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Remove Wire Fences POLL


217 members have voted

  1. 1. Remove Wire Fences from the game?

    • Hell Yes
    • Noway

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Petition to remove Wire Fences from the game.

Sandbags, Tank traps, bear traps are fine.

Wire fences need to go. They bug 95% of the time if placed in a building and u cant remove them even with a tool kit.

They glitch your graphics out even with the vsync off. Its impossible to see what your doing in most towns right now and it was bad before this patch but its worse now.

What purpose do they serve ? Its a little retarded to say the least they need to go !

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I fully support the removal of Barbed Wire. Its just way too buggy and messed up to be in the game, and I just want it to be gone every time I see it

Edited by ChaosGuitarist

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I want this item removed! it would be different if the wire fences would stop zombies....

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I would say remove them unless you are able to vault over them as to set up an absolute zombie free area where only players can go

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I'm not 100% positive but I believe wire fences don't glitch out anymore. The new glitch only happens near military spawns. I'm thinking it's some type of loot that only spawns military.

Edited by LunaTiK

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While jumping over some wire in the barracks just the other night, the game somehow glitched, breaking my legs and then killing me. Remove it! All it's used for is griefing other players.

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lol the zombies just walk through the wire anyway they are useless against zombies , players have to jump over them if they are lucky

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the graphics glitch comes from dead military bodies ive never had it happen around barb wire.. also its not hard to remove them and not hard to find a tool box..

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... Please remove this wire fencing BS, it apparently (from what i've read) cause HUGE graphics glitches. I was in the NWAF and could not see anything half the time i looked at buildings, what if there was another player there that wanted to kill me? There would be absolutely no way i could see, much less fight back. And about using them for zombies- just run into a building, then shoot them. No reason to place wire fencing down, look like an asshole, claim the building as your own and run away or log off. Wire fencing serves no purpose except for blocking off high value loot spawns so no one can get to them.

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What do you need to remove the fencing? Just a toolbox?

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I agree tho if it actually stopped zombies or served any purpose at all apart from blocking entire buildings off and glitching everyones graphics.

Atleast remove them from the game untill there fixed.

Hell the BAF Offroad Land Rover was removed without a word or explanation and that had 1million more uses than barbed wire.

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Are people actually thinking these polls through before posting them?

No, they shouldn't be taken out. Should be fixed and improved. Being able to remove them from any stick would be nice.

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Incredibly annoying and toolboxes are damn hard to find. I've found more GPSs than toolboxes

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Right now wire fences serve as nothing more that a griefing tool.

Lets fix the shit that makes wire fences a problem (i.e. low spawn rate on toolbox, zombies running through them, etc.)

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Barb wire is a known griefing tool.

That's their only use in their current state.

Remove them, fix them and re-implement them.

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What he said..

Barb wire is a known griefing tool.

That's their only use in their current state.

Remove them, fix them and re-implement them.

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What the hell? No way. Some people actually make camps with it, like me. Do you expect me to hunt down 6x tank traps? Some people don't abuse it, so no, it should not be removed

How I use wire (all legit, scavenged parts):


Edited by Powell
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What the hell? No way. Some people actually make camps with it, like me. Do you expect me to hunt down 6x tank traps?

you have my beans just for your sig

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Petition to remove Wire Fences from the game.

Sandbags, Tank traps, bear traps are fine.

Wire fences need to go. They bug 95% of the time if placed in a building and u cant remove them even with a tool kit.

They glitch your graphics out even with the vsync off. Its impossible to see what your doing in most towns right now and it was bad before this patch but its worse now.

What purpose do they serve ? Its a little retarded to say the least they need to go !

I do not support the removal of barbed wire. Even though it is glitchy, if I could see it fixed in later updates, then I would be okay. If they cannot fix the glitches produced by bared wire, then I would like them removed. They are a good addition to the game, but they should be fixed.

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My main issue is that even if you cut them down, they come back after a server restart. So eventually you just get barbed wire EVERYWHERE, and it's extremely annoying.

And let's be real, the only actual use is for server hoppers to fence off a loot spawn on multiple servers and hop between. LOL at the guy who uses wire fencing to make a "camp."

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