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The third DayZ Playerbase Survey | Final Results

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done I think this is needed with a growing community in the long run these surveys will show the shift in view point of the community..

According to the preliminary results, nowadays only 7% of players tends to team up with random strangers so some significant changes are already visible.

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I can never awnser a question about a comunity properly, I've been part of some horrid forums and that has skewed the way I see it all.

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I can never awnser a question about a comunity properly, I've been part of some horrid forums and that has skewed the way I see it all.

How appropriate you fight like a cow.

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Great idea. Thanks for doing this, OP. Hopefully Rocket and team will have the time to see these. Some mmo's have exit surveys (optional of course) so that they can see what a broader base of players is thinking about their game. I know rocket is doing things his own way (which is great because people are so tired of the "tried and true" gameplay methods), but it couldn't hurt to have statistics to look at, and forums aren't really representative of what most people feel.

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-Tell a joke! -Talk about the weather! -Insult a person above you! Something on topic or a simple "done" will do too.

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A good effort but, as was mentioned before, the what you hate about Day-Z question should be multiple choice. Also, the do you tend to play in groups? question is loaded. It should read:

Do you tend to play in groups?

-Nope, I'm a lone wolf

-I sometimes play with buddies

-I sometimes team up with strangers

-I always play in a group

There was no option for sometimes playing with buddies.

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Also, the do you tend to play in groups? question is loaded. It should read:

Do you tend to play in groups?

-Nope, I'm a lone wolf

-I sometimes play with buddies

-I sometimes team up with strangers

-I always play in a group

There was no option for sometimes playing with buddies.

Good point.

A good effort but, as was mentioned before, the what you hate about Day-Z question should be multiple choice.

Thing is, most of the given choices in that questions relate to things that objectively need ironing out. I think everyone would agree that they'd like DayZ better if there were less bugs, less hackers, less cheaters, if the tents were more reliable, etc. So I don't really see any point in making this question multiple choice when everyone would give the same answer. Now forcing people to choose their biggest pet peeve can help the developers adjust their efforts to community's feedback.

Edited by eel

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What is it that you dislike most about DayZ?

Most annoying thing in DayZ is admin abuse!!! As soon as you steal a bus full with goodies - server restart! The past 2 dayz we were not able to go further then 10km before servers restart. And when you shoot admins squad (they usually alt+f4 like pros to ghost or live) and kick or ban you from server. All my experience from the past 4-5 dayz makes me want to rent a server to be the fucking boss for once.

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