Grey Warden 90 Posted July 29, 2012 Spawned with basic equipment and start my way towards a small settlement with a barn. Get shot from behind 10 seconds later and the guy doesn't even loot my corpse. Why kill someone who is no threat and has no suppplies you need?Or maybe the time a single Zombie broke my leg with 1 hit and my blood being full?Or mouse glitches out and i run off the side of a building.Randomly stand up when leaving a house and aggro 10 Zombies with no weapon.Take your pick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lobsterman 5 Posted July 29, 2012 My most annoying one has to be falling down some stairs, breaking my legs, and losing my hearing without morphine in the middle of the fricking nothing, having 1500 blood. I stuck to it, tried to crawl to the next town, but some asshole came the same way, stopped right in front of me, I asked him for assistance, but nothing. He just stared at me a while, and shot me in the head.The death that hurt me the most was my last one. I just looted a heli crash site(which had 15-20 zombies around it, which i found weird), it had a night scope FN FAL(4 clips), and a Bizon(3 clips), so i was happy as i could be. I went into the nearby forest thingking of getting out of the area(pretty near Stary), so i could be safe looking for some food. And in the middle of the forest there was a bike. I thought its time for a bit of fun after crawling next to that bloody heli for half an hour debating what i should get and how could i fit everything into my backpack without losing anything valuable. So i jumped on it and went east towards safety(i thought). And then a group of 5 guys came out of the forest, and without a second thought gunned me down. I fell in the water so hopefully they didnt recover my epic loot. And i think they gunned down one of their own too, because just as the shooting started another name came up being dead.Personally i love the game, but people always shoot me on sight, even though im always trying to be friendly. Too much PVP going on for my taste. i would love it if people trusted one another once in a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 61 Posted July 29, 2012 Random spawn death i'm on my fourth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timmymachine109 (DayZ) 235 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) I was on eu13 in start with a friend when we hear a lot of gun fire and hear something explode. After seeing some smoke on the horizon we went to get a better look. I spotted a player in running through some trees and shot him with my M107. As he dropped to the floor his disappeared (alt f4ing cheating bastard!!). I continued to scope the area and we shot by his friends!! I lost a ghillie suit, m107, coyote backpack and I didn't even get a kill!! Pretty sure the cheater was part of [ind] clan! Douche!! If he wasn't I'm sorry to them!! Edited July 29, 2012 by Timmymachine109 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lobstris 2 Posted July 29, 2012 Finding an AS50 and NVGs at a crashed helo site, getting wounded on the escape. Killed a goat for the meat using the AS50, get re-aggroed and seriously wounded by zombies from the heli site that had just spawned in without me noticing. Run away and find a couple of cows - kill those for meat, again using the AS50 (mmmm - 16 steaks, 9 eaten in one sitting - beat that 'Man vs. Food!'). Moment I pack up the camp site, get ganked from behind by another player. Never even got to use the NVGs. Remind me to be a bit quieter the next time I'm within a click of Stary Sobor. Oh well, on to the next life... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DisabledMonkey 0 Posted July 29, 2012 Mine was prodably yesterday when i was at Cherno firestation... I logged in, went to the top floor of the tower and BOOM took 20 or so AKM rounds in the back of my head. Luckily my friend was in the floor under him so he went up with his revolver and killed him. When i then got back to the tower the guy who shot me apparently hid my body as he was getting shot at by my friend... Lost a ghillie suit, a tent i had in my backpack, a DMR, coyote backpack and a AS50... Damn bandits... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crashchaser 18 Posted July 29, 2012 2 day of playing not knowing wtf is going on and stuff,im running along enjoying meself in a forrest at night well theres still some light so i can see atleast,gotten an alice pack m1911 cz sniperrifle pack full of food 3 waterbottles medic suppiles,in the middle of nowhere im thinking ahahahaa noone will see me or find me i get about 10m down a big hill in the forrest stop and listen for enemy´s hm nothing then i turn around to look up the hill,only to see 2 guys about 5maway from me,now being new to the game im thinking uhmm wtf now what and the other guys is just as supprised front guy goes uhm WTF WTF guy behind him goes ARGHHH MOMMMMMYYYY before the first guy pumps a full clip of pistolammo in my head while i go why the fuck did he do that what an ahole.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thatjordguy 1 Posted July 29, 2012 Broken leg on climbing stairs, while trying to survive on 2K health and killing another player. Utterly stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
facet 66 Posted July 29, 2012 Killed by wood! Crawled near wood, close to Rog Castle. No idea why, but this tree killed me. I saw shock, broken bone icons, then sudden death. Whole accident maybe 1 sec. I was fresh 12.000 of blood, not shocked. Just hitted dirt for checking map.Killed by latrine door when closing it. I was ok, blood over 10.000Fall from 1st step of barn stairs. Broken bone at start, no morphine = death3 zombies killed me near deer stand. Then respawned just front of me, hitted me they all same time.Fall from Hospital roof. My fault - was funny ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smittyjaja 4 Posted July 29, 2012 Went into the North West airfield control tower, got lots of nice loot, someone spawned behind me and shot me./sigh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pingulol 3 Posted July 29, 2012 I'd say accidentally falling off a roof yesterday resulting in me losing the ghilliesuit I had found earlier that evening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
