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Zombies way too hard now

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Zombies are too easy. you can lose them ALL by hiding in a f00king fur tree for gods sake

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Simple solution for zeds, Hatchet.

The hatchet is under-rated imo.

Usually one hit kill on zeds and its quiet. Throw ur gun in ur backpack and save it for a real fight, use hatchet instead :)

Edited by Kuramashi

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Agree. This happened to me yesterday:


They kept spawning, we had to just make a run for it. Later on I got surrounded in a building, went up some stairs but LOL I couldn't go any further. Suddenly there were zombies beneath the stairs and I couldn't even get past them. Broke our legs three times as well.

They're very easy to kill, but the spawning and leg-breaking is ridiculous.

Nice zombie pile. Heh. I've had this happen NUMEROUS times. One time we just spawned in and aggro'd a million zombies. Both massive hordes are at the very start of each episode, about five minutes in length.

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Can ANYONE here answer these simple questions?:

Do the freaking zombies actually hear your gunshots? If yes, how? Do you need to shoot at their direction? Which gun are you using? Are you on the latest beta patch and

I've tried atleast 15 servers right now and I havent aggroed a single zombie by firing my M1911 or AKS-74 at any distance from them. I can go all rambo and run through Cherno firing my all my 15 mags of AK and the only zombies that aggro on me are those who get a direct visual.

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I was crouching in an apartment (didn't pull aggro going in) and about 40 of them zerged up the stairs at me blocking any escape, I had to disconnect on the roof.

You didn't have to disconnect, you had to die.

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Zombies are actually perfect, before me and my friends never considered them a threat.. but now they can ACTUALLY kill us which makes the game a little more interesting.

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Can ANYONE here answer these simple questions?:

Do the freaking zombies actually hear your gunshots? If yes, how? Do you need to shoot at their direction? Which gun are you using? Are you on the latest beta patch and

I've tried atleast 15 servers right now and I havent aggroed a single zombie by firing my M1911 or AKS-74 at any distance from them. I can go all rambo and run through Cherno firing my all my 15 mags of AK and the only zombies that aggro on me are those who get a direct visual.

Yesterday my buddy fired his AKM to HS a walker and apparently interrupted a convention, because it rained zombie-hell on us for a straight 10 minutes.

70 Zeds, 8 clips of ammo and a couple pairs of underwear later, it was over.

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The difficulty of the zombies seems fine but the aggro range seems random as hell. It seems like sometimes they can aggro right through walls or even before they are loaded on my screen from miles away.

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i have friends and i have regulary sex.

That is just LOL

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The difficulty of the zombies seems fine but the aggro range seems random as hell. It seems like sometimes they can aggro right through walls or even before they are loaded on my screen from miles away.

This is the main problem atm.

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The amount of hits to be knocked out/ start bleeding need to be increased. i shouldn't have to bandage every time a zombie touches me.

Watch 5:30 of this video for a good example

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Zombies haven't been a threat whatsoever until this patch from BI.

It's good to see some sort of real threat from the Zeds, this is a hardcore zombie survival after all.

All you people whining they are to hard really do have to sac up and change your tactics.

Maybe you shouldn't shoot that zombie in the middle of town with your incredibly loud primary.

I mean, of course zombies shouldn't be able to hear that right? Because a player from 400M away can hear it, the Zeds 70m away shouldn't hear it, right?

Whiner logic ftw.

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Honestly spawns could be bigger still.. just to give more incentive for group play.

Zombies are currently ridiculously easy to run away from. If you are having problems with it, I suggest you take a moment to study how their line of sight and aggro works (or go back and think about what you did wrong).

EDIT: Also wanted to add that imo at some point Rocket should look in to making helicopter crashes harder from the Zed perspective because atm they are way too easy for a solo player like me, considering you get pretty much the best loot from them. Perhaps not indefinitely, but just to test it out.

Maybe faster spawn rate or something.. so you would need someone to cover when looting.

Edited by Armas

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Last night me and my buddy tried a new strategy that we never had to try before. Basically, my partner was the gun guy. He carried a scoped assualt rifle and pistol with as much ammo as he could muster along with a few rations.

I was the hatchet guy who carried shit loads of first aid. I would see to wandering zombies whilst he would see to other players. If we had to fire the gun, we always had a building to run too so I could take out the zombies that followed without attracting more. He stood behind me looting my alice pack and healing me as I stood my ground and fought. I also took on a running decoy role to draw fire so he could find snipers.

It worked a treat. Granted, he had more fun with the gun and taking out bandits, but as a team we ruled the game.

So yes the zombies are a lot more tougher now, but the game just got better for it. Teams work - find one and stop shooting every player you see and whining about aggro'd zombies that find you.

Edited by grrinc

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I'm a new player to this game so i don't know much about what they were like before but/

Dayz seems like they want to keep thing as close to real life as you can in a zombie survival, so in real life zombies will chase you down, a humans brain is majorly dead in a zombie apart from motor skills so they will go of sight and hearing so when you can see a zombie by hell it can see you.

Aggro on zombies once you've shot them? If you have ever heard a gun before they aren't silent they echo for miles so zombies in real life would be attracted to that sound.

