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An open question to Bandits.

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To put it out there, I don't kill players. It's my last resort and only on a self defense level. And yes, I've come across my fair share of getting sniped, shot, chased, and at some cases, crowbar'd to death.

Now I have no real problem with Bandits, you guys make the game fun for a Survivor like me who now has to utilize other tactics to beat A.I and Human Intelligence. But I have one burning question for all of you who murder other players.

Why? And not as in I'm accusing you, I really want to know, as my first forum post, what makes you strive to be a Bandit?

Edited by Lennsik

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Sport. The game is to easy and people who can defend themselves, Not fresh spawns. But people with good loot and are experienced make for a fun hunt.

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I beleive in more than just the Bandit/Non-Bandit gameplay styles, I will kill someone just because they could be a threat to me in game. This game is based solely on survival. and my only goal is to survive, which is why even if you don't necessarily pose a threat to me, you're better off dead than alive in most cases.

I have a lot of gear, gear that took me a while to gather so I take the shoot first position. especially if its someone in the north.

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I died yesterday, stopped playing and called it a night. Today i spawned to kamenka, ran to couple of deerstands and then to zeleno. Didn't find anything, headed to greenmountain, found m16, ran near stary and heard gunshots from the field, saw an ghillie suited player. Now i have rangefinder, nvg, l85, as50, coyote, all the tools.

So my answer is 'for loot'. After i find m4sd then i kill for surviving :P

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Some people get great loot after a few days of hard work, and then what? As of now, that's really where the game ends unless you actually want to use that loot. And what better to use your nice new gun against then something that can think and make intelligent decisions. It's been said that there is "nothing quite like hunting the only animal on this planet that can reason on a higher level".

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Sport. The game is to easy and people who can defend themselves, Not fresh spawns. But people with good loot and are experienced make for a fun hunt.

Mainly that for me as well, it is also just what i do, i am a member of "The Pirates Of Chernarus" Our motto is "We take from the rich and give to the poor" It's basicly what we do.

Being a bandit also means better gear, for example i was rampaging on the snipers in Electro with my Enfield (Got 17 kills in total) After getting their gear i went into town, killed people with good gear, gave gear to unarmed players to get them started off.

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Loot and fun. I don't kill fresh spawns, I don't kill unarmed people. I love to ambush players with good loot, surprise them and defeat them in a gunfight, it's a huge rush specially in a game like this when you know that death means a fresh start, and victory means great gear and a huge feeling of acomplishment.

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Simple answer is why bother looting for hours when i could just kill someone and take there loot? saves me time and effort. And also as mentioned above for sport, nothing is better than stalking pray and getting the kill.

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Yeah sport i love hunting clans on their own servers just got some nvg and a mk from a clan guy i killed in a group fight with them was so much fun. They where blowing up a noob in the fire station at the main air base went to see if the noob was dead. Me and my bud went to it just as we got to the door he says (o shit a guy in a ghillie suit Right behind ous) i turn around and he has nvgs and a holo sight with underbarrel gernade launcher we unloaded hitting him twice he runs around a corner. we ran to our side of the building he was near and he starts shooting gernades our way missing few secs later he crawls right in front of my screen i end his live take his backpback cause it was better and grabbed the nvgs my bud goes to his body right beside me and sees a saw in it then we hear around 50 rounds go off i run near the building i was at and my bud drops dead. The rest of our group shows up we pop the guy in the com tower then two of our noobs get dropped hearing fire from the the back of the hangers me and the other guy still alive from my group high tale it out some how not getting seen as we sneak out of the air field in pitch black i had nvgs but idk if he did. These guys where armed to the teeth and it was fun as hell going to try it again soon.

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I am a bandit for a couple of reasons:

-It's exhilarating hunting players.

I believe it's one of the biggest entertainment factors in DayZ.

-I strive to be the best.

In order to be the best, every one else must die for two simple reasons reasons. Eliminating threats or making myself stronger.

-Kill or be killed.

Either I kill them, or they kill me. Only one of those is a real option.

Edited by MarkTheBandit

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Just to see what people have in there inventories lol, much more fun to kill players then zombies especially geared players. Nothing more exciting then seeing someone with a coyote pack and an assault rifle of some sort.

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I wont kill people fresh from spawn only people with guns

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Taking out a group of 2-3 as a lone wolf is pretty big adrenalin rush.

The reason I started to go bandit is because, after losing a highly geared character to a sniper, found it was pretty silly to gear up as a lone wolf when your just going to lose it anyways.

AS50's, Gillies, Coyote Backpacks just make you too big of a target as a solo player imo.

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I kill because I don't trust anyone enough to not kill me as soon as my back is turned.

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Everyone I've killed has died because they aren't smart enough to beat me and can't appreciate their loot like I can.

Or they shot at me first.

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The hunt. Simple. Stalking your pray until you can get the perfect shot and he has good gear not fresh spawn. (unless there that far north -.-) That feel when you get the 800m shot.

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1. Loot

2. The rush

3. Satisfaction

4. Knowing that the player you just killed has to start all over again

5. Game gets boring after a while. Killing people refreshes the game for me.

6. A challenge

7. I'm that guy

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Survival of the fittest, after a while you don't have time to make a moral decision due to the likely target you have become, the more you find the more your worth for someone elses survival, if they are armed they can kill you, kill or be killed

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