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mass breaking legs

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Me and my friends were playing, running around an open field when all of the sudden we all break our legs.. Is this a bug?

or hackers? I know teleporting is hacking, but never had this happen to me..



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I've never broken my legs. I think it was a bug. From what I know, you can only break your leg if someone hits you in like, the knee, or a zombie bites you a couple times or by a failed attempt at closing doors, leaving tents and jumping over fences or barbed wire.

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Garden gnomes were accidently implemented in 1.6.2. Rocket tried to remove them but they took over the code.

The gnomes live in open fields, waiting for their pray. They will first break your legs and watch you suffer. If you don't leave immediately, there is a chance they can take you. Ever wonder why you spawn in the ocean or in the middle of nowhere? It's a serious problem, and we have to fight back.

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It's probably the bear traps that have been recently added

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My first guess would be that there was barbed wire in the ground that you couldn't see or that you ran across bear traps, though I haven't seen a bear trap yet. Other than that it could have been a server hack.

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Very strange for it to happen to more than one of you just like that. While bones notoriously behave like breadsticks in this game, this sounds like a hack or some server-wide bug.

Plenty of people report to have experienced injury and bone breaking while crawling through door frames, myself included. I've read others saying that it can happen by running into certain scenery too.

New thing on your to-do list for when you respawn: Stock up on morphine.

One little kerfuffle like that and you'll be choosing between crawling literal miles (without any guarantee of a cure) and death.

So find a low population server, smash into a hospital, hunt down some morphine, get to a safe distance.

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Well we were not close ot each other, we all were about 40-50 meters apart forming a line when crossing the field.

We didnt die, because we allways take about 2-3 morphine each when heading op north.

It was pretty scary though, thaught we were taking fire..

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Well, a zombie spawned on me and broke my leg the other day. Haha.

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It's the lack of Vitamin C. Gives us all brittle bones. There's no fruit in Chernarus.

Pleanty of Vit D from the sardines though, so no MS. Swings and roundabouts, eh?

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