I personally like the game the way it is now although the going prone all the time is slow it adds realism and tension to the game, also the fact that meeting more players has increased will add paranoia to the game, especially when you find one being chased by zombies so you help him out and take them down with your cross bow and to that you he turns around and shoots you in the head.

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1. Use the Weapon-Noice to your advantage. If you shoot you can pull a complete town or city full of zombie to your location. But if you change the location BEFORE they are there, you lured them all to one place and cleared big parts of a town from zombies. They don't even respawn but walk back very slowly! :D

2. Get yourself a silenced M4 an kill every zombie with ease.

3. Everything else is just a waste of time, ammo and blood. Never ever shoot at a zombie. Only if he blocks your way. Just run away, run around houses, run through houses, storages, barns and so on, to get them off yer ass. Also running through thick wood helps.

Shooting also lures the sniper-bandits to your position. You can hear a enfield rifle from very far away.

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I like the new zombie rage, it necessitates quiet. People would be a lot less upset with it if the clipping through walls was not an issue. I've had zombies aggro from 150m while crouch running in grass. If you can't safely crouch run within 150m then you be as well just run the whole time and shake off zombies in buildings/round corners. They also seem to have a stronger herd mentality. Firing a gun in a town will draw every zombie onto you and away from other players. I've seen Elektro almost totally barren of zombies except for 20 or so huddled around a dead players body at times.

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Outside of the aggro range and leg breaking being a bit wonky i think its fine, had a zombie chase me from cherno all the way to electro which isn't very fun when you just spawn, the only reason he even stopped chasing me was because i found a revolver and shot him in the face.

Edited by neo2157

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Hey there, first time poster here.

I've played Day Z a little in the last few weeks. Enough to learn survival strategies not only from watching youtube videos but also from in-game experience. So I'm no expert by any means, but I do know a little, and have learned the hard way that trusting other players will usually get you killed.

What I think on this subject is that zombies should be hard. I want them to be hard to kill, and a real threat. But I think that right now they are hard for the wrong reasons. Some people mention the zombies seeing you from accross the map. I can vouch for that. I've been crouched in thick grass with 2 bars of visibility, with a small town right on the edge of my visible range. I can barely make out the form of zombies at that distance, and yet sometimes (not often, but sometimes) one will come at a full sprint from that distance. It's impossible that he heard me from there, and for a zombie with supposedly 'poor visilibity' he sure does have eagle eyes.

One the flip-side though, I can normally take out a zombie or two without aggroing the nearby ones if I'm using an AK74 or a revolver.

Zombies move too fast. They shouldn't be able to keep up with you. BUT they shouldn't be able to be lost very easily. I'd say make them move at 95% of player max speed, So eventually you can just lose them by running away (assuming you don't attract more in the mean time), but they shouldn't just lose you in trees or bushes, not unless they are a fair way back by then.

Now, I have mixed feelings about the weapons nerfing. I think that no handgun should kill a zombie in one hit. So I'm all for making a zombie take 2-3 bullets from a high-powered handgun, or a full clip from a lower one (or one headshot from any weapon). But they should be hard to kill, not hard to hit. Their full sprint in a zig-zag pattern is just too hard to compensate for. Unless I run, even if I'm well armed, a single zombie is a big threat. To me, if I'm using a military grade weapon, even if a zombie saw me, I should be able to take him out. Now of course... if all his nearby buddies then react to my shooting, I should be screwed...

Now, another player should not be able to survive 2 full clips from any gun. Not unless he's found some body armour, which as we know isn't in this game... So that's the reason I don't like the nerfing. Perhaps make the zombies hit less powerful and also nerf player health? That should compensate. However sniper rifles would then be that much more dangerous. So I'm not sure as they are a major threat as it is (perhaps make sniper rifles that much more rare then? I don't know, I'm just brainstorming).

On that note, the number of zombies does not accurately reflect the area I'm in. I've walked through cherno and elektro (just after respawning, because I know how stupid that normally is when you have equipment to lose), and seen not a single zombie in the whole town. Now when I go to a small town with 2-3 houses and a gas pump, well there's 50 or so zombies all over. It makes raiding a large town like cherno a must for new characters as the zombie-to-loot ratio is much better. And this isn't a rare occurance. It's most small towns I've been to. Maybe some have less than that, but still many many more than I encountered in a larger city.

These are just my observations and ideas. If anyone tells me that I'm obviously a noob because zombies see me, or that I should be running instead of shooting, I can say that I have successfully navigated my way through those small towns with 50 or so zombies without being seen, and survived raiding cherno and elektro. And shooting a single zombie that's charging you should still be a viable option, assuming you're willing to take the risk of another player (or nearby zombies) hearing you...

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Say wahhhh, there pretty easy from how they used to be. They can hear now as opposed to being deaf.


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This seems to make the crossbow a more appealing choice to new spawns, I've been using one with 2 steel bolts to quietly raid for supplies near my groups main camp after having to respawn when i fired my winchester and aggro'd like 50 of them at 6000 blood and dieing horribly.

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yall know the zombies are bugged atm and are spawning more than once at a time?

Edited by Warmaku

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Even in 28 days later the zombies were slightly slower then the humans, PLUS they just bit and slashed at stuff. They didn't spaz out to attack. The hitboxes need work to!

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