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**Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

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Confirming that furball set me up quickly and everything is working extremely smooth so far. Server filled up immediately and has been ever since!

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How about something for us more tech savvy users?

$30 per month recruit 25 slot package

You will gain admin access to your server via ArmA2Rcon' date=' FTP & FireDaemon Fusion.

Updates can be done manually but file launch/restart parameters are preset by hungoverfurball.

With this method it allows me to run the servers so that they will auto reboot if they crash and it will allow me to tweak them to run the best they can, whilst allowing you the user the most flexibility [/quote']

This seems the best of both worlds to me, allowing you tight control over the server itself whilst allowing the users that want to self manage the opportunity to do so..I personally wouldn't mind paying that bit more for start/stop functions from fireDaemon and FTP so I can keep the server updated to my own schedule..

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I see a Korean 100 man server up and running now (It got to 80/100) Not sure if they are just testing or if it is stable at all. Is this possible with your hosting? Let me know via pm if you can. Thank you!

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I see a Korean 100 man server up and running now (It got to 80/100) Not sure if they are just testing or if it is stable at all. Is this possible with your hosting? Let me know via pm if you can. Thank you!

a 100 man will be very very unstable. I have run an 80-90 man server before and at about 85ish the server begins to lock up and server joining is around 5mins. This of course was done with a dedicated server with nothing else on it.

I would NEVER suggest running more then about 65-70 on one server because even at that level you will get crashes and in general poor server performance.

How about something for us more tech savvy users?

$30 per month recruit 25 slot package

You will gain admin access to your server via ArmA2Rcon' date=' FTP & FireDaemon Fusion.

Updates can be done manually but file launch/restart parameters are preset by hungoverfurball.

With this method it allows me to run the servers so that they will auto reboot if they crash and it will allow me to tweak them to run the best they can, whilst allowing you the user the most flexibility [/quote']

This seems the best of both worlds to me, allowing you tight control over the server itself whilst allowing the users that want to self manage the opportunity to do so..I personally wouldn't mind paying that bit more for start/stop functions from fireDaemon and FTP so I can keep the server updated to my own schedule..

I am currently working on a brand new website control panel and billing system atm so once that is up all the descriptions, control methods and what not will change. i like the description btw :)

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I am currently working on a brand new website control panel and billing system atm so once that is up all the descriptions' date=' control methods and what not will change. i like the description btw :)


Well I was looking to move my personal server that runs EU16 off my office network into a 1u server case and get it co-located at a data-center but if you get start offering DayZ servers with proper FTP and server process access (either through fireDaemon or similar) then I'll take one..

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Now offering a $85 Dual Quad L5420 dedicated server. That's dual cpu machine for the most demanding of tasks!

I am currently working on a brand new website control panel and billing system atm so once that is up all the descriptions' date=' control methods and what not will change. i like the description btw :)


Well I was looking to move my personal server that runs EU16 off my office network into a 1u server case and get it co-located at a data-center but if you get start offering DayZ servers with proper FTP and server process access (either through fireDaemon or similar) then I'll take one..

Im Now offering a $85 Dual Quad L5420 dedicated server that could be an option for you. You get full access to do what ever you like with that machine

Just setup a 25man server. Welcome dallas 33 to the server list :)

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Just sold a Blowout Deal package :) Thanks for the order Sean

Can you state which DayZ server/s that this box will be running, I want to join and test it for myself (ping/desync etc) before considering a purchase.

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Just sold a Blowout Deal package :) Thanks for the order Sean

Can you state which DayZ server/s that this box will be running' date=' I want to join and test it for myself (ping/desync etc) before considering a purchase.


This is his dedicated box. I have no idea what he will be doing with it. Sorry. Once i have a user request me to fully setup his dedi i will let you know :)

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Still waiting on my server (25 man) to be setup but I understand it sometimes can take longer then a day. However I will say that all my support questions got answered very quickly. Just hope this doesn't take much longer to get my server going.

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Also purchased a server a couple days ago. Money has gone out but i still have received no emails despite putting in a support ticket. :/

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Also purchased a server a couple days ago. Money has gone out but i still have received no emails despite putting in a support ticket. :/

were still setting up servers. You have to wait. This new control panel has had a ton of issues.

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Just got our server up, and its running great. Really appreciate the quick response and turn around.

I've noticed there are no vehicles spawning though, we know where at least 4 confirmed vehicle spawns are on several servers and none of them had vehicles.

Is there something I need to update or a server setting that needs to be modified?


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Just got our server up' date=' and its running great. Really appreciate the quick response and turn around.

I've noticed there are no vehicles spawning though, we know where at least 4 confirmed vehicle spawns are on several servers and none of them had vehicles.

Is there something I need to update or a server setting that needs to be modified?



Come onto the live chat if you're able to.

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