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Will hosting a DayZ server give me any special privileges?

No, not really. I'm sorry, but hosting a DayZ server only means that you host a DayZ server.

What it can do is give your clan a place to call home, and it will give you an opportunity to participate in and contribute to DayZ. It will also give you a feeling of having done something good. And, on occasion, a lot of frustration.

Most server administrators are quite happy to be part of something a lot bigger, and they are very appreciated for their contributions.

So, here is my complaint with the server.

A) The Host or admins, etc, Shutdown the server when the last member goes to bed.

Direct Quote from the server Host: evidence.

Once a fair amount of members are online we put it up, it then stays up for the remained of the day until early the next morning when the last members go to sleep; this is to avoid, obviously, mass hackings / griefings of the server while admins are away.

Info on the server can be found here.


Rules in Violation

1) Now, before I get into the first one I'd like to submit that I have never witnessed them actually locking the server. However, I submit this as a violation because Locking and shutting down the server are really not at all different. Why? Because they both keep people out and Both determine who can and who cannot play. By this i mean the server will only be online when one of the so called "MEMBERS" wants to play.



2) Rockets "Persistent World" (directly quoted by rocket and hes has called it a persistent world in many videos/interviews)


What is a persistent world?

A persistent world (PW) is a virtual world that continues to exist even after a user exits the world and that user-made changes to its state are, to some extent, permanent. The term is frequently used in the definition of the MMORPG's and can be considered synonymous with that class of games.

The persistence comes from maintaining and developing a single or dynamic instance state of the world in the game around the clock shared and viewed by all players. Quite unlike other types of games. the plot and events in a single permainstance world game continue to develop even while some of the players are not playing their characters. That aspect is similar to the real world where events do occur regardless if they are directly or indirectly related to a person, as they continue to happen while a person is asleep, etc. Conversely, a player's character can also influence and change a persistent world. The degree to which a character affects a world varies from game to game. Since the game does not pause or create player-accessible back-up files, a character's actions will have consequences that the player must deal with.


Further, Lets look at some key words and relate them to the issues with US 1038 shutting down their server when their "MEMBERS" go to bed from the Persistent world POV.

Argument: The Persistent world continues to develop even when some of the players are not playing their characters further, events continue to occur while a person is "ASLEEP"

Now, some of you will argue well, hey you can just go onto another server and continue where you left off. Yes, You're correct. That I could do however, I like many others have supplies, vehicles, friends, etc who play on US 1038. And to me Shutting down the server takes away the Persistent world feeling as well as its no different than them "LOCKING" the server. They are in direct control of when I can and When I cannot play on their server. Clearly, Rocket never intended this and if you look at the opening quote, server hosts have "NO" special privileges other than the ability to follow the DAYZ rules and kick/ban users within violation of the DAYZ rules.

Edited by MacMcdonald
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+1. This isn't fair at all. I have had several dozens of camps raided, lost, and demolished. As a Server Host and Admin this is unacceptable. Even if they bring the server up this should be black-listed because the equipment wasn't fairly gotten at all and was protected while other members do not have this benefit.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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So another server where the admin's are unable to read and understand the server rules.

I spy, with my little eye, another server getting blacklisted.

Well done for the well made thread OP.

+1 -Take some beans-

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I would love if i could lock my server so it could be set up for just roleplayers but i go by the rules and do not lock my server. I do not see why people think they can lock the server or shut it off just because they own that they can do anything they want.

Edited by Yoko
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I understand how people can be upset at this, but I like what they are trying to do, they are trying to make a safe haven in a world of grief. this "persistent" world is completely against anyone who tries to make it better. You can't keep more than what you can carry completely safe which isn't how the world works. There are hackers bringing in A-10's, teleporting people to "thunder dome", zombies walking through walls, and gear disappearing due to bags. I think we need to get our priorities straight, the Dev team is not able to provide the tools needed to keep this game fair for survivors beyond the simple "if you can carry when you logout It's safe." Rocket has been quoted himself stating "I want people to walk away mad", The only reason most people get mad is because they've been cheated or given a cheap death.

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You miss the whole point. This isn't about morals. This is something you are not allowed to do. I respect what they want to do and if they never shut the server down, there wouldn't be a problem.

There is a CLEAR problem of doing something specifically stated you cannot do.

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I understand how people can be upset at this, but I like what they are trying to do, they are trying to make a safe haven in a world of grief. this "persistent" world is completely against anyone who tries to make it better. You can't keep more than what you can carry completely safe which isn't how the world works. There are hackers bringing in A-10's, teleporting people to "thunder dome", zombies walking through walls, and gear disappearing due to bags. I think we need to get our priorities straight, the Dev team is not able to provide the tools needed to keep this game fair for survivors beyond the simple "if you can carry when you logout It's safe." Rocket has been quoted himself stating "I want people to walk away mad", The only reason most people get mad is because they've been cheated or given a cheap death.

So, you're saying its fair for everyone to shut down their servers when "They" go to bed now? Okay, Lets all shut down our servers while were asleep.. Apparently its okay now since this servers doing it.. right?

