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The silent but strongest weapon?

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Does anyone know what the most silent but best/strongest weapon is?

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Winchester ! It's not silent but its as good as and its proper deadly!

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The M4SD is amazing. You'll love it when you get your hands on it.

Have four B)

First in Stary Sobor tents,

second of a dead body just lying in a hangar,

third from someone who dropped all their shit to check the stary sobor tents (stuff was dropped in red barn top area),

fourth from one of 3 guys that ambushed me freshly respawned in elektro... Never mess with a guy loaded with pellets and a double shotty ^_^

Edited by Photon

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the axe is pretty badass

You never run out of ammo with it and it can usually one hit zeds. It is also completely silent.

Edited by aks
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How audible is the M4SD to players? I really want one of those.

Isn't it 30 metres or so?

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You never run out of ammo with it and it can usually one hit zeds.

I'm thinking of starting the National Hatchet Association ... our motto will be ... "Only dum dums need bullets."


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Secondly is the Bizon SD.

Third is Mp5SD4

thats partially wrong:

m4sd is the best. (about 2700 damage)

but bizon, mp5sd6 and m9sd (sidearm) have all the same damage now. (about 900 damage)

also you should know the disadvantage of using a bizon: it has a very bright muzzle and is the only silenced weapon, which is detectable by night from its muzzle.

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Sad when people cant use the DayZ Wiki.

I can't look at each and every weapon on the wiki and compare them one by one, I don't have such good memory.

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So M4SD is the best?

Oh I found a Mp5SD4 before but the damage sucks balls and it's only useful in close-quarters.

Not sure what the M4SD is and what damage it does though, I'll look it up.

Thanks for the replies (:

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Yeah, I'd say M4A1 CCO SD is the absolute best right now. It's decent for self defense, and probably my favorite weapon in game for killing zombies. Anyone within 30 meters will hear a quiet 'pew' sound when it fires though.

It's my medic weapon of choice ;)

MP5SD6 is the only firearm I know of that is completely silent. It can only be heard extremely close and even then it's faint. The downside is that it will take you a full magazine to kill a player because of its low damage.

Edited by Askar

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Personally i run with a Bizon SD on medic assists. Good for clearing zombies on the way to a patient in a hotspot without letting the whole town know that dinners arrived :D

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A few things you might want to consider:

What do you want a silenced weapon for? If it's for killing zeds, a suppressed M9 will serve you just as well and you will have a MUCH easier time finding one (the M4 suppressed is a barracks-spawn only). If it's for self-defense, you're unnecessarily handicapping yourself. If someone's shooting at YOU, then they already know where you are and the fact that your weapon makes no noise is irrelevant. In the event that you can return fire, it will take you most of a magazine to actually kill someone dead, not just get them bleeding. Personally, I don't want to give someone the opportunity to d/c, bandage/morphine/eat, then jump back in. Use a suppressed M9 as your sidearm and find yourself a .30 caliber rifle like an AKM, M14, or FAL.

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Sad when people cant use the DayZ Wiki.

Dayz wiki is not even close to accurate....

It just says low high and so on, and it says different damage for guns with the exact same damage output and it says that one wep does more dmg then the other when its the other way around...

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Secondly is the Bizon SD.

Third is Mp5SD4

this is incorrect.. if your looking for damage..

The most silent weapon is the -- MP5SD6

the next most silent is the -- M9SD pistol

then the -- Bizon SD

then the -- M4A1 CCO SD


Damage wise the

M4A1 CCO SD does 2,722 damage per hit to players and has an effective range of 250M.

MP5SD6 does 889 damage per hit to players and has an effective range of 100M.

Bizon SD does 889 damage per hit to players and has an effective range of 100M.

M9 SD does 889 damage per hit to players and has an effective range of 100M.

If you want to get the jump on players M4A1 CCO SD but you have to be accurate and able to get 6-8 shots on target to get a kill (on players). I personaly would go for a Normal M4A1 or variant, as they do 3,555 damage to players per shot and has an effective range of 300M. They also have semi (single shot) and full auto modes. and you get get aimpoint varients which assist newer players in aquiring targets and taking them out. Those or an M16 Same damage however has a 400M. This rifle only has Semi and Burst (3 shots) firing modes.

EDIT : all headshots count.. even a macaroni gun can kill with a head shot, and thats players as I have done this myself.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ooski

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A few things you might want to consider:

What do you want a silenced weapon for? If it's for killing zeds, a suppressed M9 will serve you just as well and you will have a MUCH easier time finding one (the M4 suppressed is a barracks-spawn only). If it's for self-defense, you're unnecessarily handicapping yourself. If someone's shooting at YOU, then they already know where you are and the fact that your weapon makes no noise is irrelevant. In the event that you can return fire, it will take you most of a magazine to actually kill someone dead, not just get them bleeding. Personally, I don't want to give someone the opportunity to d/c, bandage/morphine/eat, then jump back in. Use a suppressed M9 as your sidearm and find yourself a .30 caliber rifle like an AKM, M14, or FAL.

It's especially for zeds because they're the ones that kill me the most xD.

I thought of something now, it would be hard to get but it'd be a perfect combination, I should try to get an M14 AIM and an M16/M4A1 for primary weapons and an M9SD for secondary. That way, I can kill players effectively whenever I get in danger and kill the zeds silent but effectively afterwards.

Edited by Scratchz

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You know the trick is to killing someone quickly with a weak weapon? Shoot them in the head! Every weapon in the game is one shot kill to the head.


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Isn't it 30 metres or so?

I've definitely heard my friends firing M4A1 CCO SDs from over 80 meters away. Aka I'm in the north barracks at the NWAF and they're just north of the firehouse on the other side of the industrial complex. It's not very silent to players, won't hear it over 100m away, but it's still quite noticeable.

I can't look at each and every weapon on the wiki and compare them one by one, I don't have such good memory.


Outside of that MP5A6SD -> M9 SD -> PP-19 Bizon SD -> M4A1 CCO SD for order of quietest to loudest. Weapon comparison lists audible range only to zombies, players hear things differently.

Edited by Paeyvn

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I repeat,


They are terrible, terrible weapons, take many many shots to kill zombies and players, and are very inaccurate.

The ammo is rare for them as well, and they are just generally a terrible weapon. I say terrible a lot because I mistakenly used this gun for a longer period of time than I ever should have.

The M4A1 CCO SD is the best suppressed weapon in the game. It is fairly audible to players who are close by, but not like an unsilenced weapon.

Your bet for a sidearm is the M9 SD, as it's the only silenced side arm.

If you plan to use any silenced weapons outside of the M4A1 CCO SD and M9 SD, you're in for a pain. The MP5SD6 is utterly silent, but it borders the Bizon in uselessness.

The M4A1 CCO SD can kill with a few well placed shots, it does not take "6-8 shots" to kill like a previous poster stated. The Bizon and MP5SD6 however, do.


Beware the Bizon. It is a -terrible, terrible- weapon.

I would honestly take a Crossbow over the Bizon.

Edited by LordRayken

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