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FLASHLIGHTS - What am I doing wrong?

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I right click on my flashlight and select the menu option "Remove from belt".

I then "reload" it

I hit the L button and then try to use the flashlight by holding my right mouse button.


What am I doing wrong? Please tell me. I can't get the flashlight, the hatchet, the compass, the watch or any of those things to work. I've read help guides and watched vids but no one every actually says exactly what to press.

I'd appreciate an easy answer that all us noobies can understand, from any helpful person.


Sula x

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What you need, is a fleshlight. The ultimate survival tool.

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Read the fucking manual.

L is default key to turn on your light. Make sure it says "flashlight" in the top right hand corner. If not, press F until it says flashlight.

K is the default key for compass.

O is the default key for watch

Hatchet is the same as the flashlight, right click, change to inventory. Puts it on your primary slot.

Nobody said it because they expect you to at least read the fucking manual. Honestly.

Edited by Deviant

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Sometimes the character seem to hold the flashlight wrong.

Try the 'freelook' and look to your lower left(where your left feet our) and see if there's a little spot of light.

If there are, drop the flashlight and pick it again.

If there's no light at all,

Please don't tell me it's daytime :)

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I right click on my flashlight and select the menu option "Remove from belt".

I then "reload" it

I hit the L button and then try to use the flashlight by holding my right mouse button.


What am I doing wrong? Please tell me. I can't get the flashlight, the hatchet, the compass, the watch or any of those things to work. I've read help guides and watched vids but no one every actually says exactly what to press.

I'd appreciate an easy answer that all us noobies can understand, from any helpful person.


Sula x

It (As a lot of things in Dayz) is very buggy, sometimes i've had to press L a good 10 times to get it on and I find looking at the floor is an almost sure fire way to get it started, I won't work (at least for me) if it isn't aimed at the floor. Also I think (Don't quote me on this) it only works if the server is 'Night'.

As the other guy said, K is compass (double click to get it to stay on screen) and O is watch (same as compass to get it to stay on screen).

Edited by Barrwg
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Deviant, I don't have a manual. I have read dayz wiki and it isn't in there. Perhaps English isn't your first language as you seem to answering questions I haven't asked. I know all about K and L and all those lovely letters already. However, and here's the strange thing. NOTHING HAPPENS! I think that means something is wrong, do you see, dear?

Also, Deviant, you do seem to have got yourself lost, dear. This is the nooby forum. If you find you're just not up to being helpful to noobies in the noobies forum, where noobies are looking for help on noobie issues, perhaps - and I mean this in a caring and kind way - you should piss off to the regular forums? Thanks dear. Kiss-kiss and hugs! :D

And a really big thank you to everyone else who has been so kind as to provide helpful information.

Continuity, I don't. I only ever got mine to light up once. I was just saying another thread I think noobies should throw them away because they don't. It's just that I don't like not being able to use an item, not understanding. You see it's not lots of buttons that I'm having problems with, as Deviant assumed. It's the activate button. You know, how you have to activate some items for them to work. Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I posted a thread recently about this. The wiki manual says about how to use a watch - watches can be helfpul for telling the time. <_< I know but how do you look at it? How do you make it bigger so you can see it? I can do it in arma but not in dayz. Odd :)

Hyd, good one! :lol:

Edited by Sula

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Deviant, I don't have a manual. I have read dayz wiki and it isn't in there. Perhaps English isn't your first language as you seem to answering questions I haven't asked. I know all about K and L and all those lovely letters already. However, and here's the strange thing. NOTHING HAPPENS! I think that means something is wrong, do you see, dear?

Also, Deviant, you do seem to have got yourself lost, dear. This is the nooby forum. If you find you're just not up to being helpful to noobies in the noobies forum, where noobies are looking for help on noobie issues, perhaps - and I mean this in a caring and kind way - you should piss off to the regular forums? Thanks dear. Kiss-kiss and hugs! :D

And a really big thank you to everyone else who has been so kind as to provide helpful information.

Continuity, I don't. I only ever got mine to light up once. I was just saying another thread I think noobies should throw them away because they don't. It's just that I don't like not being able to use an item, not understanding. You see it's not lots of buttons that I'm having problems with, as Deviant assumed. It's the activate button. You know, how you have to activate some items for them to work. Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I posted a thread recently about this. The wiki manual says about how to use a watch - watches can be helfpul for telling the time. <_< I know but how do you look at it? How do you make it bigger so you can see it? I can do it in arma but not in dayz. Odd :)

Hyd, good one! :lol:

His comment was generally too harsh I thought but the only other piece of advice I can give for ANY game for a manual on controls is to just hit ESC and take a look in controls. Its how I figured out how to use the torch.

His comment was too harsh but for anything controls related I look in the controls menu, usually gets me what I need.

Happy adventuring

P.s.- flash lights are dangerous to use at night, says to anyone near by, HEY look over here and this strange light source. :) good luck mate

Edit- didn't see that you said you knew about the buttons already so I'm sorry :P I probley come across as a dick but it isn't what I ment. unsure of what the issue is then as I used my torch once on a night server and it lit up fine. sorry I cant be of more help than that :P

Edited by grandclerical
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Hey Sula.

To elaborate on the "it's buggy" truth: if it's day out, you won't see anything or even get a click, even if you were doing it correctly and the light responds as intended.

You sometimes have to mash the L button to get it to work, if you are on a laggy server.

I never had to reload mine. But it doesn't always work anyhow.

You will hear the "don't use it" non-explanation a lot. The reason is because it has an insanely bright, pure white cone of light that lights up the map like the 20th Century Fox fanfare floodlights. I don't know if it attracts Zombies, but it damn sure will attract others intent on TEACHING A NOOB A LESSON.

They are out there, as you can see from the forums.

Perhaps you set the key bind to Mouse2, but just leave it as L for now. If you need to use it, try it once or twice, and if you don't get it just move on. You are probably not doing anything wrong.

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Thanks HMS, I don't use it (well I couldn;t even if I wanted to!) but it bugs me not knowing if I'm doing something wrong. You could be right, yep could be a bug. Thanks. :)

GrandCleric, no not at all! I appreciate all the time you took to type up your answer, thank you for being so helpful xxx

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I couldn't get mine to work for the first few days either. Then, while doing the exact same thing I had been trying in the past, it worked. And it has worked ever since.

I sometimes like to put all of my gear besides a flash light or flares in a tent and then run through Cherno saying "friendly" with my light bouncing all over the place. I like to see how long it takes for a fully geared out NVG player to come and kill me for my flash light.

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BlksnshN I like to do that with flares xD go on a populated server and throw flares around the city until you can see, its fun to see the confusion and rifles that go off from the shear fear in everyone. Electro is easily the most fun though.

Edited by Barrwg
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BlksnshN I like to do that with flares xD go on a populated server and throw flares around the city until you can see, its fun to see the confusion and rifles that go off from the shear fear in everyone. Electro is easily the most fun though.

That sounds like fun. I think I need to go on a flare hunt. Just completely fill my inventory and pack with flares and light up the night. B)

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back on the topic of flashlights not working. mine was being a right bitch. switched it several times, back in the toolbelt back again, swaped it several times with my hatchet. THEN. L. and up she comes. ive noticed that with a few things. just switch shit around and keep trying. it learns eventually.

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What you need, is a fleshlight. The ultimate survival tool.

You sir, just won 1 million internets!


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If you have the hatchet equipped you need to pess the " ; " key (colon?) to switch to your secondary weapon.

I have never had a problem with the flash light

Also it will only work at night.

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