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Name who gets an advantage? GMS? Everyone who has stuff on our server benefits. We've had Hackers come in and just literally wipe everyone's equipment and teleport them all over the map? Do you think it's preferable to let them run rampant and deal with it? Seriously. You have no basis for your argument. If you want to raid our camp, raid our server when it's up then.

You going to the Dev Team and saying we shut down the server for something we don't do is lying.

Its not lying. You have your own clan posts saying you DO take it down when everyone is logged off. Read the frontpost of this forum my friend.

The individuals who have that server have the advantage. You have no risk of being raided because you control when it goes up and down.

Let me play your game for a minute.

I have a camp at NWAF with some tents on a server. My clan and I have all of our vehicles there and we get fairly good loot, considering the location. With L85's and Snipers we can cover the whole airfield and noone bothers us. But people CAN kill us. We can return fire at them.

Okay, after a long day of farming, Let us bring down the server to prevent potiental hackers or people from finding our equipment because we are not online to protect it. I should be able to do this with your logic, right? Maybe a hacker might show up.

Funny, the other servers that guy has in his signature is an admin of three other servers. Why aren't those taken down too? They are at risk of having hackers on them. Mine are too. I possibly should shut them down until I play again later to make sure noone does anything I do not agree with.

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Name who gets an advantage? GMS? Everyone who has stuff on our server benefits. We've had Hackers come in and just literally wipe everyone's equipment and teleport them all over the map? Do you think it's preferable to let them run rampant and deal with it? Seriously. You have no basis for your argument. If you want to raid our camp, raid our server when it's up then.

You going to the Dev Team and saying we shut down the server for something we don't do is lying.

That's the thing, it's up only when you decide, it's not on a schedule it's not publicly accessible from players. Which means the server is only up when you guys decide and it goes down as soon as whatever you where doing is done. You have no chance to be raided. Every other clans don't have the luxury of being able to guard their camp all the time, because the servers they are on run 24/7, the server on this topic on the other hand only run when the admins wants to play, which conveniently skirt around this problem.

Hackers or not, forcing a roll back is not your call either.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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Hackers or not, forcing a roll back is not your call either.

This is also a good point. Even with hackers we don't get the luxury of restarting a server due to hackers or lost equipment. This is known to be posted by DayZ staff that you can't restart a server because you have died. Even from a hacker. All you can do is report it and try again.

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Did you not see the screen shot of the PM that was send from a dayz dev saying that taking the server offline to stop hackers or people raiding your camp when members are not online is not allow ?

You need to read that screenshot again. Ravin never said anything about taking servers down online to stop hackers. He asked about taking it down to stop Bandits. Big difference. Also, we can easily protect our server with the members on at night. It's when the admin is off. The server is advertised on the front page of Survivor HQ by the way. Most hackers see that thread and go, "Big Green Mountain camp with ton of loot these guys have...SCORE! THIS SERVER IS GOING DOWN!" Hackers have been coming in on the server because a camp is advertised on there. It's a prime target. It's the reason that the other servers Vaq's other servers aren't targeted as much. It's a lower chance to be targeted since there's so many servers, but a server advertised to have a big camp (Multiple actually, other players have camps too. So this protects their stuff as well) is like a fucking steak to hackers.

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This is also a good point. Even with hackers we don't get the luxury of restarting a server due to hackers or lost equipment. This is known to be posted by DayZ staff that you can't restart a server because you have died. Even from a hacker. All you can do is report it and try again.

The hackers usually come on and Thunderdome the shit out of us. Do you expect us to just sit there and die over and over again and not restart because of that reasoning?

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You need to read that screenshot again. Ravin never said anything about taking servers down online to stop hackers. He asked about taking it down to stop Bandits. Big difference. Also, we can easily protect our server with the members on at night. It's when the admin is off. The server is advertised on the front page of Survivor HQ by the way. Most hackers see that thread and go, "Big Green Mountain camp with ton of loot these guys have...SCORE! THIS SERVER IS GOING DOWN!" Hackers have been coming in on the server because a camp is advertised on there. It's a prime target. It's the reason that the other servers Vaq's other servers aren't targeted as much. It's a lower chance to be targeted since there's so many servers, but a server advertised to have a big camp (Multiple actually, other players have camps too. So this protects their stuff as well) is like a fucking steak to hackers.

So you admit this server ONLY goes up to serve as a trading post and then taken down later because its a prime hacking target? Hacking effects EVERYONE. Not just one server, or this one, or that one. All of them. You do not get the luxury of shutting down or restarting your server whenever you like.

Why did you just admit to yourself that you shut it down on purpose to prevent people from getting at your equipment... -Facepalm.-

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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You need to read that screenshot again. Ravin never said anything about taking servers down online to stop hackers. He asked about taking it down to stop Bandits. Big difference. Also, we can easily protect our server with the members on at night. It's when the admin is off. The server is advertised on the front page of Survivor HQ by the way. Most hackers see that thread and go, "Big Green Mountain camp with ton of loot these guys have...SCORE! THIS SERVER IS GOING DOWN!" Hackers have been coming in on the server because a camp is advertised on there. It's a prime target. It's the reason that the other servers Vaq's other servers aren't targeted as much. It's a lower chance to be targeted since there's so many servers, but a server advertised to have a big camp (Multiple actually, other players have camps too. So this protects their stuff as well) is like a fucking steak to hackers.

Everybody else deals with hackers without taking down their servers.

Why cant you?

Are you special in some way?

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So you admit this server ONLY goes up to serve as a trading post and then taken down later because its a prime hacking target? Hacking effects EVERYONE. Not just one server, or this one, or that one. All of them.

Why did you just admit to yourself that you shut it down on purpose to prevent people from getting at your equipment... -Facepalm.-

Fuck this. There's no reasoning with you.

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The hackers usually come on and Thunderdome the shit out of us. Do you expect us to just sit there and die over and over again and not restart because of that reasoning?

It depends, do you still want to host dayZ servers?

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I'll just throw this in as a neutral observer: Innocent until proven guilty. One has to prove the intent behind the shutdown (hackers/griefers vs. protecting loot from legit bandits), and there isn't enough evidence yet. Not for me anyway.

Just to be clear, I'm a guy who believes hacking should be punished over the defense against the hack...along the same lines as a person is allowed (reasonable) self defense against an assailant. Countermeasures scale with the attack: see citizen's arrests, where the citizen can only use force if the situation calls for it.

If it can be proven that they are abusing it, fine. Blacklist the server. If it can be proven that they were using force beyond what was called for to protect against a particular hack, fine. Blacklist the server.

But then, I'm just a noob passing by *waves and leaves*

Edited by FishBoy
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Fuck this. There's no reasoning with you.

Because what you are doing ISN'T permitted. I know you are saying "What we are doing is good and we want to help people." Yes. We all do in our own way. Sometimes people can be dicks. But you are not a special server to just shut it down and bring it up whenever you want to. You don't seem to get this. You, out of thousands of servers, don't get to pick and choose when it comes up and down. Noone else, (assumed. They possibly do.) is allowed to do this. I have to deal with them all the time, everyday. Like for example. I had this happen to MY server


Did I 'take it down for hours at a time and bring it up when I am online?" No. That affects every player on your server who plays on it. Your server is not your personal "I do what I want to do." You use the server as a server to call your own.

Beyond that, have almost no control.

Do like it? No. Do I follow the rules? Yes.

Big difference.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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well, last time it was online i was there. at the green mountain, by the radio tower. picking whathever i would like. and i am not into the clan yet. they welcame me as one of them, and there were otheres. i just brought some food, a ghilie i found in a crashsite on my way to the mountain and thas it. open doors for a friendly guy.

all i can tell it is not a "just for the clan" server. it is a very friendly server with some guys who had a nice idea and put up some RPG arround it. if you want to PVP/cheat, go anywhere else. on 1038 we are roleplaying. it you dont like theyr style, fell free to choose any no-cdkey/hack-free server. there are plenty. just dont spoil our fun.

btw, i would save my stuff in that server even if it wouldnt be up all the time. i know there won't be a hacker cheating to find my stuff or someone nuking it all. if someone find it and stole, well, my fault.

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If you want to raid our camp, raid our server when it's up then.

What time would be good for you?

Since apparently everyone needs to play on your schedule

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well, last time it was online i was there. at the green mountain, by the radio tower. picking whathever i would like. and i am not into the clan yet. they welcame me as one of them, and there were otheres. i just brought some food, a ghilie i found in a crashsite on my way to the mountain and thas it. open doors for a friendly guy.

all i can tell it is not a "just for the clan" server. it is a very friendly server with some guys who had a nice idea and put up some RPG arround it. if you want to PVP/cheat, go anywhere else. on 1038 we are roleplaying. it you dont like theyr style, fell free to choose any no-cdkey/hack-free server. there are plenty. just dont spoil our fun.

btw, i would save my stuff in that server even if it wouldnt be up all the time. i know there won't be a hacker cheating to find my stuff or someone nuking it all. if someone find it and stole, well, my fault.

You just proved our point on why this is wrong, thank you. :)

Edited by The Hopper
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I think this thread is in dire need a one-liner that could possibly settle this entire thing.

Oh wait, here's one;

"Rules are rules."


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You need to read that screenshot again. Ravin never said anything about taking servers down online to stop hackers. He asked about taking it down to stop Bandits. Big difference. Also, we can easily protect our server with the members on at night. It's when the admin is off. The server is advertised on the front page of Survivor HQ by the way. Most hackers see that thread and go, "Big Green Mountain camp with ton of loot these guys have...SCORE! THIS SERVER IS GOING DOWN!" Hackers have been coming in on the server because a camp is advertised on there. It's a prime target. It's the reason that the other servers Vaq's other servers aren't targeted as much. It's a lower chance to be targeted since there's so many servers, but a server advertised to have a big camp (Multiple actually, other players have camps too. So this protects their stuff as well) is like a fucking steak to hackers.

