies, multiple backpacks and even more tents to transfer all your backup kits into. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted August 1, 2012 Honestly, if I were to call friendly right now with my character, most would shoot on sight.A Bush Wookie with an M14, plus two GPS's is not a comforting sight for most. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 Permadeath?You have heard of tents haven't you? "Permadeath" is kind of a joke when you know you can run back to a tent where you've stored several assault rifles, dozens of mags, dozens of cans of food, medical supplies, multiple backpacks and even more tents to transfer all your backup kits into.Do you want to read the thread calm the fuck down and realise i agree with you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites