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[VIDEO] How to See At Night

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Meant more for players who don't know the gamma trick and are frustrated with all of the servers they can access being played at night.

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Nice, now we need an alt + F4 tutorial for when players miss their sniping shot and decide to disapear before getting shot back at.

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Yeah...this is not really something you should advertise. It is a exploit, and should be treated as such.

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Really, I think I should advertise it.

Helps combat the NVG baddies who think they're invisible at night.

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This is a good tip, hopefully they fix this in near future patch. It's still hard to see with the gamma option max. NVGs google have the ultimate advantage.

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Really, I think I should advertise it.

Helps combat the NVG baddies who think they're invisible at night.

Bur you could still just do it fairly like blinding them with flares... It is kind of the same thing as if you could change the map too see every one on it :/

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This kinda ruins the whole realism of the game which Rocket strives for... Nice one man... Want to kill the game anymore?

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This kinda ruins the whole realism of the game which Rocket strives for... Nice one man... Want to kill the game anymore?

rising gamma its an exploit that helps to stand against poorly designed night. being unable too see your hands during night, with lots of stars in the sky, yeah, so realistic...

Edited by Frozen
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rising gamma its an exploit that helps to stand against poorly designed night. being unable too see your hands during night, with lots of stars in the sky, yeah, so realistic...

Go out into the woods without a flashlight

Even on a stary night you wouldn't be able to see shit.

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Go out into the woods without a flashlight

Even on a stary night you wouldn't be able to see shit.

of course you wont see shit in the woods, during the night, cuz leaves block all the light. but in the open field there is no problem to see 5-20 meters in front of you, if there are stars in sky.

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I'd better stick to my flashlight \ flares \ NVG than use some kind of half-fixed glitch.

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Oh yeah, I've done that. Also can change your screens brightness & contrast.


And as long as I have my G17, I have no need to change anything.

Edited by CerebralZombie

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Pitch black night, super realistic. I live in the country and unless there is complete cloud cover, you can still see...

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Pitch black night, super realistic. I live in the country and unless there is complete cloud cover, you can still see...

if you can see the moon and the stars, arma nights arent that dark. but in cloudy nights with no source of light avaiable, hell yeah they are.

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if you can see the moon, arma nights arent that dark. but in cloudy nights with no source of light avaiable, hell yeah they are.

fixed for you. stars in arma arent sources of light.

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Improved version:





Top of the morning, exploiter.

Edited by Inception.
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Everyone calling this an exploit is retarded. This is a semi-functional work around for what should be considered a bug.

Have any of you been outside at night in the country away from city lights like the setting of this game? I grew up there and even on fairly dark nights your eyes adjust enough to see pretty well--usually better than these adjusted settings let you see. You idiots go on and on about "realism", but apparently what you really mean is "unrealistic difficulty".

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Everyone calling this an exploit is retarded. This is a semi-functional work around for what should be considered a bug.

Have any of you been outside at night in the country away from city lights like the setting of this game? I grew up there and even on fairly dark nights your eyes adjust enough to see pretty well--usually better than these adjusted settings let you see. You idiots go on and on about "realism", but apparently what you really mean is "unrealistic difficulty".

Yeah I have actually, I go out with my rifle and 3.5 million candle power torch to lamp rabbits quite often and here in the English countryside it is PITCH BLACK. The only visible thing is the tree lines silhouetting off the sky. If this wasnt the case I wouldnt need a lamp. What is shown in this video is an exploit, pure and simple, just because its "realistically" bright at night where you live does not mean it is everywhere else in the world.

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If it's still in video options, I wouldn't call it an exploit. Besides, this is nothing compared to night googlies.

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If I was an admin and caught someone doing the it was be an instant ban. Because this is just strait up cheating, and also visibility at night is suppose to have down sides up until you get night vision. But on the night of night vision, battery's need to be included and also different generations (which makes a huge difference in night vision devices).

So suck it up use your flash light, chefs, or flares like you are suppose to instead of pulling shit like this.

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Really, I think I should advertise it.

Helps combat the NVG baddies who think they're invisible at night.

What? But they are invisible effectively, the human eye isn't trained to see at night. NVG's are, your argument is invalid.

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If I was an admin and caught someone doing the it was be an instant ban. Because this is just strait up cheating, and also visibility at night is suppose to have down sides up until you get night vision. But on the night of night vision, battery's need to be included and also different generations (which makes a huge difference in night vision devices).

So suck it up use your flash light, chefs, or flares like you are suppose to instead of pulling shit like this.

Why the hell is this hacking for you? You can adjust the contrast, wow, thats a heavy hack. If its in the game it is there to use it. Besides everybody can use it. Its the same discussion with the 3rd person view where you can look "through" walls, and that is obviously very realistic. All others on the server can use it too, so its not a bad thing. But why is adjusting your gamma and contrast a bad thing?

Edited by Vault_12

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Yeah I have actually, I go out with my rifle and 3.5 million candle power torch to lamp rabbits quite often and here in the English countryside it is PITCH BLACK. The only visible thing is the tree lines silhouetting off the sky. If this wasnt the case I wouldnt need a lamp. What is shown in this video is an exploit, pure and simple, just because its "realistically" bright at night where you live does not mean it is everywhere else in the world.

hey man i live in Australia and go shooting fairly often and if you don't use your spotlight in around 30 to 50 min your eyes will adjust, you can see fairly well. the longer you wait the better you can see aswell. so everytime you look at your light your eye go back to normal, and take another 30 to 50 min to adjust agian. but yes i do agree it is a bit of an exploit

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