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Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

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I like #1 because I can grow an inch to my gaming e-peen by showing off that I was involved in an alpha (even though it was open), but I think it just has a bit too much on it - mainly the soldier. Therefore, I choose #2.

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Are these shirts ever going to get released? How long is this poll going to last for?

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just noticed the poll is closed.. oh well. Sure it was open when i first commented tho.

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I would never wear a t-shirt with text on it.

Option two is simple and looks cool, if somebody don't even like the DayZ logo he wouldn't buy any DayZ t-shirt

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Just put em all up so I don't have to kill a bunch of ppl with poor taste to get the clearly superior option 1.

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Realy how could option 1 loss. Would even try to get some peopels for a import , to germany, of the first desing.

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also, more designs?

"property of chernarus tourism dept."

"university of chernogorsk"

something in cyrillic with a zombie


these are just off the top of my head, im sure you could come up with lots more that people would buy.

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Option two - DayZ logo,This shirt will not take down :-)

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Option 1 all the way.

Now shut up and take my money!

Haha, I want one too! :D

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