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andrestander (DayZ)

My patch notes

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-Surviving is way too easy

-Dayz is turning into Resident Evil Operation Raccon City, a deathmatch 3rd person shooter with zombies.

-Basic survival tools are way too common and easy to find.

-Banditing is a part of game nevertheless.

Current Changelog (WIP):

* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased

* [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD spawn chance slightly decreased, includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24

* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype

* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows the transfusion of blood from yourself to other players or the opposite. You can not transfuse blood to yourself off a dead body.

* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself.

* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now.

* [NEW] Alice pack back spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch

* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased.

* [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz

* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion

* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against human players now back to its original stats.

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against zombies is the same. Now you have to either aim for the head or the legs of the zombie (Would be easier since their zig-zaggy motion and their superhuman speed is fixed).

* [NEW] Primary weapons such as the AK-74 damage increased against zombies. (Now you actually might think of using your primary weapon against zombies)

* [NEW] Increased Matchbox spawn chance

* [NEW] If you re-fill canteen from a lake, water must be boiled before drinking. You'll need an empty tin can, the canteen and a fire. The action automatically boils all the water in your canteen and re-fill them making them good for drinking again.

* [NEW] Enfield spawn chance slightly decreased.

* [NEW] Animals spawn chance decreased

* [NEW] Cooked meat refils 400 blood only instead of 800. Canned food refils 100 blood isntead of 200.

* [NEW] Vehicles and bicycles are now generally more common. (More spawn locations for them. Would be needed since ACE mod removes the unlimited stamina bullshit. No more olympics marathon running, find a vehicle)

* [NEW] A huge variety of civilian skins now spawn and have a high spawn chance. Allows easier recognition of friendlies and diversity in player looks.

Edited by andrestander
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Your patch would have the playstyle of 'find gun, kill players, looting is now a complete waste of time if i can't find food/water reliably let them do it for me then kill them'

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Your patch would have the playstyle of 'find gun, kill players, looting is now a complete waste of time if i can't find food/water reliably let them do it for me then kill them'

Guns would be harded to find. Besides, you would be a lot more worried into getting into a firefight because you might have collected some surviving tools yourself and don't want to loose them.

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-Surviving is way too easy

-Dayz is turning into Resident Evil Operation Raccon City, a deathmatch 3rd person shooter with zombies.

-Basic survival tools are way too common and easy to find.

-Banditing is a part of game nevertheless.

Current Changelog (WIP):

* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased

* [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD spawn chance slightly decreased, includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24

* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype

* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows the transfusion of blood from yourself to other players or the opposite. You can not transfuse blood to yourself off a dead body.

* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself.

* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now.

* [NEW] Alice pack back spawn chance decreased.

* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch

* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased.

* [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz

* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion

* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against human players now back to its original stats.

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against zombies is the same. Now you have to either aim for the head or the legs of the zombie (Would be easier since their zig-zaggy motion and their superhuman speed is fixed).

* [NEW] Primary weapons such as the AK-74 damage increased against zombies. (Now you actually might think of using your primary weapon against zombies)

* [NEW] Increased Matchbox spawn chance

* [NEW] If you re-fill canteen from a lake, water must be boiled before drinking. You'll need an empty tin can, the canteen and a fire. The action automatically boils all the water in your canteen and re-fill them making them good for drinking again.

* [NEW] Enfield spawn chance slightly decreased.

* [NEW] Animals spawn chance decreased

* [NEW] Cooked meat refils 400 blood only instead of 800. Canned food refils 100 blood isntead of 200.

* [NEW] Vehicles and bicycles are now generally more common. (More spawn locations for them. Would be needed since ACE mod removes the unlimited stamina bullshit. No more olympics marathon running, find a vehicle)

* [NEW] A huge variety of civilian skins now spawn and have a high spawn chance. Allows easier recognition of friendlies and diversity in player looks.

Another comedian.. buoy you guys are a laugh a minute :D

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This sounds more like someone's unhappiness of other people benefiting from the game's mechanics. Shocking.

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Damn, I opened this and the official and thought this wasthe actual one, the first patch notes I've seen in a while that made me go "theeeeeeeere we go!!! These would be good changes, coming from someone with a lot of hours in DayZ, especially the vehicles.

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Hahahaha, for a moment I tought you where actually serious.

Good joke, now run along kiddo.

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Whats with all the keyboard warriors shitting all over this guy's suggestion? Get a fucking life and learn to stop being american and start to listen, intake and digest change.

He is not a developer but rather just a member of community like all of you and (unlike your lazy 300lb ass) has put some time into making a list of things (which for one I like) for developers to look at and maybe implement

Just because you love call of duty so much and want everything to be pussy-friendly does not mean the game should follow the path you want it to keep. Nor should a game ever keep same mechanics as those get boring extremely quickly (anyone with over 100hrs played will agree)

Edited by v1ktor
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Why all the hate?

Most of these suggestions are pretty sensible. The syringe thing is a bit far out, yeah, and the boiling water mechanic is a bit too tricky to be worthwhile .... but apart from that why not?

Have some beans for the effort.

Edit - but really, this should be in the suggestions forum ...

Edited by Bottlerocket
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My Patch notes

* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans now come in supermarket basic brands for the poor

* [NEW] Soda cans can now fizz and splash all over the consumer

* [NEW] Bloodbags have a chance to spawn with AIDS

* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD Have a chance to spawn in pink. includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24

* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL have a chance to fire a bang sign out the barrel.

* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype, some with AIDS, others with Herpies.

* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows you to bang up heroin. You can not bang up a dead body for shits and giggles

* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself, also, you can wear goth clothes and run around pretending to be a vampire

* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now, some characters spawn colour blind for added realism

* [NEW] Alice in wonderland lunch box now available

* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch with a hole in it.