So in other words, you volunteered to advertise your server and are now afraid hackers will log in and destroy your precious camp. To prevent this from happening when you are not on, you shutdown the server when no admins are around. Sounds alot like "we shut down the server to protect our loot from being raided or destroyed, even though its of an extreme advantage for us over others."

does this also mean that any one who assults your camp is banned, simply because you are "only protecting it from hackers."

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So in other words, you volunteered to advertise your server and are now afraid hackers will log in and destroy your precious camp. To prevent this from happening when you are not on, you shutdown the server when no admins are around. Sounds alot like "we shut down the server to protect our loot from being raided or destroyed, even though its of an extreme advantage for us over others."

does this also mean that any one who assults your camp is banned, simply because you are "only protecting it from hackers."

No man. We love raiders. It's exciting. Come by and fight us and we'll prove you wrong. If you ghost however...That's a different story.

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No man. We love raiders. It's exciting. Come by and fight us and we'll prove you wrong. If you ghost however...That's a different story.

I would love to fight you. But sadly, I can't do this when you server is shut down four days out of the week with no times when its up. Then you only bring it up when you have a lot of members on to protect your camp. Preventing any real PVP.

You don't really see how much of an advantage this gives you guys, do you? Your ignorance is AMAZING.

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Did you not see the screen shot of the PM that was send from a dayz dev saying that taking the server offline to stop hackers or people raiding your camp when members are not online is not allow ?

No I did not. Ravin's question and the respective answer contained nothing concerning an appropriate response to hacking, and is therefore pretty much irrelevant to this discussion.

Ravin/The Hopper, How do you guys deal with hackers, I'm actually curious since according to the TOS, you can only ban people for racism.

- S C I P I O


in a world full of Scipio one must become a Scipio in order to Scipio

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No man. We love raiders. It's exciting. Come by and fight us and we'll prove you wrong. If you ghost however...That's a different story.

Whats your damn schedule then?

Excuse my language but for fuck sake I am tired of arguing in circles.

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I would love to fight you. But sadly, I can't do this when you server is shut down four days out of the week with no times when its up. Then you only bring it up when you have a lot of members on to protect your camp. Preventing any real PVP.

You don't really see how much of an advantage this gives you guys, do you? Your ignorance is AMAZING.

We've been wanting to get on all day man. I've been in teamspeak for awhile waiting for the server to get back up. If this game gets better anti-hacking measures than this is a problem I would love to get rid of. I actually like playing at dark so I'm disappointed that the server is off when the admin leaves. Still am defending the reasoning for it though.

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No I did not. Ravin's question and the respective answer contained nothing concerning an appropriate response to hacking, and is therefore pretty much irrelevant to this discussion.

Ravin/The Hopper, How do you guys deal with hackers, I'm actually curious since according to the TOS, you can only ban people for racism.

- S C I P I O


in a world full of Scipio one must become a Scipio in order to Scipio

One real way.

I made a long post about this in another thread, I will link it here.

I do think that is plenty, if enough. However you are missing the point. I am well aware of this 'problem' but it has nothing to do with DayZ, it has everything to do with Arma2 and Battleeye. To catch a hacker takes a bit of work. The few ways I have done it required painstaking work on recording FRAPS, hoping I catch them doing it at the start, watching mass deaths on the video recordings, comparing them to who has died and who didn't die, researching posts. Seeing if names match up, then compiling them together and pushing a ban. Then if a DayZ staff member approaches me, I either provide them with my findings, or simply unban them and try to catch them next time.

This is what you do as a server admin. Its a thankless tiring job and its rough. But this is what we have to deal with and we signed up for it. If you don't like it, all I can say is don't host a server.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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No I did not. Ravin's question and the respective answer contained nothing concerning an appropriate response to hacking, and is therefore pretty much irrelevant to this discussion.

Ravin/The Hopper, How do you guys deal with hackers, I'm actually curious since according to the TOS, you can only ban people for racism.

- S C I P I O


in a world full of Scipio one must become a Scipio in order to Scipio

Malicious talk and acts. hacking is a no brainer. An effective way to combat hackers is to aquire admins who play at different times, build a community that effectively reports hacking, and enable tags to ensure any screenshot or video made for evidence has there player name involved.

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Malicious talk and acts. hacking is a no brainer. An effective way to combat hackers is to aquire admins who play at different times, build a community that effectively reports hacking, and enable tags to ensure any screenshot or video made for evidence has there player name involved.

Good plan...Multiple admins at different time zones would be good. I will push for that to the admin later on.

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Good plan...Multiple admins at different time zones would be good. I will push for that to the admin later on.

Its better then having the server blacklisted....

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