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Characters saved per server?  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Characters saved per server?

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Sorry. TO much load work for the DB. Imagine if every player logged into each server at least once. That is a BIG ASS memory load. Even if the size for each player is small. with 900k players. That is still huge.

Then there is the option to save the info server side. NOPE. Imagine having admins mess with said files. Wont work bro. Wont work.

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Sorry. TO much load work for the DB. Imagine if every player logged into each server at least once. That is a BIG ASS memory load. Even if the size for each player is small. with 900k players. That is still huge.

Then there is the option to save the info server side. NOPE. Imagine having admins mess with said files. Wont work bro. Wont work.

hm.. good point.

i guess character data would have to be reset when switching servers...

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I see the purpose behind this but it wouldn't work so well right now given the current stability of the game/servers.

There are servers dropping everyday and it would be really unfair sore someone to just have all of their hard work gone due to a server crash or migration.

I think what could be done is have a limited set number of server joins per 24hrs or limit it to one server join per hour or half an hour, i think that makes more sense than just Making people stick to one server that could potentially be gone the next day.

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Sorry. TO much load work for the DB. Imagine if every player logged into each server at least once. That is a BIG ASS memory load. Even if the size for each player is small. with 900k players. That is still huge.

Then there is the option to save the info server side. NOPE. Imagine having admins mess with said files. Wont work bro. Wont work.

I'm not sure if you read the actual post in detail? Given the structure it would be extremely easy to partition the database to reduce table size. If their server uses any decent caching at all, it's almost a non-issue regardless.

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Voted no for the following reasons:

  • Having your character locked to a single server means that you will have to wait for a slot to become available on that server in order to play, for people who can only play at certain times due to other irl commitments that could be a long wait
  • Relating to the above, if you play with a group of, for example, 3 friends you would have to wait for a total of 4 server slots to become available which can take hours.
  • Servers don't update/go down, and in that event it means you can't play.
  • If you lock your character to a server the day/night cycle becomes a problem as I tend to play when it's night time irl so I'd have to have lock myself to a server that is daytime at night, if I ever wanted to play at night I would literally have to stay up until the early hours of the morning to experience it if it was a server that was GMT-8 or something.
  • Having it be optional, and having both a locked and hive character doesn't really make any sense either, as you may as well just keep your hive character and limit yourself to playing on one server. I don't see the point of having two characters in that scenario.

DayZ is already a waiting simulator, having character locked to a server, as far as I can see, will just aggravate the problem.

First I voted yes...

Second I wanted to address the issues people seem to have with this possibility

-- If everyone's character is locked to a single server you will not be waiting for a slot because the server would only except the set number of people *that it could handle* and then would reject any other players. The issue would be figuring out how to assign which characters to which server. (by region, or request??)

- If all your friends are assigned to the same server you would not be waiting at all, as said above the server would only except its limit after that no other players could join that server (think WoW..you choose a server and that is it,.... how many times did you have to wait for a slot in Wow?? NEVER)

- Servers go down regardless, and as we have seen in DayZ when the HIVE goes down none of us can play anywayz (how is this different?)

- This EXCUSE of server hopping due to night is LAME... the NIGHT cycle is part of the experience of DAYz, those of you who choose to run from the dark are (in a way) cheating... how about we grow some balls and use chem lights and flares??

- a backup on the hive would be a great way to stop server side hacking (ie, your server side save has to match contents of HIVE side)..

I typed this very fast so will try and review it.. edit it. Wanted to get in on this conversation while it was HOT!


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I see the purpose behind this but it wouldn't work so well right now given the current stability of the game/servers.

There are servers dropping everyday and it would be really unfair sore someone to just have all of their hard work gone due to a server crash or migration.

I think what could be done is have a limited set number of server joins per 24hrs or limit it to one server join per hour or half an hour, i think that makes more sense than just Making people stick to one server that could potentially be gone the next day.

I really like this idea, seems like a very doable solution.....

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SERVER HOPPING??? really? what about hacking, the new graphical glitch, breaking legs while entering a door spawning unconscious, losing items, duplicating items ect?

oh and a persistant character is one of the features of the mod

Just because other problems exist doesn't mean fixing some current issues within the game is a bad idea. Server hopping and combat logging is a real problem currently in the game. If your character was saved to the server this would fix both of those. Getting rid of server hopping also would balance out the loot appearing on each server. People wouldn't be able to server hop to a 100 slot server with all the best gear. You are also listing problems that can easily be fixed when the game goes standalone, and you can't list hacking as a problem that Rocket needs to fix, he has no control over it. There is hacking in every game, and until the anti cheat programs step up their game, or the files are locked down by Rocket, this problem will continue to exist.

Saving the character to the server does not remove the persistent character feature. It is just persistent on each server, as opposed to being persistent on every server you can hop to.

they cost anywhere between $1000-3000 per month to run and the current ARMA II game does not support such an innovation also map size would be a major issue.

If you are paying $3000 a month to host a server you are being ripped off. These suggestions are not being made for the game in its Alpha state, these are for final release.

Seriously stop asking for stupid shit like this when there are more important things such as hackers, item duping, loss of items on logout due to the servers not updating the Main DayZ server with your inventory. go cry moar for anti-server hoping, it's a legit tactic, don't bitch that you can't do it so no one can because you have a shit net connection or shit hardware and that in general load times are slow, if people have the patience to server hop then they deserve the shit they get for being so patient, sorry you don't have the same patience.

If you think server hopping is a legit tactic you are a fool. Solutions to this problem are being implemented within the game. If it was a legit tactic they wouldn't be trying to solve the problem. I have to believe you are just trolling since nobody with the slightest bit of intelligence would come onto the forums and try to justify server hopping as a legit tactic. Either trolling or mildly retarded.

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My thoughts in RED

First I voted yes...

Second I wanted to address the issues people seem to have with this possibility

-- If everyone's character is locked to a single server you will not be waiting for a slot because the server would only except the set number of people *that it could handle* and then would reject any other players. The issue would be figuring out how to assign which characters to which server. (by region, or request??)

So say a server has 50 slots, would it only allow 50 unique people? what if you had friends wanting to play with you but you were in your server and they cant join? if servers only allowed a certain number of unique players, it would require more servers and make things even more of a hassle and more demanding for the server side of things.

- If all your friends are assigned to the same server you would not be waiting at all, as said above the server would only except its limit after that no other players could join that server (think WoW..you choose a server and that is it,.... how many times did you have to wait for a slot in Wow?? NEVER)

See above

- Servers go down regardless, and as we have seen in DayZ when the HIVE goes down none of us can play anywayz (how is this different?)

If you are assigned to a server and it goes down or gets removed you would permanently lose your character, and then you would have to spend hours browsing through servers to find one that isn't fully assigned

- This EXCUSE of server hopping due to night is LAME... the NIGHT cycle is part of the experience of DAYz, those of you who choose to run from the dark are (in a way) cheating... how about we grow some balls and use chem lights and flares??

Some people prefer playing in daytime, its there choice.

- a backup on the hive would be a great way to stop server side hacking (ie, your server side save has to match contents of HIVE side)..

Backing up the server would require space which requires more hardware, which costs money and requires a lot of server down time.

I typed this very fast so will try and review it.. edit it. Wanted to get in on this conversation while it was HOT!


Edited by Riordin

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Maybe to top it all off, you could do a 'server transfer' which would have a 12 hour cooldown.

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- This EXCUSE of server hopping due to night is LAME... the NIGHT cycle is part of the experience of DAYz, those of you who choose to run from the dark are (in a way) cheating... how about we grow some balls and use chem lights and flares??

This has been hashed out in countless other threads saying that time should be locked to your location.

I work, I have a social life outside of gaming. What precious little time I get if I played on a server set to my local time (BST) would ALWAYS be in the dark.

I don't run from the dark, I get on a server where it's daytime so I can actually have some fun in the sun and if it turns to night while I play so be it. I like playing in both.

