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solo bandit tactics

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could you share your tactics on how to kill squads

right now i mainly stalk prey observing there movements and tactics once i figure out who the leader is i position myself for the shot always shooting from the left or right back side and in bursts hit the group as fast as possible and always making sure they are dead by a simple 4shots into the head of each dead body once they go down i take the loot and hide all but 2 of the body's and place them in a location of witch i have an overwatch waiting aprox 30mins if someone try's to loot it and otherwise hiding it and moving on to a secondary location

what are your tact's for disposal of a tactical squad i am still looking for a way to take over a helicopter squad since all my efforts have been futile

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Use a sniper rifle, don't be a shit shot, and be out of hearing distance so they can't easily ID where you're at.

Be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity, even if that means letting some kills go.

Distractions are key. Wait for a third party, then take one out when they're looting the others.

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the main problem i have with helicopters that i don't know where they land i've taken multiple shots on helicopters but it always ends with them dropping a sniper somewhere and me getting sniped shortly after

i rarely use snipers i usually leave them on body's i prefer the m4a1 assault rifle or the ak74

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M67 Grenade.

and then MK48 Mod 0.

There are pages and pages one could write about positioning etc but there are too many variables.

The only advantage you have is that of surprise and that it's just you - no comms needed, no blue on blue worries. You have to get all this done and over with in less than 10 seconds.

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what would you recommend the best place is to place a ambush on a helicopter, i got all day ill just lay down near it and drink my beers till one lands

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what would you recommend the best place is to place a ambush on a helicopter, i got all day ill just lay down near it and drink my beers till one lands

You won't guarentee a heli will land where you plan it, though.

However, if a heli does land it will be on a flat surface I imagine. If they hover before they land you could probably spray the pilot before they land, since you're using AKs and M4s.

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Nice topic. Here is one scenario I could use advice from. You spot a solo player, and drop him. how long do you leave to watch the area before running down to loot him? I am always worried he may have a mate.

" I think his mate saw me... BANG yes. Yes he did."

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Nice topic. Here is one scenario I could use advice from. You spot a solo player, and drop him. how long do you leave to watch the area before running down to loot him? I am always worried he may have a mate.

" I think his mate saw me... BANG yes. Yes he did."

that is why i observe my prey, i follow my target within voice distance for approx 10-15mins to make sure you are not accompanied by anyone or that you are not moving towards a vehicle or stash, i keep a map open on my laptop to find out what location the target is moving towards, you can mostly guess where someone is moving towards and if hes moving towards an encampment or random town

remember the funnest part of the kill isn't the kill but its the hunt, placing an ambush, try to play around as much as you can with your target. if you have a gillie shoot a few rounds in them and watch them scatter, hearing the panic on the voice chat always brings a smile on my face

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Set up tank traps in a zig-zag pattern on a road, wait in a nearby bush, a car will either smash into the tank traps stopping it completely or go off-road slowing it down, then you can spray and pray at the driver. A good tactic if you have basic gear is to wait in a barn at the top floor and shoot scavengers. They never bother checking a barn for bandits.

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What I do when I am solo bandit I usually

  • Park any spare car out in a field and wait for someone to try to get in and shoot them
  • Camp on sniper hill electro or cherno (on the highest building)
  • For mods that have traders I camp just outside and shoot people as they come out
  • Camping the airfields (Balota, NE, NW)

For taking out squads Mainly wait for the best opportunity like when they encounter another group or split up to loot things.

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Wait until they have no cover and shoot from behind killing the one in the back first and ending with the front one. Stalking is the best way to do any of this, plus they may lead you back to their camp!


p.s. Run on sentence holy :p

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I don't incorporate much strategy. Against a squad, its just who can maneuver their weapons better. Get in a high place and start raining fire. Like recently, I had a DMR and was in Cherno. Only around 30 people on. A group of 6 bandits, considered the [A6-0] Cherno Squad, and they had CONTROL over Cherno (I got in within 30 seconds). They where all packed in a Ural driving around, so I waited for the right time. They stopped in the city square so I opened fire on the car. I try to attack when they have only open space to run. I gunned down the driver and passenger, killed a guy when he was running and another guy who got knocked out as he was rounding a corner and died of blood loss. 4 down and 2 alive. One of the 2 alive immediately did a half flank and shot at me. I took him down, since (I guess I deserve some bragging rights), I am a VERY skilled marksman and combat initiative. I don't know what happened to the other guy, but I got what I needed. I took the dead guys gear, packed what I could into the Ural, and was out of there. All under 4 or 5 minutes.

