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You're playing too much Dayz if...

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when you make the zombie sounds to random people you meet bleeeehhhh :lol:

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You casually walk down the stairs and suddenly your legs are broken.


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You think about turning brightness and gamma up when its too dark outside


This guy just bumped this ancient thread and no-one has even noticed it.

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Was at work in the shipping dept and saw a flat cardboard box figured it was windscreen glass... I took out the garbage last night and halfway back to my door I ran thinking that I was going to be sniped from the woods

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Since pooing is confirmed in the SA... you know you played to much Dayz when you start going in your yard... (one for the future :D)

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When you hear a car going by you and you start thinking "Is that a Hilux, an SUV or a Ural"

When you get into a little bit of trouble and you think to yourself "I should probably abort here and come back later when it's empty"

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What the actual fuck?

I'm glad someone else said something, i thought i was missing out.

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When you start to give out beans to reward people

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...when you empty your room on the streets and wait for the respawn in front of your house. If a curious neighbor asks - just mumble something about "lootpile, n00b!"

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When you have a little mental breakdown (while running away with zombies chasing you), because you've heard their aggroed cries for the 1.000.000th time now. So you start echoing them and "talk back" to them in direct chat, just to save the remnants of your own sanity.

True story.

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The sound of a helicopter terrifies you. You go indoors until you have spotted it. You only leave once it's gone.

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When you have a new found respect for firemen cos you know the kinda heat they could be packin!

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When you have a new found respect for firemen cos you know the kinda heat they could be packin!

Pure gold

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When you start hearing zombie sounds in real life.. GOD MAKE THEM STOP!

Edited by Mr. Smite

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You are wandering around post-Hurricane Sandy Hoboken,NJ wearing a baseball hat, sunglasses, jeans and fleece vest and your wife says "you look like one of those people from that stupid zombie game you play!"

Then you sell her for a can of beans for her insolence!

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