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Why this mod is failing

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To the person that said player behavior should never be punished...

Player behavior is punished. Repeatedly. Every time you accept a 'friendly' call, in fact. You get punished for it by the player.

So there are currently zero punishments for being a bandit, and the punishment of death for being friendly. Huh.

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I'm going to break the rules you set at the beginning of the thread and say it.

It's an alpha of a mod.

Not only functionally and mechanically, but conceptually as well. The overall premise of the game is evolving and will continue to evolve for months upon months to come.

You're correct. Right now, there's no incentive to be friendly. There's no reason for players to be friendly towards one another, especially after you've gotten your NVGs and AS50s. It's up to Rocket to create a full-fledged game that gives players something to do OTHER than torture freshly-spawned players. And I'm confident that he will.

It's an alpha, and that is exactly why you dont play this. If they want free game testers then the developers better fix the bugs and problems that are causing their "free testers" to go away. I wont be playing Dayz anymore until the stand alone and I dont have any confidence in the developers to get anything right. It's time to stop hoping and start seeing some results.

He is absolutely right, The game is a free for all death match with a bunch of a super, ghosting, zombies getting in the way of finding a starting weapon.

People kill unarmed players now and brag about it on the forums. The community is destroying the game-play and there is no incentive for the game-testers to keep playing. The game is full of gltiches and headaches like picking up back packs or zombies flying through walls and KO you in 1 hit.

Where's the incentive to keep playing this until the stand alone comes out?

We are free game testers and we get payed in new content and fixing the buggish crap that bothers us.

Edited by VISION305

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If i had the money for a server i would do the same. I want a less stressful gameplay then getting something and dying to some bored prick that calls himself a bandit. I have always thought that some sort of none pvp gamemode/server would be cool. yes it may get boring but thats when you start shooting all zombies instead of sneaking by them. and making it more interesting... or going on a different server... if you could send me info on how to set up a server like this that would be awesome! (pm me info if you can give it to me as i don't check specific threads much and i sure as hell don't catch up on them after a few days)

you dont need money to rent a server like this.

the server is running on my pc while im playing, no performance problems.

i will pm you later today with some information about that ;)

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more than 1 000 000 single users. Failing? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure...

Edited by daedrick

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And when the only people playing this new 'finished game' are all bandits and have chased away all semblence of civility...?

This has been in developement long enough for people to point out the crucial flaws.

Half of the problem is the community, half of it is the complete lack of end game content. Get loot. Run away from/shoot zombies. Shoot players. Get more loot. There is nothing else.

The mentality has already skewed at least 90% of the community to the 'shoot on sight, shoot first' mentality. And with no end game goals to strive for...people just shoot other people for fun, further reinforcing the 'shoot first' mentality. The game might not be failing in numbers, but the gameplay is failing.

You know why 'non hive' servers are fun? They have a giant lack of bandits. And usually have side chat. It actually feels like a couple months back, when you could team up with someone you'd never met before. Try that now. Enjoy respawning. :3


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Lol. People are cunts. You're right. And like someone said, there are more and more people who TRIED THIS GAME, but that doesnt mean they keep playing it. I'd give you all my beans. It doesnt matter this mod is alpha. Its about human nature.

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There are two reasons why me and my friends have stopped playing a lot...

#1--Why spend so much time gather stuff if there is no way to actually save it. Our vehicle and tents keep dissappearing or just deleting stuff and its really got annoying. There is no reason to spend hours repairing vehicles and collecting parts if it wont be there tomorrow night.

#2 Hackers/Cheaters/Script Kiddies--Our server has been under attack for the last 2-3 weeks, which is why we think all our stuff keeps disappearing. They are the real reason this mod will fail.

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Here is an idea, for people who are friendlies they will have some icon over their head so this way other friendly or neutral people (noobs who dont have play time) will know not to shoot them or be afraid. While on the other hand if your a bandit (a record of killing other survivors) you will no icon so if other people see you they know they should shoot you on sight or be shot. At the same time as a bandit you wont have the option of seeing that icon on people who are "friendly" as it makes them an easier target. This way there will be less hostility to survivors actually trying to survive and group up to kill the assholes... it will also give people another end goal in this game. This is just an idea and sure something better could be implemented for the singleplayer who doesnt have the time looking for a group before joining a server.

For the system, anytime you shoot survivors you gain towards bandit and as a survivor the more time you play without shooting other survivors you gain the icon.

Another idea is to make teams upon joining either friendly survivor or bandit survivor... friendlys are unable to kill other friendlys but can kill bandits, while bandits can kill both. As it is right now there is no designation to either everyone will just end up shooting each other because they dont trust anyone.

Edited by MikeTee

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There are two reasons why me and my friends have stopped playing a lot...

#1--Why spend so much time gather stuff if there is no way to actually save it. Our vehicle and tents keep dissappearing or just deleting stuff and its really got annoying. There is no reason to spend hours repairing vehicles and collecting parts if it wont be there tomorrow night.