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M67 Grenade.

and then MK48 Mod 0.

There are pages and pages one could write about positioning etc but there are too many variables.

The only advantage you have is that of surprise and that it's just you - no comms needed, no blue on blue worries. You have to get all this done and over with in less than 10 seconds.




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what would you recommend the best place is to place a ambush on a helicopter, i got all day ill just lay down near it and drink my beers till one lands


Heli are fun targets, but elusive.  Best 2 spots I can think of are...

Berezino hospital= unskilled pilots will often auto-hover and drop squad on the roof.  Combat pilots will do a touch and go on the road out front.  And solo/2 man teams will try to park on the roof.  Due south 400M out is a treeline with some nice pines to wait under with good line of fire on road and rear ladder.


Factory near Polana= Most pilots scout the trees across the road as that is the place most snipers hide.  When they land, they land facing south so thay can not be sniped from there.  West of the factory are some trees and bushes and a stone wall.  Post up there and you will have a clear shot on any pilot who tries to land or drop a squad.


Have not used these for banditry myself, just squad v squad warfare, but should work just as well for your needs.


Oh, and if you play on vanilla or Epoch without auto-fuel, the long barn NNW of green mountain is a popular refuel spot for heli though I have never looked to see if there are any good hides.


Good luck in your Heli hunting!

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1: wait for group to stop to loot.

2: identify as many possible targets

3: take out most looted target with dmr.

4:clean up with m4a1

5:enjoy the riches

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•Location, Location, Location.

Finding a group walking through an open are while you are in cover (e.g. North of Stary) is ideal.

When both parties are in a forest there are pros and cons. You have the advantage of being harder to spot as you are lower in numbers and if you are lucky, the opposition will not know the map as well as you do. However, once you have been located, you're really in the shit. Plus, you have given the enemy cover.

If you do find a group in a forest, stay a distance behind them and follow them until they are a few hundred metres away from the treeline , then engage.

•Choice of weapon

It can be very tempting to grab the rarest guns you find solely because they are rare. That can work against you in many ways. Say you snatched an SVD Camo for the above reason, you get yourself into a firefight and then you realise you have no idea how the scope's rangefinder works. You're as good as dead,

Use the guns that you are best with, even if it's only a standard M4. Using a weapon that you are experianced and comfortable with will only work to your advantage.

If you find yourself with some spare time, practise in the armoury and read up on guides on how to use weapons you are unsure about. Broaden your skills, have the superior knowledge over your enemy.


You just killed someone, he was holding a shiny DMR and was carrying a Coyote backpack on his shoulders. What's your next move? Run down and grab the loot. STOP.

This could be the choice that sends you back down to the coast. Wait a while; 3-5 minutes minimum. You don't know whether or not the guy had friends or if someone herad the shots and is coming to investigate. Scope the surrounding areas and keep your eye on the body. Better safe than sorry. And if you're lucky, you might just catch a poor soul that made the mistake that you were about to.

Just a few pointers. I could probably think of more but I'm on a phone so cba.

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Posted 30 октября 2013 г. - 08:46 AM

Что я делаю, когда я соло бандита, которого я обычно

  • Парк любую запасную машину в поле, и ждать, чтобы кто-то пытался войти и стрелять в них
  • Лагерь на снайпер hill electro или черно море (на высокое здание)
  • Для модов, которые трейдеры я лагере недалеко и стрелять в людей, как только они выйдут
  • Кемпинг аэродромы (Balota, СВ, СЗ)


Очень хорошая идея... Поддерживаю... Восновном так делаем с друзьями,когда играем 3-5 чел... Ставим авто и ждём... Желающих на халявное авто много... B) 

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Set up tank traps in a zig-zag pattern on a road, wait in a nearby bush, a car will either smash into the tank traps stopping it completely or go off-road slowing it down, then you can spray and pray at the driver. A good tactic if you have basic gear is to wait in a barn at the top floor and shoot scavengers. They never bother checking a barn for bandits.


Please do not resurrect such old topics.

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