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Bladez 0f Fury

The "Official" FIX on trust in DayZ

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This is probably the best way to fix trust on DayZ using THE GAME ENGINE.

If any of you have played ArmA2 you would know you could go into groups and spread your 40 man force out to 5 squads. So why not bring this back?

All we have is Group Chat, Vehicle chat and Direct chat. If you are to say join a server with some friends, you can all create a squad for easier communication in game and so you can see eachother (possibly even turn friendly fire off for groups IF possible on Regular and recruit difficulties)

Whats the advantages?

- You see who is your friends and enemies at a distance. Too many times I have shot my friends and killed them because the bandit that walked in had the same skin (Which is unrealistic because in Real Life, not everyone has the same face and clothing.)

- You get to chat directly to those who don't have skype or a mic and are on your "team"

- Makes use of the Group Chat

How would this help?

Two survivalists can Team up and the trust will not be as big of a factor. How? You can tell the man to join your group (Giving your name and or group id a-1-2) or die. If he does join the group, he can not leave until he logs out (preventing him from turning on him later on with the addition of Friendly fire being turned off.)

Any constructive criticism on this?

I know for a fact this can be put into game as it is already in game.

Edit: Forgot to add that you can infact lock squads form what I remember. :3 And if some maybe a Pass protection be put on some squads to prevent random people from joining.

Edited by Bladez 0f Fury
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Any constructive criticism on this?

Nah, don't think so. I'm against it. Just be more careful at what you shoot.

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Nah, don't think so. I'm against it. Just be more careful at what you shoot.

Why are you against it? What do you not like about it?

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... I would love that for sure!

Not because I shoot at friends (used to play RO2, only identifying by uniform prevents you from using a trigger on every sight of a player), but I like the "trust"-option it would provide when encountering a player.

Edited by @ndreas

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Could be cool, but I'd want ACRE or something similar governing communication. No magic group channel for you :-P

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A different type of chat channel will not change someone's trust. It may create more social players and perhaps save some lives, but ultimately people will still kill each other because there are no incentives to working together.

Blood Bags are the only incentive to group with someone so you can heal each other back to full after some PvP PvZ.

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This could even be a server-side option because it can take some realism out of the game. However I would use this and I think a fair few others would aswell.

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You're right that it's possible to create groups and lock them by a password, although your advantages are (IMHO) disadvantages to the game:

- You see who is your friends and enemies at a distance. Too many times I have shot my friends and killed them because the bandit that walked in had the same skin

The best thing I like about DayZ (and ARMA) is the fact that I can't see who is who, except by clothing and the weapon in use. The fact that we have to communicate to know where we are and discuss tactics to prevent friendly fire is essential to the gameplay.

- You get to chat directly to those who don't have skype or a mic and are on your "team"

This is the only advantage I see, however, since we don't have radios in-game, this wouldn't make sense. Direct chat is IMHO the only thing which should be used (since using Skype or TS is almost a legal cheat). If the Devs decide to implement radios (which is semi-confirmed) this will be fixed too, or atleast have the in-game VOIP fixed. However, it does require a microphone, but every gamer should have one anyway (or buy one for $5,-).

- Makes use of the Group Chat

Like I said; only Direct Chat (and Vehicle Chat?) should be enabled and radios should handle the long distance communication.

In the mean time; use Skype or TeamSpeak to play with friends. And if you're a really nice guy; invite strangers to talk with you ;)

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so, basically you killed your friends because... Because what? Skin problem? Wrong, because you suck at basic communication.

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so, basically you killed your friends because... Because what? Skin problem? Wrong, because you suck at basic communication.

When there are 2 of us (me and my friend) and 3 guys dancing around each other You can't tell who is who when they all have the same skin and weapons. Its Impossible.

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so, basically you killed your friends because... Because what? Skin problem? Wrong, because you suck at basic communication.

You suck at reading and comprehension.

I agree with OP and support this thread.


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You suck at reading and comprehension.

I agree with OP and support this thread.


thanks man!

Anyone else agree/support this?

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You can tell the man to join your group or die. If he does join the group, he can not leave until he logs out

Any constructive criticism on this?

You said you were wanting to establish trust right? Well this is a little extreme but it would be great so see the feature implemented. It makes common sense, you meet someone in real life, you know who it is. They may turn their back on you, but you know it was them. But then, surely everyone wants to be friendly right? Even bandits would enjoy small alliances.

This idea would accompany the suggestion I made well. It encourages PvP but in a healthy way. Survivors Vs Bandits. It's a subtle approach though. You should check out the thread, it will explain it better than I can.


Edited by Haplo

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How would this help?

Two survivalists can Team up and the trust will not be as big of a factor. How? You can tell the man to join your group (Giving your name and or group id a-1-2) or die. If he does join the group, he can not leave until he logs out (preventing him from turning on him later on with the addition of Friendly fire being turned off.

No, bullets, grenades, cans to the head and all that not damaging you isn't fixing trust, it's making it PvE.

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You can't change people, change the game and they will adapt to it or quit. Make the game more challenging and people will have to rethink their strategies.

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No, bullets, grenades, cans to the head and all that not damaging you isn't fixing trust, it's making it PvE.

Again, this is just a saftey net feature for those who WANT to be in a group but find it hard to trust others. A simple log in and out would change that and then the player can kill everyone in the group once again (after leaving.)

If they wanted to kill the player then they simply don't join the group. Its quite that simple.

You can't change people, change the game and they will adapt to it or quit. Make the game more challenging and people will have to rethink their strategies.

Yes I agree but with the way hackers have changed this game no one trusts another person anymore. This would restore the trust and like I just said above, people still have a choice. Its not binding anyone to ANYthing.

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Whats the advantages?

- You see who is your friends and enemies at a distance. Too many times I have shot my friends and killed them because the bandit that walked in had the same skin (Which is unrealistic because in Real Life, not everyone has the same face and clothing.)

You can change your face via your profile already

I'm against such game mechanics because they take away from the immersion and go against what this game represents to me, which is freedom from exactly such game mechanics. Individual clothing and skins are already planned for the future and should be enough to identify your friends.

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I want a group system in day-z through the form of an article of clothing, or even hats!

I would prefer to bring the arma II group system into Day-Z, but I want to be able to friendly fire. I love the fact that you can kill your friend, and if you take it away from people it starts to ruin the game.

I support bringing the group system to Day-Z, but I don't support PVE.

I just want an easier way to spot your teammate besides flares and chemlights.

Edit: If you really want this to stick around then don't leave this topic to die.

Edited by Partywaffle

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I know groups from Arma, too. The group leader can see his squadmates position, often with a little marker. He can see their status (injured/not) and they call out every annoying fence and bush they spot over a distance of three square miles. Plus, they re often bugged and keep repeating the same shit and you can't turn it off. Sure as hell that is not the system you'd want to see incorporated either.

The problem with making groups is that 90% of the people who get shot now, while they scavenge would get shot then, while they look to form a group. As much as I've had my problems with the original approach Dayz takes here, it is much better than bringing groups in as an imposed mechanism. Groups will have to form out of need to either get an item or because certain tasks need you to work together. It needs to be rewarding to form a group, not pose a reward by itself.

Granted, there will be groups in given time, but I think it should just give you the option to invite someone to your group, much like you would now chat to people while staying off their FOV. I'd really like to know how big the radius of Direct Talk is, because sometimes I can't tell if people aren't getting the message or chose to ignore it.Currently, I don't try to chat up people to join forces, but with a decent feature to invite them (e.g. when in viewing range and hover cursor above them = send invite) I sure would be inclined to ask players more often.

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You can change your face via your profile already

I'm against such game mechanics because they take away from the immersion and go against what this game represents to me, which is freedom from exactly such game mechanics. Individual clothing and skins are already planned for the future and should be enough to identify your friends.

No one ever changes there faces. Almost everyone in game has the same face then when you have ghiellies you can't even see the face. You can't see the arrows across the entire map from what i remeber but only at a certain distance. This would only be implemented (the arrows) until you no longer run into people who look like you. :P

I know groups from Arma, too. The group leader can see his squadmates position, often with a little marker. He can see their status (injured/not) and they call out every annoying fence and bush they spot over a distance of three square miles. Plus, they re often bugged and keep repeating the same shit and you can't turn it off. Sure as hell that is not the system you'd want to see incorporated either.

The problem with making groups is that 90% of the people who get shot now, while they scavenge would get shot then, while they look to form a group. As much as I've had my problems with the original approach Dayz takes here, it is much better than bringing groups in as an imposed mechanism. Groups will have to form out of need to either get an item or because certain tasks need you to work together. It needs to be rewarding to form a group, not pose a reward by itself.

Granted, there will be groups in given time, but I think it should just give you the option to invite someone to your group, much like you would now chat to people while staying off their FOV. I'd really like to know how big the radius of Direct Talk is, because sometimes I can't tell if people aren't getting the message or chose to ignore it.Currently, I don't try to chat up people to join forces, but with a decent feature to invite them (e.g. when in viewing range and hover cursor above them = send invite) I sure would be inclined to ask players more often.

I'm sure a simple script could get rid of the annoying "enemy at grid 005741

personally I get lonely when I play, I like the company of people and listening to people talk when I play. Not some much I need them as I have survived for 4 days now on a single life almost completely by myself (only had some friends one night for a couple hours)

I see where you are coming from but I would love to see DayZ combine with the radio mod (can't remember) giving players the option to talk over long distances.

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Yes, agreed, radio should be in it and groups should be possible. I just don't want them to be a commodity from the start, but rather something you develop as you move and scout along.

So far, I am avoiding other players. I often see them first. Other people just live for hunting other players. So there's two playstyles, mine if a bit boring for sure. I guess you play more like that, too. When there are groups you still won't know what kind of group they are (ingame or Skype), probably most of the groups made ingame would be more on the friendly/cooperative side, while the skypers just gun along. So maybe you should be able to hear a faint radio noise from survior groups that exist ingame, when they chat or talk. That would help me a lot and be entirely reasonable, imho.

Edited by S3V3N

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Sounds good, but I don't know how that would work in-gamen. I mean not being able to talk to everyone and not having A complete oversight is a part of this survivor game in my opinion. That's one of the things I like about the game I'ts stripped down clean look. I'ts still in development so I'd rather not see A GR:FS squad system implemented.

Maybe a skype icon next to your name or something if your really bent on this. Nothing more at least.

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You can tell the man to join your group (Giving your name and or group id a-1-2) or die. If he does join the group, he can not leave until he logs out (preventing him from turning on him later on with the addition of Friendly fire being turned off.)

Again, this is just a saftey net feature for those who WANT to be in a group but find it hard to trust others.

If they wanted to kill the player then they simply don't join the group. Its quite that simple.

This would restore the trust and like I just said above, people still have a choice. Its not binding anyone to ANYthing.

No, this gives YOU choice. It doesn't give me anything. I join your group or you kill me? Either I kill you first because I don't want to be in your group, or... wow really no other choice. I don't know you. I don't know if you're retarded or not. I don't know how many zombies are a little further behind chasing you. I don't want anything to do with you. But If I simply tell you no thanks, now everyone assumes I'm going on a murderous rampage?

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