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You're playing too much Dayz if...

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When you roll around on the ground and lean from side to side all day.

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I recently started going through my backpack pretty often when at school, just keeping logistics over what i had in it, and stuff like that.

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I am a 40yr old man, and I cannot look at another can of beans the same way ever again!!! ;)

Dayz is a bit like LSD, changes your perception forever!!!!! :D

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You put barbed wire infront of your neighbours house so you can loot the respawns in the morning

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You know you've played too much DayZ if you take the wheels off your car after you park it in the bushes behind your house.

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When you see a red brick house and you think "That one's lootable"

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When you shoot the neighbor's dog and cook it to restore the blood you lost from a paper cut earlier in the day.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 8:38 PM, Greenhound said:

You put barbed wire infront of your neighbours house so you can loot the respawns in the morning


when you wanna go for a walk in the countryside but its too fcuking stressful because you have to run from bush to bush and swivel your head around like the exorcist

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Going for a jog and you keep looking over your shoulder to see how many Zeds are chasing you

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  On 7/29/2012 at 4:39 PM, Khiven said:

You start talking to animals

What the actual fuck?

Oh, I've got to contribute. When you calcuate distances around you for zeroing.

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When you stop at ponds to fill your canteen

When you don't leave the house without cooked meat and morphine

When you stop outside of a town your going to, to check if zombies are already spawned

and then proceed to crawl through said town

when you can't stop scanning the tree lines for snipers

when you FREAK OUT when you see a helicopter

when you refuel your car with jerry cans

/catches breath

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... You develop heart disease, diabetes, or clogging of the arteries. But if thats the case, then your Fu€ked

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I was driving the other day and passed a small airport.

I immediately became worried about any possible snipers in the nearby woods.

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when you scan the treeline and the road before taking out the trash.

Edited by john142
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