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26 Murders and counting

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When I heard about this mod I was happy and amazing, Rocket has created something wonderful and the fact it is this good in "alpha" is cool.

My idea for my character when deciding to play this game was friendly but cautious, many times over the last four days I could have shot people, murdered then for items or weapons but I choose not to.

Sadly I am beginning to understand why people shoot first.

Having spent all my time exploring, joining different servers I always let people know on side chat that I am an explorer/survivor, I am just looking for basic gear (if near a town) and not hostile to anyone but zombies, if a town or building is camped or HQ for a clan just let me know and I will move on.

26 times now I have been shot in the back, head or blindsided in some way, usually while my only weapon is usually the newbie pistol, not one of those times was I acting agressively or in any way threatening anyone space.

Hours of wonder and exploration the joy of finding a can of pasta or coke and the time I found a HK-mp5 in a dear hide (no loot maps used out of game) mapping the place on a piece of paper as I go.

I think that I would prefer to leave this game than become a bandit, to me the bandit mode of play is "easy mode" and with how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance.

Now before I become completely jaded can anyone recommend (in pm please) any server out there that had a good core group of survivors.

UK friendly time zone.

Discussion is welcome as is advice.

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Hey Calranthe,

Check our group out, we usually always have people on. Just hop on TS, introduce yourself and someone will surely accept you to work with them in-game.

Info below!

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I tend to avoid other survivors and populated areas most the time, I recommend you do the same.

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Looks to me like you're just not playing cautious enough :)

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I get you man.

So far I died once from a fall (old pistol bug) and was twice or three times eaten by zombies, all other countless deaths in a week of exploring were from players. And I still didn't even open fire at a human yet.

But that's playing hardcore for ya, rather than taking the easy way of banditry.

I did also experience cool stuff, like strangers saving me from zombies, helping me out, etc.

As that old saying goes "Life is like a game of DayZ, you never know who's gonna kill ya."

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I get you man.

So far I died once from a fall (old pistol bug) and was twice or three times eaten by zombies' date=' all other countless deaths in a week of exploring were from players. And I still didn't even open fire at a human yet.

But that's playing hardcore for ya, rather than taking the easy way of banditry.

I did also experience cool stuff, like strangers saving me from zombies, helping me out, etc.

As that old saying goes "Life is like a game of DayZ, you never know who's gonna kill ya."


True story bro

Well iff anyone needs a random dude to play whit just add me, and iff we get bored we can always join mumble to team up whit my friends or yours

Steam: Mithic01

ingame name: [GS] Nyx

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Well, after 20 ish hours into the game. I can tell you that the game mechanics favor bandito behavior and I think that is the intent. Also, the lack of objectives for an experienced player leads to becoming a bandit.

The learning curve for the game is long and painful, but once you understand the game mechanics and explroed the map there is nothing else to do but to hunt other people. Hopefully, they will add more content or else the game will become a slaughter house.

I recommend you to find a group of friends to gang up with. It has worked very well for us.

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how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance.

Do you have any data to support this claim? If not, you're making an assumption which can easily be countered by anyone saying the exact opposite.

I've ran into some players that want to trade, work together and so on. I've also ran into jerks that want to shoot me in the face on sight.

It varies.

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how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance.

Do you have any data to support this claim? If not' date=' you're making an assumption which can easily be countered by anyone saying the exact opposite.

I've ran into some players that want to trade, work together and so on. I've also ran into jerks that want to shoot me in the face on sight.

It varies.


It would be really hard to quantify. There are also those who are a good person most of the time, but get bored at the lack of content and decide to be a bandit for a day.

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You forget all the times you might've been given the benefit of the doubt by people you didn't see. Us bandits don't get that. We're shot on sight. I don't think bandit is easy mode. The only difference is that instead of risking death by some survivor that likes your gun, you take theirs.

Just because we choose to shoot first doesn't mean we play easy mode.

