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Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

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I've been running around with this particular gun for a few days now, also not the first character that I found it on, and the power is more than enough to mow down anyone in range.

Right now, we have 5 of these guns in our group. All of us agree that this thing does not belong in DayZ.

Sure it can kill people, but its bizarrely inaccurate in the game. I've used it and shot at a guy not 70 meters away on single shot and I missed all but 2 of my 10 shots. And for the record I usually use an m14 aim as my primary. So it wasn't user error. There is a reason you never see montages of people killing people with just the l85a2.

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Basicly, title.

I feel sniper rifles are damaging to the game, and so are silenced weapons.

Snipers aren't that effective to take out zombies. They are mostly used to murder people a mile away. If sniper rifles are removed, "bandits" have to get closer to their targets. This would remove a major annoyance of the game while not hindering bandit's ablity to form assault squads or set ambushes for the unwary. From my point of view the conflict betweeen bandits and survivors would be more interesting.

On the silenced weapons. I think noise is a good balancing factor on weapon usage. It makes them risky to use without enough awareness of your surroundings and also gunshots are good clues of whats going on nearby, either you have a bandit gang and want to scout for possible preys or a survivor that better keep his head down.

I think the game would be more interesting, tactical and less frustrating with the removal of snipers and silenced weapons.

P.S: I'm aware of the upcoming flamers who love these things. I'm not gonna be surprised.

"less frustrating with the removal of snipers and silenced weapons."

The point of the game is to be frustrating. So no.

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Idk about sniper rifles, I only had the Czech and the M24 (which is sweet). For both I didn't find much ammo and lost the m24 in a glitch, before I could really enjoy it. The Czech was pretty useless to me, and I dropped it. I also had the MP5SD once, but couldn't find any ammo for it, so they are definitely already balanced in the way that solo players don't find much. However, the larger gangster clans are probably farming this kind of loot from their victims a lot, so I'd say it's a bit unbalanced if one player can have 12 mags for the m107, when another is running around with 1 magazine he found after a few days of searching.

I carry the crossbow and the M9Sd and I have an Ak-74 in my backpack, just in case. I have a lot of ammo in my backpack (ak + stanag), only because I've searched the airfield and somehow survived it. I totally love the M9SD, even though it feels a bit overpowered, atm. I wouldn't mind if the Czech and the MP5SD were removed. I don't see the point in having the M107 either, since that is essentially a super-rare gun and can only be beaten by another M 107.

However, I would keep at least one sniper (M24) and one SD rifle (like the M4 CCO SD) and the M9SD in the game, since these are just real treasures and need some skill to work with. Also the ammo is not that easy to come by, so you always have to make the decision to pick up an easier gun, or stick with the one you have and preserve ammo.

God, I HATE the word "unbalanced." THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED. This isn't some other FPS in which everyone should be on a level playing field. In this one, you use the correct tool for the job and if you don't have that tool you suffer. THATS THE WHOLE POINT. There wouldn't be a point of having "high class" loot otherwise. Besides, if you get the jump on someone, you can already rape them no matter what weapon you have. TACTICS are the name of the game.

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Too extreme bro. Silenced weapons are okay and are fine as is. Military snipers are bit too common, and should be more rare, but other than that, the snipers are fine

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So, there it is again.

Butthurt soloplayer complaining cause they're dumb enough to get sniped down

The usual trollers

And the guys who actually play with a group, who need sniper rifles to cover their mates while looting a hi-danger area. The guys who need a .50 cal to either OS an ennemy player who is camping the last floor of the firestation (happened to me, shot him through the windows 870m away with my as-50, while my mates were going to loot the place) or to pin down a vehicule.

It's your fault if you get pwnd like retarded little puppies. Not the "bandit" fault, not the weapon fault. Only your.

And to the idiot who think the NVG should be out of the game: you're an idiot. I don't even need an argument here.

Suggestion Forums, are to express opinions on how something can be improved from anyone's point of view. You don't make a point just raging, and calling everyone idiots. If you don't want to hear / read other people's opinions get out of the suggestions forum. And get some anger management treatment, you seem to be a very disturbed person.

Edited by necroslord
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There are days I wish I were a developer rather than a CS agent so I could laugh out loud at stuff like this and then add more sniper rifles. But alas, all I can do is /facepalm

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God, I HATE the word "unbalanced." THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED. This isn't some other FPS in which everyone should be on a level playing field. In this one, you use the correct tool for the job and if you don't have that tool you suffer. THATS THE WHOLE POINT. There wouldn't be a point of having "high class" loot otherwise. Besides, if you get the jump on someone, you can already rape them no matter what weapon you have. TACTICS are the name of the game.

It's strange that you hate the word unbalanced, because you sound like it.

Ask any military - a sniper is best brought down by another sniper. What kind of tactics to you recommend to a solo player that has to cross a field with an m107 watching from 2km away? Seriously - it's a monster rifle, but you cannot win against it, even with another sniper rifle. And if you sneak up on a player carrying it you are only extremely lucky. There are no tactics employed when you have to run 2km just to get near the MF, let alone shoot him.

