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B Allred

The Reason more and more people don't enjoy DayZ

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what? you expect them to say ''no sir i am not friendly, so now i am going to fire at you'' o.Q

fuck no, the clean answer to you asking if they are friendly, is shooting you, if they had said no you would have just shot them yourself.

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Seems to me like definitive proof that First Person view causes all shoot on sight incidents.

Had he stayed in third person and had he known how to use it, he would have known there were two guys in that building and could have ran away or called out friendly and still likely died. I also like the pause, He sees a player in the corner before realizing another one was closer. He then points his weapon at BOTH of them without saying anything (i didnt see a mic icon pop up on screen) and then got lit up. You surprised them and invaded their space. I would have put you down too.

OP, you can't honestly blame the other players for that. You know that feeling that drove you to post this thread? They wanted to avoid that feeling too. How did you expect them to react when some random person runs up on them and starts pointing their fully auto assault rifle all over the place?

Precisely what I was going to say. haha.

Edited by Scarlet_Blade

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The lesson here is that these guys MIGHT have very well been friendly. By running up on them like that, they weren't given the chance. Looked like self defense.

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Hello, recently I have started a new series on Youtube called "A DayZ Adventure" and in this video (Near the end) you will see why me and many others are getting fed up with the DayZ community. As you can see in the video they shot after I said "friendly"...

First: Crap video and a waste of time

Second: You never said friendly

Third: There was a millisecond between you and them shooting. In other words, you would have shot anyway since it was not your reaction times on them shooting.

Forth: The guy who saw you delayed in shooting but the fact you had your gun pointed at them gave him MORE then enough reason to shoot.

Fifth: Your own fault for sneaking up on them

Sixth: EVEN, EVEN IF YOU DID say friendly, just because YOU are (which, you wasn't) sure as hell doesn't mean they have to be.

Seven: It's video's like this and people like you that are the whole reason people despise the dayz community.

Eight: This video is proof alone that more and more people are talking out their asshole.

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Yelling "friendly!" at your screen isn't good enough.

You need to push Caps Lock for them to hear you. (There is an abcense of a mic icon in the bottom left corner of your screen)

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Don't generalize. I'm not getting fed up with the game, and neither are those I play with. The video you posted shows exactly why this game is great! There is no sure thing, no predictibility, no way to tell who is friendly or not. It forces you to be careful like you clearly were not and makes you distrustful of all other players like you should have been.

Next time title the thread, "the reason I get frustrated," not assuming that because you think something the rest of us also think it.

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No because faggots like you

And there we go. All credibility lost, no point putting effort into even seeing if you have any good points made. Hopefully, more people will continue to kill you so that you continue to not enjoy DayZ and leave. But I doubt that, you'll stay, because this is simply one of those posts.

The concept of the word "friendly" being some sort of angelic shield with which to ward off the denizens of evil is laughable. That's not how these situations work.

EDIT: Also, as other have noted, you did not say friendly. Or if you did, you were yelling it at your screen. I see no mic indicator.

Edited by DEADS0NG
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What do you expect...you're running up full speed behind him and his buddy with a AK-47. It's a quick reaction by him with his back turned to you and just shoots. Not everyone is going to take the time to salute/surrender emote, chat or type out "friendly".

Trust nobody. Your own fault.

The game is unpredictable. If you don't like that, then quit?

Edited by deuce985

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You can argue what you want but you were aiming a gun right at them. As soon as you saw them you should have gone out the building and aim your ironsights at the door. Try to communicate. If they don't respond say that you have to assume they are not friendly. If they leave the building then you will open fire. Walk slowly backwards away from the building until you can get into better cover.

You have to be patient when meeting people. Running up like a derp is going to get you killed. And it did.

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Sorry fraps only records incoming voice not outgoing, and in the video yes they shot first, it only sounds like I did becasue the girl had a ak-74u.

Two things,

1 - You're bullshitting

2 - You're speaking gibberish.

If you said friendly we would have seen the mic icon in the middle of the screen. No matter how many times I watch it, it's just not there. Let me guess? Fraps decided to cut that bit out and only record everything else except out going icons...right?

And what the fuckidoodledoo does the girl having an AK have to do with it sounding like you shot first?

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And there is a reason why TONS of people LOVE the game more and more.

This game is not for you if you get angry at someone killing you. Maybe The War Z or Left4Dead might be more up your alley.

For me one of the reasons I love dayz is how unpredictable it can be.

I have saved 9 people with morphene or blood bags (randoms) and only one of them killed me after helping them. Just like if this was real life you cant trust what everyone says in game! Either try to stay away from people or shoot them on sight if they are not someone you know. With randoms its not always going to be people telling the truth, some will lie and others wont, just the way it is.

Also you ran up behind them with an AK, lol, not surprised you got shot. Next time hide and ask them if you are friendly, see how they react from then before you show yourself.

I had a situation like yours, I saw a guy at cherno farm and I hid behidn from bushes, asked him if he was friendly or not and he pulled out his gun and went behind the church looking for me, then i asked agian, so he started to shoot in all directions, which caused TONS of zombies to chase him and he died lol. If you want to ask people if they are friendly or not then hide when you ask it. Also maybe get some friends to play with? And just shoot anyone you dont know? This is DAYZ and part of the reason why alot of people love it, its not very predictable!

Edited by kozzy

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Well, I'm to the point where I shoot on sight. Good luck with your DayZ episodes as I produce my own with some friends. We used to help random pubs on our server. We'd give them guns and help them out with blood transfusions, supplies and you name it when we ran across them. Then a few times we helped some guys guy and they opened fire on us with the guns we gave them. From that point forward we just decided to shoot on sight.

It is a shame that people are that way but the game pretty much encourages a kill everyone approach. There needs to be some real consequences to player killing but I am not sure what that could be. There needs to be a trade off for being a bandit IMHO. It could likely only be achieved via 'safe zones' where only friendly people can go because bandits have bounties on them or something. Perhaps War Z can capture that.

All I know is that right now you only have everything to lose by helping someone.

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Well, I'm to the point where I shoot on sight. Good luck with your DayZ episodes as I produce my own with some friends. We used to help random pubs on our server. We'd give them guns and help them out with blood transfusions, supplies and you name it when we ran across them. Then a few times we helped some guys guy and they opened fire on us with the guns we gave them. From that point forward we just decided to shoot on sight.

It is a shame that people are that way but the game pretty much encourages a kill everyone approach. There needs to be some real consequences to player killing but I am not sure what that could be. There needs to be a trade off for being a bandit IMHO. It could likely only be achieved via 'safe zones' where only friendly people can go because bandits have bounties on them or something. Perhaps War Z can capture that.

All I know is that right now you only have everything to lose by helping someone.

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You have to be patient when meeting people. Running up like a derp is going to get you killed. And it did.

Exactly! the last time I decided to play with another player ingame, was because he was always slightly ahead or behind me anyway. I could hear him fire all the time, and since I play quite stealthy, I had the upper hand on him. The first two times I asked him, he simply kept looking for me and then ran away without replying. But when I was raiding a military camp and he waltzed in, we were forced to defend against the zeds together. Since he already knew me from before and knew I didn't want to kill him, we decided to roll for a bit. He was killed by another player later, while looting stuff when we were split for only a minute. I then killed the other player and moved on alone.

One of the problems I often have is that other people play a different style than I do. I don't want to be afraid to crawl past a zombie, not knowing if the guy behind me will have an itchy trigger finger and start alerting them when I'm right next to it. So I'm looking forward to the wear + tear system a lot, which lets you see for how long another guy survived. Of course that still doesn't say everything about the matter, because everybody respawns, eventually.

Edited by S3V3N
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I watched the video again. I swear OP looked at that building for a few seconds and then continued to loot. He then went out the back of the door and then ran around the store and to that building.

I think he knew those guys were in there. At least one of them. He may have saw one run across the street or something before the video started. He went in there to kill whoever he saw. He had even lined up his sights on the player in the corner before realizing there was a second. He then made the rookie mistake of assuming the player closest to him was the most dangerous and then tried to aim at him. That's when he got lit up.

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The way you sneaked up to them looked offensive to me... You could have shot that guy right there.

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You use faggot as a derrogatory term. You deserve to be shot, every time, until you learn some respect for non-breeders.

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I see that it annoys you that everybody just shoots you on sight, but that's just the way it is.

I don't want to shoot everybody I see, but I have to because I just know that they will kill me if I don't.

I'd love to group up with random people in a server, but it's just practically impossible.

Even when you're unarmed people will just shoot you.

Edited by LoStIt

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I literally only trust people with no weapon or just an axe, if you have a gun I will try to kill you if you pose any threat as you kill me at any time

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You were in Cherno I believe. It is one of dangerous area in the island like elektro, strary sobor, airfields... In those area people are under pressure and if you want to contact somebody you must be extremely cautious or you will be shot in no time. I also would have killed you.



Edited by Nikiller
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Haha i just love these kinds of threads, where people make up false stuff and eventually out comes the truth. And OP is nowhere to be seen after that.


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I don't see anything wrong with their actions at all in this video, it seems you have forgotten just how tense player encounters can be when you have good gear and something to lose. Running up behind a player with an assault rifle unannounced is not very bright at all and they had to make a snap decision at that moment. If you knew they were in the building or had a sense that they were, be a civil person and Call/type 'friendly' before you are in line of sight with them.

This method is safe for both parties since, if they do no respond and you do not wish to get into a fire fight you can quickly move away from the confrontation safely. While I do understand your frustration of shoot first ask questions later you have to accept the fact that even though you want all close encounters to be calm there are many predators in this game that would have simply seen both those players as a kill opportunity.

What I think you should do is find some players outside of the game via the free DayZ team speak or in the Survivor HQ and link up with others to play with to reduce the chances of being an easy kill. This will cut down on heart ache and give you a far better sense of security, the buddy system works and your video is proof of that really!

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