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IT's threads like these that make me loose more of my nearly non existent faith in humanity. It seems like the OP is either some sort of rule Nazi or wants to get a pat on the head for pointing out one server. Here is why I have no problem with 1038.

IF the game had actually good anti cheat software It would not be a problem, however the amount of people that are hacking in this game is ridiculous. Now I'm not talking about me getting shot and being pissed off because I can't figure out where it came from. I'm talking about people that are teleporting across the countryside, that spawn in a chopper or aircraft, or my favorite, teleport ALL players on the server to central point and then watch as they run around frantically before some satchel charge of C-4 sends them in thousands of different directions. Unless these are all features in the game I wasn't aware of....

Now look at the WHY they turn off 1038. they do it to avoid some hacker from flying over top of it, in some type of jet, and dropping a nuke into the middle of it. Which could be done fairly easily, judging by the amount of time i have seen some unkown person display powers that a player could not possible have. And I'm sure this situation has happened already, they have woken up and logged in only to find a smoking crater where GM used to be. IF that fair? is that "According to the game mechanics." NO on both of those questions in my opinion.

1038 is also the only server i have run across that is friendly..... friendly, I believe is how you say it. I have played on a number of different servers, and the majority of those are shoot first unless you have that clans tag in front of your name. On 1038 the majority of players want to work together, you know for the greater good, instead of blowing each other away. Working together in one form or another makes the game better. MAny times on 1038 I have said hello I'm friendly to someone else and then we ran off together. Nearly every other server that exchange has ended with a bullet in my head. Why do I say this? TO say or show you that this server is a good server, allow me to wrap up....

SO In the end, are they doing some that is against the rules, yes. However it is because so many don't play by the rules. GMS has taken a stand against this for the greater good and limited the servers up time so that friendly players have a bit of a safe haven. Not so it wont bee destroyed in a raid but so some loan jack ass doesn't nuke it. Its their own form of anti cheating. You seem to be missing the picture and are just saying this is wrong because its against the rules. Guess what, the world is not black and white. its shades of gray. This is one of those shades, this is one of those times you have to turn a blind eye because you have looked at the bigger picture. Like if someone steals a loaf of bread to feed their starving family. Maybe instead of pointing a finger and saying "daddy, they aren't playing in my sandbox the way the lady told me!", you should See that while one kid is breaking the rules, those playing with him are having fun and that big mean kid cant go jump in his dads car and run over their little sand castle.

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While you're above argument is cute and thought out.. it still doesn't hold a bit of weight to the DayZ Server Rules... You're clearly saying it is okay for ALL server admins to shut down their servers whenever they are away... That is fair to no one and gives the only advantage to the admins/hosts themselves. Everyone, if you want to have a full time server to your schedule, you need to host one and only have it up while you're playing... Yes, Hackers are a problem. But, so is breaking TOS. DayZ is about taking risks live with it.

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While you're above argument is cute and thought out.. it still doesn't hold a bit of weight to the DayZ Server Rules... You're clearly saying it is okay for ALL server admins to shut down their servers whenever they are away... That is fair to no one and gives the only advantage to the admins/hosts themselves. Everyone, if you want to have a full time server to your schedule, you need to host one and only have it up while you're playing... Yes, Hackers are a problem. But, so is breaking TOS. DayZ is about taking risks live with it.

I think you are kind of missing the point of what i was trying to say, so I am sorry if I wasn't clear. I do not believe I said it was OK for All server admins to do it. But you can infer that from my argument. But let's clarify, its is OK IF, and that's big IF there, they are doing it as an anti hacking measure for the greater good. I fail to see though how this is fair to no one and give the only advantage to the admins/hosts. That part confuses me, allow me to explain.

Firstly, How is it fair to no one? is there only one server you play on? if so then yes that could be unfair. but there there are SO many to play on. Even if the fore mentioned EVERYONE was to only play when they were awake, I'm sure you would find dozens or hundreds of server to pay on. And surely it is fair to those who run and are in GMS, that's whole needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few argument.

Secondly, if by the only advantage you mean the ability to protect themselves better from hackers. then yes you are correct. That's it, period, that is the only thing that they use it for. Its not to stop people from taking their stuff , shall we call it legally, like raiding. It so that one random guy that wants to troll everyone doesn't wipe out what they made through hacking.

You seem to be taking a small in fracture and blowing it up. and out of proportion, you making it seem like they have god like powers. They aren't hacking.You still seem to not see the bigger picture. Open your eyes for a minute and look and see it all. And lets remember this is an Alpha, not a beta and not a release. it is also free. You seem to be pointing out this flaw and demanding justice for something that doesnt effect you at all, accept that you play on their server. Unless you had a car loaded with stuff and they shut down the server for the night and you lost it all. in which case I'd demand justice too :-)

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You let one person abuse the TOS, soon the rest will follow. also i have vehicles and tent w/ gear on that server which annoys me considering i play mostly late night at around the time these guys want to go to bed and shut down the server.

