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Big Skrimpin'

[VIDEO] How to See At Night

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Quick give this dude more beans!

What the fuck are you doing showing exploits...as if the game isn't broken enough as it is. I found an exploit to see through walls/buildings, i'm not telling anyone and niether should you tell this one. Too many people know already. Playing DayZ at night is fucking awsome, grab a light/flares/chem AND if you can handle the heat gtfo the sever. Thanks for spoiling it for the people who play legit.

You show us your true colours by posting this instead of a guide to playing at night time. Ohh... you can't make a guide b/c you have no idea what to do! I suppose learning how to use torches/chemlights/flares both for offense and defense, usings the sounds of your boot tread to follow a path, aiming the camera up at the sky in third person to see your silhouette aginast the stars when you loose your oritentaiton, finding the northern star, is all to much to take in.

The amount of butthurt exposed by some in here is quite amusing. Get over yourselves desktop-pro's.

Cleary this person doesn't mind being exploited to death. Pass his name onto some hackers/contract killers, might save a few of us being griefed.

Edited by Trizzo

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Calling this an exploit is absolutely absurd. Yeah.. 'exploiting' the options menu provided by the game. Give me a break. That's almost like saying you shouldn't tell people zombies can't run indoors.

Until brightness and gamma settings are normalized it is absolute suicide to play the game any other way. The more people who know about this the more balanced the game will be.

If you prefer to play at a massive disadvantage for the sake of immersion and 'scouts honor,' that's your choice and your funeral. Trying to keep a well known, commonly used options tweak from new players is just absurd and unfair.


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NVGs google have the ultimate advantage.

You would hope so.. That's why people use them.. If you're too scared to throw chem-lights and flares, or turn on your flashlight. then go play something that isn't "too tough" for you, and Stop whining.

P.S- Turning up gamma and HDR break the entire concept of night time. This shouldn't be about "How to abuse." maybe throw a suggestion in the forums and voice your opinions on the subject you feel should change.

Edited by picky

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personally i like playing when it's pitch black, no messing with vid settings, just a gun with military flashlight.

It's scary as hell therefore it's fun

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This topic had its time. Do NOT resurrect threads that old for an insignificant reason.


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