I don't need to "grow some balls", I have NVG. I just prefer playing in daylight. Be more open minded? I'm sure you haven't always played on a server that is your exact time zone.

-- If everyone's character is locked to a single server you will not be waiting for a slot because the server would only except the set number of people *that it could handle* and then would reject any other players. The issue would be figuring out how to assign which characters to which server. (by region, or request??)

- If all your friends are assigned to the same server you would not be waiting at all, as said above the server would only except its limit after that no other players could join that server (think WoW..you choose a server and that is it,.... how many times did you have to wait for a slot in Wow?? NEVER)

Never having played WOW, from what I gather you are suggesting that every single one of the 900,000+ players has a reserved slot on one 60 slot server?

Sounds like a beautiful dream.

Edited by ielisdave

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No, It all depends on DEDICATED SERVERS, but here we have like everyone can setup one. And one more question. Why I see some people want to make from this game MMORPG like. It's many of them where you belong to one server but they won't dissappear after day, two or a week.

It's good like it is. Let rocket work on actual problems, before you give him next ones.

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No, It all depends on DEDICATED SERVERS, but here we have like everyone can setup one. And one more question. Why I see some people want to make from this game MMORPG like. It's many of them where you belong to one server but they won't dissappear after day, two or a week.

It's good like it is. Let rocket work on actual problems, before you give him next ones.

That was kind of hard to understand, but did you even read the thread?

I'M SUGGESTING THIS IS AN OPTION FOR SOME SERVERS TO USE, not all servers would go this route and you don't have to play on them if you don't want to.

That said, we need the OPTION to play on official Sanctuary servers. The fact that several DayZ mods exist like this show there's demand.

If you haven't run into the issue of ghosting and hopping yet, you will eventually find it can be completely game-breaking. You say to let him work on "actual problems" yet in my opinion, server hopping and ghosting is one of the largest problems the game currently faces (duping and hacks aside).

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If you haven't run into the issue of ghosting and hopping yet, you will eventually find it can be completely game-breaking. You say to let him work on "actual problems" yet in my opinion, server hopping and ghosting is one of the largest problems the game currently faces (duping and hacks aside). "


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Your character goes to sleep, body stays for 5 minutes upon leaving. Simple. No-Agro Zeds are not attracted to you.

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No way. What happens when a hacker starts wreaking havoc on a server, and you get outta dodge before he kills everybody? Then what? You lost everything anyway. It's over. Or what about when you temporarily are getting terrible ping from one server that you and your friends regularly play on, but you know of another that you always get good ping from? Well switching would be pointless, you lose everything anyway.

People who server hop the airfield get killed half the time anyway. Even if they don't, I have a friend who only server hops the airfield. As cool as that is for him, until we came along to pick him up he hadn't left the airfield in days. In other words, he had a shiny new Ferrari that never left the driveway. It's only purpose was to drain the money from his wallet (or in this case the time from his day) without actually doing anything.

As for people server hopping and getting in behind you, you should honestly be expecting that. The other day I was traveling with a few friends, and a guy starts shooting as us. He missed every shot in whatever gun he was using and disconnected. We didn't really care about him disconnecting when suddenly the light clicks on and we wait for him to reconnect behind us. Sure enough, despite this never happening to us before, there he was. Reconnecting to live out the brief remainder of his life.


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this idea is good but it goes too far. it would simply break some core features.

it would be much better to only save character data globally but not the position of the the character. that way the character would be global but disconnect abuse would be reduced to people who log out when they are in danger...pussies so to speak. and yea i could absolutely live with that.

to avoid people camping at the beach waiting for people with good gear to spawn in there would have to be extra spawn zones in forests for people who connect and the beaches would be for the normal respawn.

but i think none of this is gonna happen because i think rocket seems to find the current solution more elegant, which i get. BUT if his new punishment system doesn't work he will have to think about something more drastic because those exploits are used to a ridiculous extent, which atleast to me is absolutly game breaking and the reason i'm not really playing anymore.

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