derKirsche 0 Posted July 29, 2012 Last night we were scavenging Cherno. I climbed a roof to get a better view of my surroundings. Saw a Zed about 200m away and said to myself "Why not try a headshot with my brandnew AK?"I stood at the edge of the roof and hit "go prone". Then my character did the 3-steps-forward-leap into prone position. Hit the ground pretty hard. It was the last mistake of my character on day 4 of his life.Shiiitttttt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
facet 66 Posted July 29, 2012 Went into the North West airfield control tower, got lots of nice loot, someone spawned behind me and shot me./sighThis tower is always in snipers sight. I'm sure he not spawned, just sniped you. maybe I'm wrong, but 99% not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rancor1223 17 Posted July 29, 2012 Server hopper.You got your Karma.My friend, hidden in the woods, then killed one of them (at least we think they were two) and minute ago got killed by another sniper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kurtthecobain 10 Posted July 29, 2012 looting NW airfield with a huge group, moving to safe location on a bus,ejecting accidentallyInsta-death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 15 Posted July 29, 2012 Me: My name is Camco...and I was killed by hackers...multiple times ._.Everyone else: "Hi Camco!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ironman3112 11 Posted July 29, 2012 was lying down on the top of an office building, heard someone in the building so i figured i'd wait for them to leave and i just watched the ladder (the only way to the top of the building), then all of a sudden i got shot from behind even though i had been watching the ladder the whole time :/ i figured lag caused me to not see him come up...but it was quite tedious Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
facet 66 Posted July 29, 2012 He left every single item on my body.Except the GPS. :(Suprised? :D Nice story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PulpJulesW 7 Posted July 29, 2012 I have had several. One time I just logged in dead. I've been one hit killed by zombies three times (also, all on video) and I've been hacked and turned into a goat in the middle of the ocean to die several times. However, the most annoying had to be this... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bottlerocket 205 Posted July 29, 2012 Was raiding the cherno appartments in the dark with a chemlight ..... I hear gun fire close by so put it out and get plunged into TOTAL darkness.So I decide to go on the roof to see if anyone is coming (i can still see the arrow). Press up, climb up into TOTAL darkness, take two steps cause I'm still pushing up, and go head first off the side.You are Dead.Motherfucker ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Momiji 46 Posted July 29, 2012 Getting shot in the back by a group member, who then took all my stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gambla 118 Posted July 29, 2012 I was a little proud of surviving eight days. I got a L85 AWS and all the good gear. Today i climbed up a hill with some rocks on the top. Then i stepped on some gravel (gravel noise) between two rocks and instantly died with - 1600 blood ! :( I couldn't believe it, but it wasn't too bad, had to laugh about it. Best thing is, i never shot anybody with this gun ! ZERO :)Same day, best experience:Heard a shot close to the grocery store where i was heading to. Entered the shop and was nearly shot by a guy. Suddenly this guy was shot by somebody else. I could only hope that this was only another single dude. I was waiting behind one of the backdoors, didn't dare to move and waited. Seconds later the door opened and i saw a sniper in a ghillie with M107 (?). One shot, one kill, with my Enfiled and he dropped dead ! Too bad it was a group, so i didn't make it out. But killing one of those wannabe sniper-bandits in close combat was awesome ! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
`Orum 17 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) Worst deaths? Every time I die to a hacker, which seems more and more frequent, and makes me want to play this game less and less. Just today, I was prone, in a ghillie suit, with dense trees on all sides, nowhere near civilization. You literally could not see me unless you were essentially right on top of me (and yes I do know about setting ATOC to "disabled"). While waiting for my friend to log in and join me (less than 5 minutes), pistol shots (or what sounded like them) to my head kill me before I can react. No approach sounds, was looking around me in 3rd person, and names were off on the server. Now, it seems, rather than teleporting you to the hackers location, they prefer to teleport themselves (or potentially other players on the server) to you, and kill you that way.I don't think I'll be playing much until they fix the insane amount of hacking going on in the game right now. Edited July 29, 2012 by `Orum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askar 177 Posted July 29, 2012 Vaulted over a sandbag, broke my legs, fell unconscious, and bled to death.Instantly killed from 12000 blood by a door opening.Got run over by my own boat a moment after I exited it. Bled to death before I could crawl out of the water.Now I go around helping mitigate the losses inflicted by this cruel and malevalent world. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted July 29, 2012 Cme into game with my m4 cco ad and as50.Get spawnkilled by a guy with a SAW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites