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spawn (DayZ)

game is too easy and getting boring and more

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firstly the game is far too easy. The only thing you have to worry about is players in the game, not zombies. players seem to hunt other players. Now I am not winging about PVP as I usually have a group with me from 5-20 players so anyone that attacks us dies and we run back to our bodies. now real life it would be suicidal for someone to attack us so why do it in the game? We onlky get wiped out when hackers are in the game and then we ban them so our server is becomming much more safe.

I suggest maing the zombies harder maybe 4 head shots to kill them and maybe at least 8 5.56 rounds instead of 2.

Alt F4 should not work if you have agro, or if it does work your character will not leave the game unless he is clear of agro so yes the game can close but your character cant leave.

People are buying hacks now so they can change the way they play the game. they spend 3 hors running around finaly getting a decent weapon then they get hunted by someone who just wants a kill count or a hacker. They think screw it i will just buy a hack and hack myself in full gear every time so when I do die it doesn't matter

People are getting bored once they get all the gear they need and there is none better so they go killing players for no reason. maybe if there was a goal of some kind people would not get bored I mean surviving is easy. just lay down all day and eat and drink every two hours.

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So you say the game is too easy and it should be harder and all of a sudden you mention people hacking gear because the game is too hard for them .... i'm confused ...

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If you are that bored, why don't you post the server your little boy band plays on? We can make sure to end that boredom real fast... :rolleyes:

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Lol this guy is something. The game is perfectly fine as is at the moment. It's extremely hard and the zombies can give you quite a hassle at the moment. No way do we need it to be any harder. That's just a ridiculous idea.

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this guy is stupid and absolutely rediculous the game is already hard for people like me

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Zombies are way to weak, they are no danger, they are just some props in the world who makes something longer to do.

I just want to make something in 10 min, but because of the zombies it takes me 20 min. Thats all.

Zombies are fillers.

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the game is not hard, if u know what u doing. this is alpha so i know their not ton of things to do...

I mean if tents worked correctly i would want to track down cars/more loot and such to get togather.

PVP is really easy too it mostly who sees who first and shoots wins. (it takes 1 shot most of the time to kill someone, cause u either kill them, they pass out, break legs/bleed or they ALT +F4)

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the game is hard? I am going solo for the last few days and made it to 500+ kills with endless ammo for my M4A1 CCO SD and my thermal sight weapon.

All I do is scope out the airfield and kill zimbies with 1 shot. I attract no attention day or night with NVG's. If I see someone in my way I shoot them with my little 5.56 weapon from up to 400-500m away using my range finder. I have food and water and think now what do I do.

how am I stupid?? if you think the game is hard then fuck you really suck

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It is too easy to gear up to the max in DayZ.

Not speaking on behalf of anyone else but myself,I think the following changes should occur.

Make zombies tougher so you need lots of ammo to deal with them.

Decrease loot by at least half so it takes longer than 1 hours play to get FULLY equipped.

Make starvation a real threat so just finding a meal is the priority over finding a helicopter.

There should be plenty of crappy cars around BUT a shortage of fuel.

Remove military grade sniper rifles to do away with gutless 'sniper bandits'.

Introduce batteries so GPS, NVG, torches etc have a life span.

These are just a few ideas that I think can help drive the survival aspect of the game and prevent boredom which leads to death match.

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just as con7act and Skully said.

my grup of people at one point had about 6 cars stached and tents geared after much farming. on the weekends we will make a trip to chern and leave a buss with some gear we dont want for people to take. if they can get it that is. one weekend was a failure however due to a hacker teleporting all over the place killing nearly all of us. by the time we got to chern the bus was trashed but we kicked the hacker who was spawning in all types of gear to kill us. then we played against some real players which was fun and some people teamed up.

playing solo is very boring. with guys its much more fun but for the people who dont get a chance to team up with others its hard for them to get by on their own. just like real life.

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the game is hard? I am going solo for the last few days and made it to 500+ kills with endless ammo for my M4A1 CCO SD and my thermal sight weapon.

All I do is scope out the airfield and kill zimbies with 1 shot. I attract no attention day or night with NVG's. If I see someone in my way I shoot them with my little 5.56 weapon from up to 400-500m away using my range finder. I have food and water and think now what do I do.

how am I stupid?? if you think the game is hard then fuck you really suck

Since you're still going to ignore my post and not answer my challenge, I'll tell you where to find my crew. Come to US 1039 TX...that is, if your 20 boy crew has the balls... ;)

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lol have the balls. you tell me the position you are in and me and my mates will all come on a friday night. you should know its much easier to take a position in a game so we will have the advantage. unless one of you has a hack and can see us on the map. Many people have hacks and use it minimum just so they have an advantage but not so much that people get suspect.

sounds like your one of these people. But PM me your location and we will all come. however many of us cant get in the game right now stuck on loading

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lol have the balls. you tell me the position you are in and me and my mates will all come on a friday night. you should know its much easier to take a position in a game so we will have the advantage. unless one of you has a hack and can see us on the map. Many people have hacks and use it minimum just so they have an advantage but not so much that people get suspect.

sounds like your one of these people. But PM me your location and we will all come. however many of us cant get in the game right now stuck on loading

LOL next Friday? Good grief...making me wait to taste your sweet tears, eh? Come whenever you want. We are mainly setup around NEAF and Guda Bay. Hopefully, your crew will have learned how to update all the necessary files by next week. I won't even address that fact that you insinuated that I hack...

In the meantime, you should learn the difference between "your" and "you're" as you sound like a scrub.

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yes yes i cant spell to save my life that is a known fact and i dont disagree with you so move on.

We know that area very well we had a few camps set on in that area on your sever so this could be fun. PM me your server details please and I will ask the others. We will drive over to the area on our server and log over to yours :)

as for learning how to download files to get the game work maybe you should jump in the trouble shooting folder to help everyone because your leet? as for myself I havent changed one thing and neither has the server and I cant play when I was playing just 8 hours ago. and everyone else we are playing with who is playing hasent changed a thing.

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yes yes i cant spell to save my life that is a known fact and i dont disagree with you so move on.

We know that area very well we had a few camps set on in that area on your sever so this could be fun. PM me your server details please and I will ask the others. We will drive over to the area on our server and log over to yours :)

as for learning how to download files to get the game work maybe you should jump in the trouble shooting folder to help everyone because your leet? as for myself I havent changed one thing and neither has the server and I cant play when I was playing just 8 hours ago. and everyone else we are playing with who is playing hasent changed a thing.

What other details do you need? I told you the server and the location...do you want me to send some RSVPs in the mail, son? :facepalm:

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oh sorry you must not be able to read kid. I said PM them to me as I cant write things down at the moment due to complications.

that is my suggestion to you. So far I have not seen one from you and that is what this part of the forum is about

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Game is a sandbox. You make your own adventure. If you can't find things to keep yourself entertained. The game is not for you. K bye.

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oh sorry you must not be able to read kid. I said PM them to me as I cant write things down at the moment due to complications.

that is my suggestion to you. So far I have not seen one from you and that is what this part of the forum is about

You have everything you need right in front of you. I don't give a damn if you can't write. Don't make stupid excuses...surely 1 moron out of your crew knows how to write? I've got some DayZ to play, so either show up at some point, or be a scrub forever. See you in the fields... :ph34r:

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i need a pen to write stuff down. I need to be in contact with the group to pass info on. excuses are not made up. unless you dont know how to PM people.

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Hay bro, the game is pretty easy imo too.

But think about what you're saying.

4 heashots. 4. Think of that number. Think of how hard it is to shoot a head from 50m. Now think of 4 again. You see now that this suggestion is retarded yes?

8 5.56 rounds to kill a zombie. You're suggesting that a single zombies takes 1/3 of a clip of an automatic weapon to kill. You have DEFINITELY thought this through my friend!

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Lol this guy is something. The game is perfectly fine as is at the moment. It's extremely hard and the zombies can give you quite a hassle at the moment. No way do we need it to be any harder. That's just a ridiculous idea.

The game is far from "perfectly fine as is" the biggest problem is hackers at the moment it's way too easy to hack the game and ruin it for everyone on the server. Tonight I was hacked TWICE, luckily I didn't lose any gear but once I was teleported into the wilderness and then on respawn ended up at the airfield, and the second time I died before I could even spawn on the server CA #500 and ended up spawning in the wilderness, luckily I got my gear back when I logged onto another server and I was teleported to the shore....

So until these hacks can be eliminated the game is broken IMHO.

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well 4 rounds to the head at 50m is pretty easy with a CCO or Cobra. Maybe make it two. The first shot hits and attracts them then they come running. you either need a friend with you or you need lots of ammo. This means you cant run from the beach straight to the NW Airfield in to the fire station and take them down with an axe. then gear up. Maybe more then two shots from a 5.56 to the body becuase I mean a human can survive that in the body. Not a great chance but zombies dont need their organs to survive

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