Edited by MacMcdonald

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The fact of the matter is, that locking the server, and shutting down the server are two totally different things. Locking the server would imply a select few players will get access to the server while the greater population does not get to play; allowing that group to secure spawns, loot, etc. As we have all already said 1038 has never locked their server.

Now shutting the server down for one reason or another, be it because there is no admin on for an hour or two and there is a realistic fear of hackers, is not against the rules. I see no rule saying that the server needs to be online 24/7. The Persistent world is not being changed or hurt. That being because there are NO players on the world. No one is making changes, and all will be as it was when it comes back on.

The only reason I could see someone crying about the fact of a few hours of downtime would be the ones causing these problems of hacking, ghosting, or griefing.

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Where in the Dayz Servers thread does it say you cannot take down a server periodically? It explicitly states that you may not lock a server. Taking it down for a short period of time =/= locking the server. When a server is locked a few people can still play while simultaneously preventing others from joining. This can be seen when servers have 4 players or so on but is disallowing others from logging onto it. Locking a server is an advantage because you can simply go raid high-value areas safely due to the lack of hostile players. However when you take down a server nobody is on. You can't go around safely obtaining loot because you, as well as every single other person, cannot go on.

The server goes down during dead-time when there's practically nobody playing anyway, and not just whenever a GMS player isn't on. By taking taking it down for a short while/restarting every six hours it increases frame rate and decreases the likelihood that a hacker will screw over everyone. Don't try to demonize a server when you have no idea what you're speaking about. Also, don't be a condescending prick to people making legitimate arguments as it makes you look like an obnoxious person.

Edited by A Classy Emu

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I love how you guys brought "short" period of time into this. Lets see server went down lastnight around 12:30am EST it is now 2:49pm EST and it is still down. 14 hours is such a "short" time.

Edited by MacMcdonald
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MacMcdonald and Ravin, I'd like either of you to directly link where it specifically says that servers must have a minumum uptime, until then, shut up. Server downtime is not the same as locking and is not against the rules, simple as that. The reason us 1038 is taken down occasionally is to avoid hackers logging in when there aren't any admins awake to stop them. Hacking is a massive problem in this game, and one that the DayZ dev team has failed to give server admins very many tools to combat. I'd like to see you arguing this point after you've been teleported to the thunderdome a few times.

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I love how you guys brought "short" period of time into this. Lets see server went down lastnight around 12:30am EST it is now 2:49pm EST and it is still down. 14 hours is such a "short" time.

Glad you ignored the rest of my point, but then again being obtuse is a favorite tactic of people who know they're wrong. Taking down a server isn't against ToS. Period. You're wrong.

However just to make you feel slightly better, yes sometimes it is down for longer than usual. This affects everyone, even those in the clan. There is no advantage for the clan in this regard. But at this point you're just clawing for arguments.

Edited by A Classy Emu

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No thank Scipio Shutting Down a server to play when only you want to is no better than Locking it.

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IF the game had actually good anti cheat software It would not be a problem,

Anti-cheat software to immediately blacklist Admins like this who are cheating?

I agree, this should be developed post haste!

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No thank Scipio Shutting Down a server to play when only you want to is no better than Locking it.

I literally just explained how they are completely different a few posts above you. Did you even read that?

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Anti-cheat software to immediately blacklist Admins like this who are cheating?

I agree, this should be developed post haste!

So, I've heard there is a system already in the working to watch admins.. Just a rumor passed down.

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Wrong. Locking a server allows a specific group of players to farm loot and vehicles without the risk of competing enemies, therefore gives them a tactical advantage. Server takedown is an impartial shutdown that favors no specific group, neither member players nor competing players can play, and therefore is inherently different from locking.

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LOL how does it not favor a specific group? Taking your server down PROTECTS anything you have or have setup, etc. also you have to power to determine when someone can and cannot play. Whats to stop the admin from shutting the server down after he rages for 6-7 hours then comes back later and starts it back up... If you don't see the problem here, you clearly are apart of the GMS group.

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You let one person abuse the TOS, soon the rest will follow. also i have vehicles and tent w/ gear on that server which annoys me considering i play mostly late night at around the time these guys want to go to bed and shut down the server.

And there we have the root of you particular problem MAc, may I call you Mac? I feel for you I really do, I myself want to, shall we set up shop, on 1038 but I play usually later as well. And yes it is REALLY annoying but its a necessarily evil IMO. We are two sides of the same coin but I accept it and see the good. We could really get along.

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LOL how does it not favor a specific group? Taking your server down PROTECTS anything you have or have setup, etc. also you have to power to determine when someone can and cannot play. Whats to stop the admin from shutting the server down after he rages for 6-7 hours then comes back later and starts it back up... If you don't see the problem here, you clearly are apart of the GMS group.

I'm truly glad you keep proving me right with your being dense and all. First of all it doesn't favor a specific group because while the server is down anyone else not apart of the clan also receives the same benefits. Your gear is also protected from hackers while it's down and not just GMS. So no there is no inherent advantage. Secondly, the only reason the server would be shut down is if it was going against the ToS. What you described is not. There's no way to argue around it mate.

Edited by A Classy Emu

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