* [NEW] Sowing kit now added to fix the hole in the Czech vest pouch. Rare find.

* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn with a real Coyote inside

* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion. They now do the correct moonwalk from the thriller video as previously intended.

* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed but they can fly.

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Actually - could those going NO NO NO please explain exactly what they have against these suggestions?

Because a lot of these posts are coming across a bit 'whiney childy' imho.

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Another comedian.. buoy you guys are a laugh a minute :D

Another comedian.. buoy you guys are a laugh a minute :D

Wish there was a button to 'give you my beans then blow your head off and paint 'lol' on the wall with your brain matter'

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-Surviving is way too easy ---- agreed

-Dayz is turning into Resident Evil Operation Raccon City, a deathmatch 3rd person shooter with zombies.

-Basic survival tools are way too common and easy to find. ----agreed

-Banditing is a part of game nevertheless.

Current Changelog (WIP):

* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased --- agreed

* [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased. --- agreed

* [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased. --- agreed

* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD spawn chance slightly decreased, includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24 -- i never find them anyway - 2 dmrs in over two months and 1 svd.

* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL spawn chance decreased. --- same, hardly ever find them- 2 fnfals in over two months

* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype

* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows the transfusion of blood from yourself to other players or the opposite. You can not transfuse blood to yourself off a dead body. --- interesting

* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself.

* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now.

* [NEW] Alice pack back spawn chance decreased. ---- agreed, i find the bastids everywhere.

* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch --- patrol pack is small enough i think

* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased.

* [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz

* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion

* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed ---- doesnt bother, u can lose them easily anyway

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against human players now back to its original stats.

* [NEW] Sidearm damage against zombies is the same. Now you have to either aim for the head or the legs of the zombie (Would be easier since their zig-zaggy motion and their superhuman speed is fixed).

* [NEW] Primary weapons such as the AK-74 damage increased against zombies. (Now you actually might think of using your primary weapon against zombies)

* [NEW] Increased Matchbox spawn chance --- sometimes i find 5 packs in five minutes, any more and i will be a pyro

* [NEW] If you re-fill canteen from a lake, water must be boiled before drinking. You'll need an empty tin can, the canteen and a fire. The action automatically boils all the water in your canteen and re-fill them making them good for drinking again. --- interesting.Especially with less soda cans.

* [NEW] Enfield spawn chance slightly decreased.

* [NEW] Animals spawn chance decreased

* [NEW] Cooked meat refils 400 blood only instead of 800. Canned food refils 100 blood isntead of 200. --- agreed

* [NEW] Vehicles and bicycles are now generally more common. (More spawn locations for them. Would be needed since ACE mod removes the unlimited stamina bullshit. No more olympics marathon running, find a vehicle)

* [NEW] A huge variety of civilian skins now spawn and have a high spawn chance. Allows easier recognition of friendlies and diversity in player looks.

I'm all for ramping up the hardness, as it is atm as soon as you need something you can generally get it within a couple of miniutes, basics like food , drink and low tier weapons , alice packs and survival items- hatchet,matches, knife,map, compass, watch.

Some of your ideas are cool, even if only a switchable option on hardcore servers or something.

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I'll just elaborate on the problems i see then.


Food/Drink items decreased, weapons decreased, ammo decreased in relation, backpack upgrades decreased, spawning with a smaller backpack.

Basically in essence this makes the Risk Vs Reward of looting favor the risk side to me, if i go into a city/town, looking for supplies, i may come up with nothing but empty cans because the spawn rate has been lowered, this means i have no incentive to actually do any looting because it'll waste my time.

This makes camping and banditry more reliable in finding supplies.


Take away the unpredictable movement and speed and they are no longer even an annoyance.

If they shamble and just walk straight, free headshots for your stat bar, no challenge, no sense of danger.

Plus you might want to read Rockets views, he prefers Infected, Infected can run and sprint.


Blood types are a little strange, unnecessary in my opinion, why use a syringe when i could use a blood bag? unless you make bags spawn at ridiculously low rates rivalling antibiotics. Which would be stupid.

Water boiling makes little sense, there is no possible way that every single lake, pond and river in Day Z is stagnant, they already removed refilling at the coast. This makes it even more annoying to refill canteens.

Cooked Meat is a no, only possible way for a soloist to refill blood and it's fine as it is at 800. Refilling blood with canned foods is rarely done and to costly to be effective.

Edit: Taking away unlimited sprint is bad, it's already bad enough running long distance, even with increased vehicle spawns as you'd propose, low chance of finding one yourself, since clans hoard them for the sake of hoarding them. Also server hoppers camp them.

Edited by Momiji
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adding stamina will kill the game for most players. i will not play a game like this if stamina is add, too much running already

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My Patch notes

* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans now come in supermarket basic brands for the poor

* [NEW] Soda cans can now fizz and splash all over the consumer

* [NEW] Bloodbags have a chance to spawn with AIDS

* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD Have a chance to spawn in pink. includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24

* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL have a chance to fire a bang sign out the barrel.

* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype, some with AIDS, others with Herpies.

* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows you to bang up heroin. You can not bang up a dead body for shits and giggles

* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself, also, you can wear goth clothes and run around pretending to be a vampire

* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now, some characters spawn colour blind for added realism

* [NEW] Alice in wonderland lunch box now available

* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch with a hole in it.

* [NEW] Sowing kit now added to fix the hole in the Czech vest pouch. Rare find.

* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn with a real Coyote inside

* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion. They now do the correct moonwalk from the thriller video as previously intended.

* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed but they can fly.

Literally laughed out loud at each one of those points. I'd play that game.

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