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So what do you think is the stupidest thing about this game that you have seen.

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Here is a few things I have noticed:

Breaking of legs by running down stairs too fast. Cause the 3 foot drop was just too much.

Need a water bottle to drink, can't drink directly from a water pump or water, apparently you come to the island trained to use every weapon known to man, but when it comes to drinking from a body of water you just slap your face into it and aren't smart enough to drink.

Reloading you hatchet.......

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The hatchet reloading is because in the arma 2 engine there are NO melee weapons, so the hatchet is actually a ranged weapon that is reskinned with a very toned down effective range.

EDIT: The stupidest thing about this game currently is the zombie pathing... but I can't really complain because the zombies are just reskinned animals with an AOE damage added to them... Maybe it will be cleaner in the standalone.

Edited by BunnyHillPro

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People who play this like it was a fully finished game and rage when they hit bugs caused by the fact that it's not even in beta stage yet. ;)

Edited by Cyanyde

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The hatchet reloading is because in the arma 2 engine there are NO melee weapons, so the hatchet is actually a ranged weapon that is reskinned with a very toned down effective range.

Maybe that it why it sounds like a gun when you use it. That's some great programming there.

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everything you listed has to do with it being in alpha the game isnt finished yet.

the dumbest thing that DAYZ DEVS have done is putting a pile of shit infront of the nw airfield air control tower...ive broken my legs on that piece of shit so many times..ive never broken my legs on stairs before though..closest thing to that would be me breaking my legs from one zombie hit through the floor a floor down in the apartment buildings.

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Roulette-level Zombie vision. Will he see you? Will he not? Zombie 2 meters away is blind, but the zombie across town is hauling ass to get you.

Breaking your leg by crawling over a pebble. A one degree incline? Broken leg.

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Players who don't pay for anything feeling entitled to having everything.

Fanboy trolls are out in force today.

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the dumbest thing that DAYZ DEVS have done is putting a pile of shit infront of the nw airfield air control tower


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everything you listed has to do with it being in alpha the game isnt finished yet.

Ok here is my issue then. Why the hell have an OPEN ALPHA?? I mean really you have a concept that is gold, I mean gold. Then you release this Alpha in a manner so damned rough that the concept comes off executed like crap. Meanwhile the mod because immensely popular and the big game companies now KNOW your concept is gold. I guarantee we are going to see some more polished knock offs within a year, all because the devs refused to use a proper development process.

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Random zombie knockout ability.

Get scratched once by a zombie? Enjoy bleeding like a retard.

Car steering.

Trying to shoot anything that is moving in general.

Guns and ammo everywhere.

Zombies punch you too hard? Enjoy your broken leg.

Bump ATV into anything = ATV goes BOOM

Bump car into garbage pile = Lose tires, hull and maybe engine.

Edited by Dickhat

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People who don't notice this is in Alpha.

Just to keep things clear. Alpha comes before Beta for those with less education.

Which means the game is no where near complete and will have a lot of things that need to be worked on, fixed, or simply removed of added.

So enjoy it for what it is.

What is it? One of the better Zombie games out there.

So please just enjoy and try and enjoy!

That is all.


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My all time favorite (ARMA 2 bug, not DayZ, but still happened while playing DayZ). Playing as a sniper, in a forest, see a player, time to lay down, wait my guy does a running dive and I break my neck against the tree and die.

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Ok here is my issue then. Why the hell have an OPEN ALPHA?? I mean really you have a concept that is gold, I mean gold. Then you release this Alpha in a manner so damned rough that the concept comes off executed like crap. Meanwhile the mod because immensely popular and the big game companies now KNOW your concept is gold. I guarantee we are going to see some more polished knock offs within a year, all because the devs refused to use a proper development process.

but thats what alpha is personally il deal with all the bugs ive lost the rarest gear to a tree killing me but i have so much fun i cant stop playing and it helps the devs make a better game from everyone submitting bugs games take along time to make id rather play the alpha then read about this awesome mod for a year or 2 or maybe never even get finished like alot of mods releasing it in alpha made arma 2 sales skyrocket which probably helps them pay for the team to make the mod. just be patient my friend it will be a masterpiece come arma 3

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My all time favorite (ARMA 2 bug, not DayZ, but still happened while playing DayZ). Playing as a sniper, in a forest, see a player, time to lay down, wait my guy does a running dive and I break my neck against the tree and die.

Oh god :'D so funny to imagine that scene hahah

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Players who don't pay for anything feeling entitled to having everything.

alotz of us paid for just day-z, so we paid for this not arma 2.

non of us wood of got it if dayz waznt around.

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Welcome to the Arena!

Deathmatch classic.

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People playing DayZ as quake death match.

This, the game is in alpha and VERY playable as an alpha game and very fun at it's core. The deathmatch community with no sense of "build the world yourself" may just continue to make this game a deathmatch. No longer about killing for survival but killing for killings sake, nothing tops the stupidity of this. So sad to see a community with no sense of "community". This game could be so much more with players oraganizing and enforcing there own rules in towns, hunting down bandits, working together, and killing for the sake of survival.

Oh...what a game this could be.

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alotz of us paid for just day-z, so we paid for this not arma 2.

non of us wood of got it if dayz waznt around.

It's called server hosting, and I'm talking the people who bitch about admins being abusive when they are honestly trying to keep their server clean, which is their job. For people to demonize them is just biting the hand that feeds.

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My all time favorite (ARMA 2 bug, not DayZ, but still happened while playing DayZ). Playing as a sniper, in a forest, see a player, time to lay down, wait my guy does a running dive and I break my neck against the tree and die.

Haha, something similar caused my first death in the game - happened to me on top of a lighthouse, glitched through the guard rail and died :D

Ok here is my issue then. Why the hell have an OPEN ALPHA?? I mean really you have a concept that is gold, I mean gold. Then you release this Alpha in a manner so damned rough that the concept comes off executed like crap. Meanwhile the mod because immensely popular and the big game companies now KNOW your concept is gold. I guarantee we are going to see some more polished knock offs within a year, all because the devs refused to use a proper development process.

Big talk for someone who clearly has no clue at all about a proper development process.

Just to let you know:

ALPHA means features are being added, features are being removed. Until the list of features is set in stone, it's an Alpha. Then, when it's up to just bug fixing, performance testing, etc. it's called a BETA. Having "open" Alpha or Beta has nothing to do with the development process (except stress testing at the latest stages of Beta, because you normally won't have enough people for a decent stress test), it's simply an accomodation for the community. This is still just Alpha and it's just due to Rockets good-will that we all can already enjoy the mod.

So, most stupid thing about this game has to be all these "experts" on the forum.

Edited by Teiwaz

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Maybe that it why it sounds like a gun when you use it. That's some great programming there.

I would also agree with the other comment about the fanboy trolls, but this is just uncalled-for. For all my frustrations with the game and the community as a whole, I still say you gotta thank Rocket for fixing connection issues and keeping the persistent experience going, and leaving very minor tweaks like this one dead last on their list.

Oh and let me take a drink from the lake with a can. :)

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