#2 Hackers/Cheaters/Script Kiddies--Our server has been under attack for the last 2-3 weeks, which is why we think all our stuff keeps disappearing. They are the real reason this mod will fail.

#3 Duping

#4 ALT+F4 / DC

#5 Zeds too weak and too low audible range for weapons (make zombies hear like humans if you shoot your M107 etc.)

Everything of those mentioned supports a bandit playstyle and punishes you to be a survivor.

Its harder to be a survivor than a bandit.

And its not that cool.

Survivors should be able to do housing etc. bandits should only be able to set up the tents. that would make a real cool difference in playstyle.

Edit: Survivors should be able to build small villages or fortify existing villages with bulletproff-walls, with own watersupply and energy support. With medical stations, etc.

Bandits should be able to raid that shit, but only with very rare gear.

Edited by liquidGG

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Once you look past it all this game is, is a deathmatch. The only reason to acquire gear is to kill each other. Zombies aren't even a threat. I've only died by them when either, A: They broke my leg by hitting my face or B: I was committing suicide to respawn. Players are the real threat. It's sad because if they increased the strength and AI of Zeds in the Mod or Stand alone, I think things would change. In reality Zombies would fuck you up, run non-stop, and never give up chase anytime you ducked behind some grass. They would be an actual threat. Anytime you seen someone you would be a little more apt to help them. Hey, I realize banditing would happen in reality. But it wouldn't happen as much. The ONLY way to play this game is to group up with friends and fight everyone else. It's your group VS the world.

I say this could all be fixed with a few adjustments and patches. The real problem is hackers. But yeah, I agree.

Edited by BiGoDeViN
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#3 Duping

#4 ALT+F4 / DC

#5 Zeds too weak and too low audible range for weapons (make zombies hear like humans if you shoot your M107 etc.)

Everything of those mentioned supports a bandit playstyle and punishes you to be a survivor.

Its harder to be a survivor than a bandit.

And its not that cool.

Survivors should be able to do housing etc. bandits should only be able to set up the tents. that would make a real cool difference in playstyle.

Edit: Survivors should be able to build small villages or fortify existing villages with bulletproff-walls, with own watersupply and energy support. With medical stations, etc.

Bandits should be able to raid that shit, but only with very rare gear.

Thats a good idea, id like to see some player made small towns that could be accomplished via harvesting wood and scrap metal similar to a mod I played in FO3 and Fallen earth.

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Hacking is a bigger concern and more damaging to the mod than the lack of end-game features at the moment.

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Hacking is a bigger concern and more damaging to the mod than the lack of end-game features at the moment.


also at OP wtf did you think would happen? survivors wouldn't shoot eachother for gear?

you need to blame the game design not the players..

there needs to be a greater incentive for helping other random survivors

the problem is you can't flag whether someone is random or not and it will be metagamed to shit

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"No one tries to help others"

The other day me and a survivor I literally just met coming around the corner turned and looked into the firehouse and saw a guy being eaten by zombies. Without saying a word to each other or attempting to kill the other we went to save whoever this poor soul was. I was getting bored of being kitted up with full gear so I put it all somewhere and killed myself to respawn at the coast and interact with noobs. That was a fun time. Once we're finished recovering from a recent hack attack I think i'll do it again.

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QQ more. Crymore. Carebear. It's an alpha. Sneak. Harden up. tl;dr

Okay, now we got that out of the way, if you intended on posting any of those, a combination thereof, or something similiar, get the fuck out. Intelligent conversation only, and not your brownnosing bullshit.

This game is failing because bandits.

That's it. It's that simple.

But this stems from design problems, I guess. And basic human (read: fucktard) nature.

I don't have anything better to do, so I'm going to kill you.

So, you just snuck through the fringe towns. You got some sweet hardware from the deer stands or wherever it is you get your weapons. You have a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle in your backpack. You have matches, a hatchet, food, water, heat packs, morphine. You're all set. You have everything you'll ever need.

Now what?

You know what? nothing. There's not a single fucking thing to do once you get this gear. You can sneak past MORE zombies. Or you can shoot them. You can roam the wilderness looking for crashed helicopters and NVG's. You can search for better weapons. but what do you do when you get these weapons?

You go back to the coast and shoot the guys who just got the game. There's just nothing else to do. I personally, have never stooped to this level. I've killed a total of maybe four other players. And never have I laid in wait to shoot them. But this isn't about me. This is about every single other cunt that plays this game. You have nothing better to do once you get this gear, other than shoot PEOPLE with it. A .50 sniper rifle is not designed for use on zombies. Don't even try to pretend it is. It's used specifically for killing players.

Now, let's look at it from the other side. Say you're a person who genuinely wants to help, like, say, me. I like to help people who are in a spot of bother in this game. I was running cherno/elektro server hopping at one point taking down the barbed wire that server hoppers had been putting up to fence off pretty much every single bit of real estate in the cities.

