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About Liamba

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  1. Liamba

    Newer banditos

    What's your timezone? :)
  2. Liamba

    Bandits & A**holes?

    I don't really think a killer is always an asshole. It's simply a gameplay choice, somepeople enjoy the "hunting" game. Also, it's quite a risk to let a player, even if unarmed, live when you're a bandit and have gear that he might desire and even try to take by force as soon as he gets a weapon. It's about survival, not about being a bad guy, a jerk, or anything like that.
  3. Liamba

    Rate my load out!

    You have the huge, huge advantage of having NV goggles, so switching to a night server and looting arround whatever you need is pretty much the perfect plan hehe.
  4. Liamba

    Rate my load out!

    Drop the civilian clothing to get some more space hehe. Other than that, maybe get some more DMR mags. Drop the canned goods and get more steaks. If you play with someone, get a couple of epi pens and bloodpacks, and get morphine as soon as possible, otherwise a legshot will pretty much end your game. Get a G17, or a 1911 (The one you prefer) and drop the revolver. Also, loot arround for a silenced M4A3, if you can, and you're set.
  5. Age: 20 Location: Portugal Playtime: Pretty much everyday, at least a few hours. :) Been playing DayZ for about 3 months. Youtube: Never really recorded anything, as I mostly play solo. I have fraps ready to record however. :) Resources: Nothing useful, unfortunately. Info: I am quite experienced with the game, I know the map very well and most spawn rates and locations. I have been a bandit pretty much since I started playing and I can handle most weapons pretty well. It would be great to have a group with whom I could kill and steal arround DayZ! :)
  6. Liamba

    An open question to Bandits.

    Loot and fun. I don't kill fresh spawns, I don't kill unarmed people. I love to ambush players with good loot, surprise them and defeat them in a gunfight, it's a huge rush specially in a game like this when you know that death means a fresh start, and victory means great gear and a huge feeling of acomplishment.
  7. If you kill someone, it's their fault for leaving themselves exposed.
  8. Liamba

    Instant death upon login

    This just happened to me. A week's work gone just like that. :(
  9. Liamba

    Alt+F4, so sick of it.

    The server did not have tags, and you don't really need them, most players in Cherno have fixed sniping spots and you can easily get used to them. I was just proning arround and saw a rifle coming out of a bush, which was his ghillie. As for the two headshots, I am completely sure, I saw blood and his head droping. As soon as I hit the second shot, about a second later, he just disapeared.
  10. I was just playing, looking for snipers in the woods near Cherno, and I spot a guy named Lucius, in a ghillie suit, hiding quite well but not well enough. I shot him twice in the head with a DMR at a distance of about 50m, and hit both times. He just Alt+F4'd right away. As this is so incredibly frustrating for bandits and players alike, at least this way I can leave his name here hoping for some shame on his behalf.
  11. Hi everyone. I just left a gameplay session where I killed two guys over nothing. Why? Because they didn't reply when I asked "friendly". This happened in Elektro, on the bottom floor of one of the houses, and I had to kill the "mutes" because I knew there was a gun upstairs that they could take to shoot me in the back, yet I took the time to ask them if they were friends, and no reply at all. I'd just like to leave this advice for new players: Unless you are armed and intend to kill, if someone asks if you're friendly, say "yes". Just that.
  12. Damn, did you have to post gore?
  13. IMO, a bandit is someone who kills or robs for loot. It's not about killing, it's not about fun, it's about getting loot. It doesn't matter how you get it, but it's the choice of loot>everything (Except your group or clan, if you're in one). There's no point in killing someone with no valuable gear, and if you do you're just a murderer.
  14. Hello, I'm a 19 year old player from Portugal, I've played the game for quite more than a month, and I'd very much like to join you.