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You forget all the times you might've been given the benefit of the doubt by people you didn't see. Us bandits don't get that. We're shot on sight. I don't think bandit is easy mode. The only difference is that instead of risking death by some survivor that likes your gun' date=' you take theirs.

Just because we choose to shoot first doesn't mean we play easy mode.


I disagree. It is easier to kill to loot, than to walk around for hours looking for it. True, you (or me now that I have the bandit skin) may be shot on sight, but many have shot me on sight even when I am a survivor and pose no threat. But you still can use the woods and just wait for survivors to come out for the loot. Bandits can avoid most of the danger by just camping for survivors.

The guy I killed had enough supplies for a few days, binoculars and medical supplies that would had taken me a few hours to collect by going to small towns (to avoid bandits).

Also, a bandit with survivor skin has the upper hand since he will shoot on sight, while a true survivor will try to communicate.

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I think that I would prefer to leave this game than become a bandit' date=' to me the bandit mode of play is "easy mode" and with how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance.


In very recent interviews rocket has said how bandits do not do cause of majority of the deaths. I believe it was 10% of player deaths were from bandits and 15-20% were overall homicides.

Not exact numbers so please feel free to correct but these forums always grossly exaggerate the number of bandits and how bandits are killing all players at all times.

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As you should be Ivanuvo. I've often been killed by survivors that I've given the benefit of the doubt. But still would prefer to run (which the majority of the time has ended badly) than to fight in order to avoid becoming a bandit myself. Anyway, I also would like to team up with someone and try this game in co-op mode as I've only played it solo.

feel free to hit me up as well

Steam name: CalypsoX

in game: cal

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I think that I would prefer to leave this game than become a bandit' date=' to me the bandit mode of play is "easy mode" and with how well known this game is becoming the percentage of bandits to survivors is completely out of balance.


In very recent interviews rocket has said how bandits do not do cause of majority of the deaths. I believe it was 10% of player deaths were from bandits and 15-20% were overall homicides.

Not exact numbers so please feel free to correct but these forums always grossly exaggerate the number of bandits and how bandits are killing all players at all times.

Did he say the number of deaths caused by super strong doors? LOL.

On a more serious note. Getting shot while I am not posing a threat pisses me off more than doors breaking my legs or a bunch of zombies on my tail or being spawn at the forest of redemption.

Also, it'd be interesting how it was quantified. Bandit kills start from your second kill.

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I agree. I've not killed a single player, but I've also been shot for absolutely no reason. Unlike the many people who take their anger out against other innocent players, becoming what they hate in the process, I'd rather stop playing this game.

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I pretty much assume that at ALL TIMES there is a bandit aiming a sniper rifle at me. I pretty much always prone or crouch (if I am going through tall grass) and I am constantly checking 360 degrees around me for any player characters. I also scan a town with binocs for a good minute or so before I enter it, and I only enter towns when I have to. I rarely ever fire my weapon so as to not attract attention. I also stay off the roads; I usually travel uphill from them in the woods so I have a good view of any traffic there.

If you want to survive in this game you don't need to be a murderer, but you can't be "friendly" either. You need to be crazy paranoid or you are going to get killed a lot. I stay away from random people and ASSUME they are going to shoot me. This doesn't mean I shoot first, but I do avoid them. I have yet to murder another survivor doing this.

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Will contact those offering help tomorrow but after reading some posts here I did a little test.

7 hours play

4 different servers, some uk others euro

Test 1: Prime locations in game

Chern, Elektro airpors (wherever was closest to where I spawned).

Side message sent out (Hi, just a person still learning this game spawned near (next line)just looking for basic equip to go explore with, please let me know if I am enchroaching on anyones turf)

14 tries

13 deaths to bandits.

When bandits control the prime loot locations and the "norm" has become "go north" keep out of cities.

Test 2: Exploration

Visited 3 of the castles and 2 airports explained in chat beforehand I was drawing my own map was happy not to take any loot just exploring big areas.

5 times tried 5 deaths.

Granted this was only 7 hours work and one person trying it but it is quite telling.

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