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Ozelot (DayZ)

What is the point to DayZ, if not to kill players?

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To those of you who whine about too much PK, I have one question: What point do you see to the game if not PvP in the long run?

Is it simply to survive the longest time possible? If so, that is extremely easy: Just get a few tools, go to some corner of the map where no one ever goes. Now wait patiently for your hunger and thirst meters to slowly dwindle and refill them by hunting and refilling water bottles. Wow, so much fun, right?

Is it collect incredibly rare weapons and equipment? Why? So you can waste the ammo on zombies? Watch as another simply respawns to take it's place. And honestly, if all you want to do is kill zombies, then camping in a barn with a Lee Enfield is all you have to do. You don't need fancy gear to kill zombies.

So, really. What is the point to this game if NOT to hunt players in the long run?

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to have q/e dance parties around fires telling stories about how they never get vehicles of course

Edited by Buffjesus

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I'm going for the "Most broken legs in a day" World Record. My PB is 7 times. I know I can beat it.

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Some people have this crazy idea that "helping others" is somehow its own reward. NEWS FLASH: Helping someone, more often than not, will get you killed. Give a guy a gun, and what's he going to do? Shoot you in the head for being stupid enough to give him a gun.

Not sure why so many people complain about the player killing. Honestly it's one of the better aspects of the game.

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Agreed pvp is only thing making this game fun after the first week of oooo this is big feel .

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Aside from kill players, you can also try to avoid getting killed by players.

Weird that this survival game is all about survival.


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I said this over 100 times.

It rly goes down to your personal prefrence.

Go bandit , stay survivor or go bandit hunter.

The game rly isnt about ,,killing other players,,

The game tests you mentaly and eventualy (as i see) breaks you.

You collect everything you need and you get overwhealmed by FPS experiance.

Need for killing other players.

The game is hardcore and incredibly challanging as we know it.

But to make it even more challenging you coud simply stay on a ,,good,, side by helping others.

Yes it adds even more challange,precation and determenations but that is the point of the game.

If i see a bandit going for a ,,noob kill n loot,, il simply blast his head off before he kill the ,,fresh meat,,

Or get some new friends,continue surviving,repair vehicles...

Edited by VaultDweller
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To those of you who whine about too much PK, I have one question: What point do you see to the game if not PvP in the long run?

Is it simply to survive the longest time possible? If so, that is extremely easy: Just get a few tools, go to some corner of the map where no one ever goes. Now wait patiently for your hunger and thirst meters to slowly dwindle and refill them by hunting and refilling water bottles. Wow, so much fun, right?

Is it collect incredibly rare weapons and equipment? Why? So you can waste the ammo on zombies? Watch as another simply respawns to take it's place. And honestly, if all you want to do is kill zombies, then camping in a barn with a Lee Enfield is all you have to do. You don't need fancy gear to kill zombies.

So, really. What is the point to this game if NOT to hunt players in the long run?

Will you and everyone stop with trying to tell people how to play their game, how it's meant to be played, what should be done, what you think the point is, why people should do this and do that and how this is bullshit and that is unfair and whatever other bollocks people want to try and decide for others? Sure, you're asking what the point is, but at the same time, trying to debate that there isn't one other than to hunt players.

The point of this game is what THAT PERSON MAKES IT.

It's a SANDBOX game, sandbox games you need to make your own enjoyment. If someone want's to kill on sight, that's up to them, if someone wants to survive and stay out the way, that's up to them, if someone wants to go exploring, see how long they can live, horde a ton of vehicles, get the best equipment or whatever the fuck else - THAT'S UP TO THEM. As long as THEIR the ones having fun with THEIR game, give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

So in short: The point is what ever you want the point to be.

No one will ever dictate to me how I should enjoy MY game/

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This mod is a social experiment.

In a zombie apocalypse, it seems that people will just kill everyone on sight because they are bored with just eating and drinking until they die.

Nobody will try to re-establish society, oh no, they'll just get bored of remaining alive and go around killing other survivors, because zombies are too "easy".

If you want a challenge, try actually making friends in-game, instead of grouping with people you already know won't kill or betray you down the line. Try making safe-zones and protecting them from other players with similar mentality to yours, try doing something DIFFERENT.

If you get bored of just surviving, and if you have no will to help others, well, you can go kill players in any of the other FPS out there, I'm sure you'll have much more fun.

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Kite the biggest possible zombie horde through the middle of Cherno screaming the lyrics to "I'm a Little Tea Pot" over direct chat!

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I actually asked my Fiancee who's getting her masters in Social Work and Psychology a similar question.

I asked her if "kill-on-sight" was a human result of scarce resources and self-preservation in an apocalyptic situation, or just people being jerks online.

Her Response (and I quote): "There's a little self-preservation to it, but most of it is just being a stranger online. A huge chunk of the population isn't going to instantly turn into murderers. I mean, come on... stop being assholes and start helping each other!"

So, there you have it folks... Straight from the professional. "Stop being assholes and start helping each other."

Edited by bbilbo1
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I actually asked my Fiancee who's getting her masters in Social Work and Psychology a similar question.

I asked her if "kill-on-sight" was a human result of scarce resources and self-preservation in an apocalyptic situation, or just people being jerks online.

Her Response (and I quote): "There's a little self-preservation to it, but most of it is just being a stranger online. A huge chunk of the population isn't going to instantly turn into murderers. I mean, come on... stop being assholes and start helping each other!"

So, there you have it folks... Straight the proffestional. "Stop being assholes and start helping each other."

real life: there is only 1 chance

in game: oh i died? awell i lost my common shit gear

oh i died? awell im at kamyshovo guys come pick me up so i can go regear

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I actually asked my Fiancee who's getting her masters in Social Work and Psychology a similar question.

I asked her if "kill-on-sight" was a human result of scarce resources and self-preservation in an apocalyptic situation, or just people being jerks online.

Her Response (and I quote): "There's a little self-preservation to it, but most of it is just being a stranger online. A huge chunk of the population isn't going to instantly turn into murderers. I mean, come on... stop being assholes and start helping each other!"

So, there you have it folks... Straight the proffestional. "Stop being assholes and start helping each other."

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Players have so little imagination these days that they can't form a clan without the game having software to support it.


You don't get good social groups by programming in the functionality, you get good social groups by throwing people into a sandbox and seeing how they choose to organize.

We could easily form groups and set up safe zones and territories within servers.. But it's alpha and we're all just running around being silly.

second, people have grown WITHIN a society, but we haven't established a brand new one for a damn long time historically.

People wouldn't just be like...



No one even says re-establish society even after society has been destroyed. Obv.

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I've staked out my plot in the world and I'm gathering supplies to fortify it. So, there's that. I'm having fun. I just need a bloody toolbox already.

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Fixed. Thanks.

I actually didnt notice that typo.

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That would be a good idea to have a safe zone or whatever

surrounded by hills that can overlook it?

or open fields that ill see you crossing from 900 meters out?

make your choice there is no safe zone no matter what

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surrounded by hills that can overlook it?

or open fields that ill see you crossing from 900 meters out?

make your choice there is no safe zone no matter what

or hill top that is has natrual over due to trees and ruins

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