Carl's Sr. 29 Posted July 29, 2012 The title says it all, there is nothing about the zombies that make them a challenge or even a threat... when youre more affraid of other players than zombies in a "zombie apocolypse game" then you know something is wrongwhat i suggest is adding more types of zombies into the game and deadly would be pretty cool if tank (from l4d) like zombies spawned up north (like at the Noth-west airfield) or in certain towns. they would be a challenge and add the fear that the normal zombies dont come close to addingwhether or not you agree with adding something like a tank, the current zombies are laughable and other players are far more fearsome than the zombies. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chhopsky 25 Posted July 29, 2012 I'd probably suggest that instead of adding more 'special' zombies like this that we just have a greater number of the existing zombies. The armoured military zombies are pretty bad if you aggro them but it would be neat if there were ones that had greater detection ranges, could move faster, or whatever - i mean, they're supposed to be infected humans so we can't really make them super, but more human might help. As it stands, zombies can ruin your day fairly easily. I don't like how you start bleeding so easily - I lose more blood to not realising I'm bleeding from a small hit than any other thing. But greater zombie numbers very quickly make me start to get scared, so more intelligent swarming of them would be great. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobiassolem 173 Posted July 29, 2012 Aside from some glitches, I think the zombies are fine as they are.I would rather please not have a bunch of twitch-fps type zombies in this game. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colditz 54 Posted July 29, 2012 Agree wholeheartedly. While I dislike the Idea of a Tank like zombie from L4D I'm still all for adding more dangerous zombies, but only if the running/attacking animations and the pathfinding gets looked at. I don't need a Soldier Zombie with a bulletproof vest and kevlar helmet come chasing at me with warp drive while zig-zagging and one-hit leg-breaking me. Zombies are only a hindrance to me. They should be scarier and of course, there's also room for more different kinds of enemies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Longs 42 Posted July 29, 2012 I agree to an extent but not with the tank idea lol. I'd like to see zombies made more dangerous.Maybe have a chance of them spawning near player made camps.I'd like to have the chance of bumping into them in the woods, make it so no place is safe from them.Hordes that spawn especially if there is a player battle going on, spice things up a little.Dangerous wild animals, bears and wolves for example. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spawn (DayZ) 217 Posted July 29, 2012 the zombies are weak as piss and are like flies in this game. just annoying. Elite zombies would be ok but just mean they take a few more rounds to kill. I made a suggestion about bringing in some AI arma 2 soldiers in to the game that either patrol or are at high value areas such as the airfield. Like I said if you think survivors with a bandage and a torch are the only ones to survive an appocolyps then the counrties defence force must be horrible. They would be the main people to survive in the end for 1 they are armed, 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl's Sr. 29 Posted July 29, 2012 when you get end game gear the zombies and even pvp becomes way to easy so there is really no point to continue playingeven making the zombies more dangerous would be pretty nice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobiassolem 173 Posted July 29, 2012 when you get end game gear the zombies and even pvp becomes way to easy so there is really no point to continue playingeven making the zombies more dangerous would be pretty niceJoin a clan and fight other clans then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
savini 587 Posted July 29, 2012 when youre more affraid of other players than zombies in a "zombie apocolypse game" then you know something is wrongI always thought that was the best part of DayZ. Zeds are consistent. It's your fellow man that you have to be weary of. Which is how I believe it should be. Player encounters are the most exhilarating moments.I dunno about adding more zeds, or making them more dangerous, but if a challenge is what you're after...see how long you survive with just a pistol ;)That's just me though.Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl's Sr. 29 Posted July 29, 2012 Join a clan and fight other clans then?yeah i have people i play with, as far as fighting other clans i only fight people in game and they usually end up dead so its pretty much doneI always thought that was the best part of DayZ. Zeds are consistent. It's your fellow man that you have to be weary of. Which is how I believe it should be. Player encounters are the most exhilarating moments.I dunno about adding more zeds, or making them more dangerous, but if a challenge is what you're after...see how long you survive with just a pistol ;)That's just me though.Cheershaha while that is a good suggestion i tried something like that before and still it wasnt to hard (maybe it might be now with the gun nerf?), i just want a challenge other than pvp, this isnt counter strike after all, its a zombie apocolypse game where there is nothing to survive except pvp... i take it back, it might as well be counter strike seeing as how the zombies never kill anyone other than players who barely bought the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) The title says it all, there is nothing about the zombies that make them a challenge or even a threat... when youre more affraid of other players than zombies in a "zombie apocolypse game" then you know something is wrongnope i know its about right, if you lived in africa 2000 years ago, place crawling with lions, leopards, rhinoe's snakes and all kinds of interesting bitey/stingy insects/arachnids and the biggest threat to the people there were the other people thereinfact thats pretty much the way it was/is all over the world, anywhere theres more then 1 group of people your biggest threat is the other group of people Edited July 29, 2012 by stuffnthings Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axxassin 49 Posted July 29, 2012 actually you raise a very good point. The one thing that i would like to see added in this game is a prison/prisons