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I'm tired of not finding vehicles

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within 100 hrs, i would say my first 80hrs were vehicle-less. Now i see them all the time, people arnt very good at concealing them. in a few hours last week i found a working uaz on coast, then a working gaz inland a little, then a motorbike in the north, none were at spawn locations. best thing is just to wait until you get lucky, you will eventually find one.

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I don't mind cars etc being hard to find, but bikes should be common as muck, on literally every other corner.

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During an apocalypse in which the military has shot up everything that requires gas? Probably not a lot. Bikes on the other hand should be everywhere.

Why would the military shoot up everything that requires gas?

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Comb the edge of the map while also checking those spawns. I have found tons of vehicles.

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go northeast, you'll at least find a massive camp near the coast past the bay.

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Found my first one the other day, me and a buddy found a huge camp, got an as50 and all kinds of things...explored a little further and there it was, a beautiful crappy blue van...we kept it for about 3 days. It made everything so easy, we got our own camp going pretty quickly after that, had all kinds of supplies and weapons in case we died. Then we had the worst happen today, we were driving to loot the nw airfield...on the way as I was maneuvering through debris in a town, I apparently hit a truck rim that was laying on the ground and it blew up :(

We didn't find much at the airfield and by the time we got back to our amazingly well hidden camp (could not be seen as it was in a pine tree with no edges sticking out) everything was looted except a crappy bison with no ammo, and all the raw meat they had to drop to fit things in their inventory.

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We are 1 Kilometre from a major city, the map end is another 1km away. It's just well hidden.

We've worked this hard to get OUR vehicles so we're going to try to protect them.

Low pop servers are the best bet to find vehicles, try a server with 5-10 players and check the vehicle spawns.

shshhshshhshshssh fucking shshshshshhsm, don't give away our secrets D:

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I will find a vehicle one day, and then ill drive it around and pick up all the good boys and girls!

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I will find a vehicle one day, and then ill drive it around and pick up all the good boys and girls!

and then get shot

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im not even two weeks playing and already found two. well, one of them found me - i got run over by some bastard while taking a dump in the woods. the other time i run into a defunct bus which stood in the doorway of the Elektro church.

I also sincerely doubt i would like to have a vehicle. shit blows up, people can hear you from miles away, and sometimes they even break your bones like some friggin doorway. its more secure running naked through cherno than driving a vehicle through the highlands.

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A friend and I started looking for hidden ones on my bicycle about 5 days ago. We have found a Bus, Ural, ATV x2, Tractor, Motorbike, White Pickup x2, V3S, and lastly a blue Van. The Ural, one ATV, and one Pickup were stolen. Tractor, second Pickup, V3S were all stolen and recovered quickly. One ATV and one red Motorbike lost to glitches sadly. It's a fun game and I will keep on playing.

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My group has changed server twice these last 2 days. At the first, I found an atv after like 5 min, grabbed my mate and we went scouting.

Found A huge camp with like 30 tents with as50s, ghillie suits and shit like that. After that we found the blue van, URAL, a bus, another ATV and a tractor.

We changed the server cuz things getting rollbacked all the time.

After that we changed server to a newly started server, today, like 30h later we got:

2 Busses

The V3S truck





2 White Pickups


We also know location of a broken lada, and a blue van thats got broken right after we found it.

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Best thing to do is get your group, if you have 5, your doing good. Get your group to go to the car spawns and server hop. You'll find a car quicker.

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I might start sever hopping on spawn locations, it's a thing I really dislike, but I also think it's unfair that only a few people hoarde all their vehicles in one place, which may even be off map, effectively preventing me from enjoying the full content of dayz.

Fucking hoarders, I wanna drive ;_;

you cant store offmap, everything gets deleted in 1 hour

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I can't help but notice you're at the end of the map...

...and you wonder why the rest of us can't find vehicles for shit

You can't find vehicles because you suck at the game. People who know what they're doing are running into vehicles, fighting other groups, and moving camps.

