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How to "officially" pronounce "Day Z" ?

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Hi everyone,

I juste discovered this great mod, but there's a question I ask myself... How to pronounce it the way that the creator/developer pronounce it.

Is it :

1 - Days

2 - Day Zi

3 - Day zed

Or something else ?

Can someone help me, it will be my firt step in the game, and i want to do it the right way...

(Sorry for my bad english)

Edited by Awearness
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But there's somthing missing in your post. :)

But question is understood.

I heard evelopers say "dei Zee". But more occrect is Day Zed.

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail

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Hmmm...pretty different aswers...But tank you, it'll be Day zi... (or waiting for further aswers).

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I'm British so pronounce 'Z' as 'Zed' but I heard Rocket call it 'day zee' so I call it 'day zee'...when I die to a bug or a suspect hack I call it a 'f'cking piece of shit' :thumbsup:

Of course I still love the mod and will continue to torture myself by playing it.

Edited by BoneMender
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on the interviews of rocket its allways

Day Zee

But, who cares? THats one more thing which makes the game "special"

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American - Day Zee

UK - Day Zed

The letter Z is spoken differently in the US.

Edited by mZLY
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If your from 'Murica...

Day "Zee"...

If you from anywhere else...

Day "Zed"...


American - Day Zee

UK - Day Zed

The letter Z is spoken differently in the US.

you beat me to it...

Edited by LeOverlord

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I am very sneaky sneaky, sir.

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But there's somthing missing in your post. :)

But question is understood.

I heard evelopers say "dei Zee". But more occrect is Day Zed.

I reckon say it how you like. Personally I like days, it's much easier to say. When I'm just talking casually about it I say that, but on YouTube I always say Day Zee.

Also just wanted to comment on your correction, there really is no correct way, it's all dependent on where you're from. :)

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It's Day-Zee or Day-Zed, not Days.

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"Day Zed"

or, alternatively, "Po-ta-to"

Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.

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I'm from London but I say DayZEEEEE. It's probably from watching too many vids made by Americans. I might just use Potato from now on though.

Edited by Fraggle
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  • Correct English: Day Zed
  • Also correct: Day Zee
  • Incorrect: Days

Edit: Apparently also correct: Potato, although I prefer tomato.

Edited by kebman
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I'm from London but I say DayZEEEEE. It's probably from watching too many vids made by Americans. I might just use Potato from now on though.

I say Day Zed but frequently lapse into Day Zee after watching too many vids.

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As a loyal subject of the Empire I use "Day Zed". I like the use of the term "Zed" as short for zombie, and this is just not congruent with calling the game "Day Zee". Calling a zombie a "Zee" does not have the same ring to it, either.

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I'm American and call it Day Zee, but I call zombies, zed. I might just start calling them Po-ta-toes though. Does it take more time to pronounce? Yes. Is it a lot more fun to say? Hell yes!

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As a Canadian I instinctively call it DayZed, but after watching too many videos DayZee seems to have taken over.

Edited by Jokurr

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