that hold dangerous zombies but has alot of high value loot, cause the game has firestations but no jails or police stations wich is kind of unrealistic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xDIx Revenge 51 Posted July 29, 2012 More zombies to create hordes upon your decision to fire... yes. That creates more consequence of choice. Is shooting this zombie really going to help me, or make things worse? Is that player worth shooting for me to get horded.Special infected are something that should not be added to this game. The horror in this game is the psychological realism. The stress when you come across a player is like no other game. The zombies are just the thing to make items a bit of a struggle to get, and so your bullets aren't just endless to kill players with.Hell if you wanna play this game like a real zombie apocalypse, get your axe, get your knife. Get your water bottle, and live in the woods, away from the zombies, killing animals and refilling your water for days on end. I know ive done this, and only occassionally raided towns for extra food or ammunition. Its great that you choose how to play. If your careless, zombies can beat you, but really, for any experienced player they are an ease to deal with (aside from glitches).TL;DR More zombies will make city raids a more interesting ordeal, with decisions having greater changes in your situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jswah 7 Posted July 29, 2012 It would be a tricky balance. At current, IF the zombies got buffed, with their glitches and the sheer amount they spawn it would almost be not worth it wandering through a town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yatagan 62 Posted July 30, 2012 I think this is the main issue with this game and why it's mainly just a giant PvP arena.The 'noobs' don't know what they're doing which makes it very hard. Therefor they dont kill people at all and want to work together and be friends. The 'pros' know what they are doing, so they get bored of zombies and fight people. It needs to be altered so that very few can hit that level of safety and boredom. Leaving like 95% of the people always in moderate danger of death. This would encourage teamwork and not gunning everyone you see down. Hopefully then more people would work together and the environment would become friendlier, but more desperate too.There would still be bandits, but not every single person with a gun would be one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZERQER 7 Posted July 30, 2012 My thoughts are that there will be 4 ''types'' of zed*s. We currently have: The Crawler, The Jumper and The Runner. My idea is to add a new type of zombie. The Walker, Makeing it the most common Zed. This will turn The Runner a bit harder to find. but still findable. it,s just my idea and i think it would equal the game alot more. and it not so VERY hard to code in to the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted July 30, 2012 The title says it all, there is nothing about the zombies that make them a challenge or even a threat... when youre more affraid of other players than zombies in a "zombie apocolypse game" then you know something is wrongwhat i suggest is adding more types of zombies into the game and deadly would be pretty cool if tank (from l4d) like zombies spawned up north (like at the Noth-west airfield) or in certain towns. they would be a challenge and add the fear that the normal zombies dont come close to addingwhether or not you agree with adding something like a tank, the current zombies are laughable and other players are far more fearsome than the zombies.I agree that there should be more danger from zombies, but I think this should happen after they fix the glitches with the zombies as they are now.Zombies being aggroed from half a mile away while in crouch-walk or run is unrealistic. Zombies aggroing while proning in the grass from 30 feet away in a building has cost me tons of blood during my time playing Dayz.Honestly the fear of other players over zombies is one of the most realistic things about Dayz.Just think about it, in real life you'd be wary of other people. No law enforcement to prevent killing would result in conflicts over resources like food, water, and firearms; large numbers of bandits seeking easy rewards from unsuspecting travellers would be prevalent.Of course the unrealistic aspect comes when everyone becomes a bandit. Because in real life that kind of lifestyle wouldn't last long, people would band together and create a community and police it themselves.I like to think the zombie apocalypse would end up like a western after a while, zombies added of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeTaiLz 18 Posted July 30, 2012 Please dont add somkers etc no tanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jahgrid 1 Posted July 30, 2012 PvE servers petition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yatagan 62 Posted July 30, 2012 http://www.gopetitio...for-rocket.html PvE servers petition. :facepalm: The OP is asking to improvement on zombie's, not reduction of people... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted July 30, 2012 http://www.gopetitio...for-rocket.html PvE servers petition.Not the place for this, PvE is one of the worst things that could happen to Dayz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dimes123 60 Posted July 30, 2012 pathing, the walking through walls and make them stronger... only thing i know of thats bad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted July 30, 2012 Just add weight and have it reduce speed, then i'm sure people will fear zombies, also add splints and give zeds their bone breaking abilities back ! Add more items to loot tables so other items spawn less! ... and some of these steps don't require to much effort either ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 30, 2012 Yeah I see your point, but...I think it'll be better (or more realistic) if we, as players, can become infected if we'd been taken out by a zombie. During this time, you'd have no weapons, but be friendly with other zombies. If you don't kill a player within a certain amount of time, you'd die and respawn back as a survivor again. I think it'll be more fun that way - put the power of a "super-zombie" in our hands. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuddyMcFriend 30 Posted July 30, 2012 more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies more zombies 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites