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HOTFIX Rollng Update

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Yap, stats are still messed up.

I keep spawning in the middle of the map and with a bandit skin and wrong stats (ie, kills).

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Doesn't look like it did. I keep spawning at the same spot with 4800 blood and low temperature, passed out.

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don't think the hotfix fix'd it....same respawn bug, only now some times I'm more or less immortal.....stumbling around with -38k blood and an army of zombies around me before admin reset server....

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Not even going to download this one because of what I see above.

I just hope you fix this soon, Rocket. Good luck, and thanks for the quick fixes. Can't wait to start playing again.

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i spawn in the wilderness, which is a nice open hilly place where a few other players seem to be spawning too, we have some fun shooting at each other with makarovs but it'd be real nice if we could spawn in chernarus some time soon :/ on the other hand this update did fix the spawning issue for my friend, so it seems he got lucky and i didn't, thanks for being quick about it anyway :D

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i'm still spawning as a bandit ( never killed anyone) , bleeding and with a broken bone

But the FPS seems to be stable now

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Because the server and client use the same mod files.

Not really. Do you see a master-server sources in your mod folder? I dont. Is the master-server written on arma's scripts? I doubt.

You're being pedantic. Of course the servers need certain server-specific files, but the code file that was updated is also used by the servers.

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IMO Rocket should put hive server down until this thing gets sorted.

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You're being pedantic. Of course the servers need certain server-specific files' date=' but the code file that was updated is also used by the servers.


Arma servers does not deals with the count-limit of characters in 3rd-party database.

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Is it safe to play? The hotfix ran fine for me but after all the stuff I've been reading I don't wanna spawn dead and lose all my stuff.

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Awesome, finally got some decent gear.

died but I know where my body is, get there and get shot again, turns out apprantly I have the bandit skin, it wasnt until then i realised that the debug says I killed 120 zombies (which I haven't) and murddered 6 people ...

Due to this I am now nailed by anyone on sight .. excellent...

let me know when this bug is fixed as I spend my entire time helping others, just utterly infruating to be branded a bandit without any cause.

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Tent placement is a bit easier now, though still not obvious where you can and can't place it and when I could, I actually had the sound and animation, plus tent was placed but somehow I had a duplicate of the tent still in my inventory.

Also, with the new interface, you can right click/activate a tent to place it multiple times, even during animation, which seems to bug out a bit and might be related to duplication.

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i spawn in the wilderness' date=' which is a nice open hilly place where a few other players seem to be spawning too, we have some fun shooting at each other with makarovs but it'd be real nice if we could spawn in chernarus some time soon :/ on the other hand this update did fix the spawning issue for my friend, so it seems he got lucky and i didn't, thanks for being quick about it anyway :D


I spawned in like this (still with all my gear thank god) after a bunch of the EU servers started pooping themselves around 10pm. As far as I know this was the only one of these areas aside from the debug forest - correct me if I'm wrong - but I spawned somewhere millions of miles off to the northwest in the randomly generated offmap terrain, but after about 40 minutes of running managed to end up back in the map boundaries.

If you have a compass, spawn in, sprint at full tilt due south (it's a long ass run believe me, make sure you have at least 1 food/drink just in case) until you hear the sounds of the ocean. There won't actually be an ocean so don't keep running else when you reach the game area you will end up in the water before long. Once you hit the ocean sounds, start heading due east immediately and before long you should end up on the end of the railtrack that leads directly out of Kamenka to the edge of the map.

Of course, if there are other areas like this aside from this one then welp

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He just made the mod working with 1 million characters.

The database is still messed up and should be reset to that point before it crashed. We would all be happy with that i think. And new players who came when it crashed, wont notice anything because they're bugged, too.

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Because my sarcasm didn't go over too well - thanks for the quick and constant updates' date=' Rocket. I'm loving DayZ. Just wish the community knew how to click + drag.

EDIT: -10 Rep from that one post. This is kind of... I don't know. Odd.


If people don't get Rocket being sarcastic they certainly won't get you.

I'm am curious why rocket keeps dead characters in the database if they've been dead for more than a few days. I thought you'd run weekly cleanup jobs. But I guess you can't do stat tracking if that was the case.

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when can we download the patch, downloads page still offline..

when when??

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the patch has made things worse for me rocket.

please take time with ya next fix.

Im sure people can wait :D

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Because my sarcasm didn't go over too well - thanks for the quick and constant updates' date=' Rocket. I'm loving DayZ. Just wish the community knew how to click + drag.

EDIT: -10 Rep from that one post. This is kind of... I don't know. Odd.


If people don't get Rocket being sarcastic they certainly won't get you.

The internet is a cruel, cruel place. Who would want to live in a world without sarcasm?

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