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you cant store offmap, everything gets deleted in 1 hour

This is actually not true. My friend and I stole two busses and drove them off map. The next day one had disappeared but one was still there.

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A while back a heli was spawned(by a hacker) and abandoned on my main server. After an epic long fire fight, a clan ended up taking it and flying it off.

I've spent a lot of time since doing some 'back country' atv exploration looking for where they landed it.

I've found more camps/tents then I could(be bothered to) count. Only 4 so far had vehicles, and only one camp had

more then one vehicle.

I've found at least 20 vehicles. Almost all were in the middle of nowhere(no camps anywhere near by) and had a tire shot out.

This leads me to believe that the vehicle shortage isn't caused by people hoarding vehicles at camp, but instead by hackers

teleporting vehicles into the middle of no where and shooting out one of the tires so that even if someone does stumble accross it they cant drive it...

Edited by eldritch

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Serverjump on:

1) new servers (high serial like de 1040)

2) on spawnlocations at the edge of the map

3) that just rebooted (briefing/setting up on server browser)

I found 3 toyota hilux, 2 urals, a bike & a bus like this.

Toyota's were on 3 servers out of the 6 or 7 that i tried.

Urals were 2 out of 3 servers.

Bike was next to the ural on a server.

Bus was hidden in the forest behind the ural spawnpoint.

As long as you keep these 3 things in mind it'll take you 10mins max to find a vehicle.

It's pointless to try and find vehicles on just any server. Servers that havnt restarted recently and that have clans on them will have no vehicles at all on the spawning points actoss the entire map. You can look forever and still wont get one.

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Vehicles are rare. They'll always be rare.

Even my group which has a Huey and like 3 other cars still has trouble finding them.

Don't worry you'll find them eventually.

quit hoarding.

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Serverjump on:

1) new servers (high serial like de 1040)

2) on spawnlocations at the edge of the map

3) that just rebooted (briefing/setting up on server browser)

I found 3 toyota hilux, 2 urals, a bike & a bus like this.

Toyota's were on 3 servers out of the 6 or 7 that i tried.

Urals were 2 out of 3 servers.

Bike was next to the ural on a server.

Bus was hidden in the forest behind the ural spawnpoint.

As long as you keep these 3 things in mind it'll take you 10mins max to find a vehicle.

It's pointless to try and find vehicles on just any server. Servers that havnt restarted recently and that have clans on them will have no vehicles at all on the spawning points actoss the entire map. You can look forever and still wont get one.

hmm i didn't know about that briefing/setting up thing, because I always used dayzcommander. thanks dude

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quit hoarding.

If you want a vehicle, take it. If you can't, you don't deserve one.

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I found these yesterday, the dark pic is a motorbike which I had to hide in a tree as it got pitch black and wanted to show a friend, But some Swedish guy thought it was funny to break my legs when I was heading to Novy. But after respawn I spawned near Berezino and check out the little beastly car I found.






and by the way this car was fully operational with half tank of fuel and I found it on the coast by Berezino, about 5 minutes after I spawned, as you can see I still had a nooby backpack.

Edited by nufcmickey

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quit hoarding.

Come take them from us and stop bitching.

Seriously. If people aren't going to put effort into finding a vehicle, then stop crying. We put the exact same amount of work into our vehicles that you would've. Just because we got lucky and got to them before you, doesn't mean you get any right to bitch and whine because you can't find our obviously-massive camp, if we're storing dozens of vehicles. If you want to bitch at us, come say it to our face, at our camps.

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I mean, it's not much, but in the first two days of playing, I find 2 bikes and a tractor in mint condition. I'm special!

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Dumbest suggestion of the day. I'm baffled.

He said he wanted to fucking drive, then why not try the core game? It's not that hard to spawn yourself a vehicle and drive it around. No need to come whining here, vehicles are not supposed to be found around every corner in this game.

Edited by Sutinen

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