But I don't interact with other players. Why? You're all bastards. Sure, maybe one in five or so won't shoot me on sight. The other four? I'm dead. I'm not restarting and losing all my shit because you decided to be an asshole.

This is the mentality that has ruined this mod, on BOTH SIDES. "It's just a game, let's be COMPLETE, UTTER ASSHOLES! :D " Don't even fucking pretend to me that that isn't what 90% of you bandits feel, deep down. It's just a game. None of it matters.

Well you know what? It's not a fun game.

It's not a fun game when no one will help you. It's just a long, hard slog through brutal mutated zombies with the running strength of an olympic athlete pumped full of speed and on a sugar rush, looking for loot with no 'end game' in sight. Your entire gaming existence comes down to surviving. That's what this mod should be. But there are people out there who don't WANT to survive. They just want to deathmatch. You've seen them. Fuck, a lot of you have BEEN THAT PERSON. Sitting on the sidelines of the NWAF with a sniper rifle waiting for some hapless 'noob' to wander into your sights. Camping in Cherno looking to shoot noobs.

'It's just a game'.

New players either convert to being a bandit, or stop playing. Or they group up with friends that they have to meet OUTSIDE the game, because ALL of you are two faced, backstabbing pricks, and then that's their clique. They don't step outside that zone.

The only interaction between player groups in this game is the whoosh of bullets flying past their goddamn faces. This is half the fault of the game design, and half the fault of YOU, the player.

Every time you camp in Cherno killing noobs, every time you snipe some guy who's arrived at NWAF for the first time. Every time you betray and backstab just for the sheer glee you get in your heart for being an anonymous cunt over the internet. This is what is destroying the game.

And don't even try to pretend it's not. Or next time you see someone who's actually armed, walk up to them and say 'friendly'. Go on. I'll wait.

Eventually, the supply of fresh-faced, naive recruits WILL diminish, at which point you'll all have what you want. You'll have a deathmatch in Cherno. You'll have a deathmatch at the NWAF. You'll have a deathmatch called Chernarus. Because that's the direction this community is DRIVING this game.

New players are forced away by the constant banditry, or convert to the banditry way of playing the game. I know I have. If I see a player, I don't help them. I hide. And if they see me, I shoot.

I was a fresh faced recruit once, hoping to actually play a survival game where survivors were pitted against bandits, and zombies fucked up everyone. But now, everyone is a bandit, and no one can be trusted. Ever.

This isn't a survival simulator any more. It's a bandit simulator.

And guess what?

The bandits are winning.

And to the people who will say 'hey, I'm not a bandit! I help people!' Yeah. Welcome to the 1% buddy. Congratulations.

For the blatently retarded. I don't get killed by bandits. I actually have no problem with bandits. I have no problem killing them, or avoiding them. I can kit myself up to full capacity without meeting a single other player. Woopity FUCKING do. What I don't like banditry or the bandits way of gaming, is what it's done to the game. No one tries to help others, and avoids all contacts with others, because 4 out of every 5 people play the game as a bandit and will kill you. If not for your loot, then just to be a cunt.

To the blatently retarded, obviously blind: I have NEVER BEEN SNIPED. I don't get killed by bandits! When I do, I suck it up and start over! Can I not make this more clear? This is not a complaint of 'bandits killed me waaah' it's a case of 'Bandit mentality killed what could have been an awesome game, waaaaah!'

Starting your post with the words "get the fuck out" in the first few lines and "brown nosing bullshit" is hardly intelligent now is it.

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Wait. Chernarus is a post apocalyptic, zombie infested wasteland... And people are mad about bandits? Jesus Christ Chernarus isn't a fucking rainbow island filled with ponies and love. This game is all about the hardcore PvP. That's why this mod is popular. If you hate bandits, you're playing the complete wrong game. Now Alt+F4? That's a whole other problem.

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Wow. I know a few necrophiles who wouldn't want to touch the limp remains of this thread, and yet people keep dragging it up with ancient rites of necomancy or some shit.

If you people still think that the current state of the game is perfect, and that bandicktry isn't a problem, then please, take it up with the 125+ 'dumb shits' who gave my OP beans. They seem to disagree.

I mean, shit. Even Rocket is taking measures against it.


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No one said it was perfect, but it sure as hell ain't failing like you say it is.

Edited by RamataKahn

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Yes, because I couldn't possibly be referring to the state of the game as opposed to the unique player count.

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Just because you don't like the current state of the game doesn't mean it's failing. Your title is incorrect and misleading.

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Just because you don't like the current state of the game doesn't mean it's failing. Your title is incorrect and misleading.

Why are you fighting so hard to apply your lack of comprehension on my thread? No one cares, mate. Stop beating a dead horse.

Unless, you know, you're into that.

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