To me the m107 relates towards all other guns, like an Abrahams does to a car. By your logic we should have a couple of tanks in the game, too. I don't care though. I wouldn't pick it up, even if I found it. It's not how I play this game. You go ahead, have it your way.

Edited by S3V3N
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Scoped hunting rifles are one of the most common weapons in the world, it would be sort of silly to remove them, when anyone and their uncle can easily get a hold of one. Even those (the CZs) have had their spawn rates drastically lowered, I can see and understand a desire to lower the spawn rates of the rest even more so as they are military grade, but removing them entirely would take away too much from the DayZ experience.

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I think snipers are fine. Ever run up to a guy holding a sniper rifle? He can't do anything to you. Ergo it has advantages and disadvantages.

I think silenced weapons should exist, but they should be made VERY rare because it really is a MASSIVE advantage. I've seen way too many of them in my 9-10 days of play.

So leave snipers the same, but make silenced guns more rare.

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You have access to tons of military grade equipment but when someone gets their hands on a hunting rifle...

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I think snipers are fine. Ever run up to a guy holding a sniper rifle? He can't do anything to you. Ergo it has advantages and disadvantages.

I think silenced weapons should exist, but they should be made VERY rare because it really is a MASSIVE advantage. I've seen way too many of them in my 9-10 days of play.

So leave snipers the same, but make silenced guns more rare.

Good point with the disadvantage of sniper rifles. It's very true unless someone sprays you with their AS50.

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Sniper rifles stay.

Silenced weapons never spawn. Instead, silencers spawn rarely and never with a gun.

While I'm at it, bullets should be so much rarer.

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Oh my god. You just want the snipers removed because your either: 1. A massive noob running around like an headless chicken. 2. You are LITTERALLY rushing in to the main cities(cherno, elektro, stary etc.etc.) Just stop complaining at think that this is some CoD game, just crawl and sneak past the Zed's, it's just that simple.

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Sniping is very useful when playing with groups of friends. Also, pvp wouldn't be the same without it. I've been through a lot with my trusty CZ550 and have attained a decent amount of satisfactory murders. Run zig-zag formation. However, I see silenced weapons useful when you need to kill zombies without attracting more zombies. Both are highly useful and would completely change the way some people tend to play this mod.

Edited by Jello Jaw

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Why not make sniper rifle require some skill to use like in real life, because that would fix the problem pretty well. Just look at sniping in the ace mod it requires time and I guess skill to snipe.

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Sniper rifles should be extremely rare , this is how to balance out the PVP side of it.

Cause whenever i hear PVP in a dayz term , i think snipers, and its stupid that 90% of people who are up north have a m107 stashed away or equipped. Chernarus has more snipers than baghdad.

For now with the numerous dupe bugs rarity doesn't mean shit. Find one and you can dupe it even if you don't mean to since vehicles, tents and characters all have trouble saving and keeping track of items properly.

Last time I "duped" items was with an ATV.. I lost some satchel charges I put into it and they were replaced with road flares... a good trade. And no I didn't hack nor do anything illicit. All I did was take out road flares, drop them since they suck monkey butt and replace them with the satchel charges. Save ATV and disconnect. Next time I go online and check the ATV it still has the flares I took out but no satchels.

Same applies to everything. Nothing gets saved properly. Maybe it's just the server I play on though.

Edited by zamp

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snipers are mainly useful for pvp which is a big part of the game, since the zombies pose no threat many use the snipers to hunt other player

just because you dont like something it doesnt mean that it should be removed from the game

i hate having to run across the map to get decent gear, should they program it so that all the end game gear spawns near shore?

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No. Just no. I love the sniper and silenced weapons. They're both tits and who doesn't love tits?

I would really like all answer in favor or against would have interesting arguments instead of ths kind of shit. Sorry for being blunt but it is not useful nor funny. Patience gets tested a lot around here.

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not going to happen

A reminder that you are no one to decide what happens or what doesn't. Say Yes or No and the reason of your answer or go to another forum. "Not going to happen" is not a suggestion for a Suggestion Forum. It is just a "I'm an intolerant dumbass that like to shut other people's opnions." It seems that you didn't get a proper education at home.

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i dont want to see them gotten rid of. the thermal scopes and NVG need to go though

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OOOOOOHHHHHH!!! Necroslord told you!

Anyways. I'm for the sniper rifles gone because they are only used for pvp. If you make someone have to get close to survivors, then that might change their mind. Silenced weapons should be uber hard to find, because they're like the ultimate weapon (not including snipes). That way it would give someone something to do besides pk. ( Goal of finding a silencer or silenced weapon) that is my opinion please don't be mean :)

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I would really like all answer in favor or against would have interesting arguments...

Changed my answer for you Mr. Dull and Humorless. Also, who are you to be shut out MrBiscuitGuard74's opinion of that's "not going to happen", sounds to me like your an intolerant dumbass who likes to shut other people's opinions. Oh, and you forgot a "s" in answer in the quote. "Sorry for being blunt."

Edited by Jello Jaw

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Changed my answer for you Mr. Dull and Humorless. Also, who are you to be shut out MrBiscuitGuard74's opinion of that's "not going to happen", sounds to me like your an intolerant dumbass who likes to shut other people's opinions. Oh, and you forgot a "s" in answer in the quote. "Sorry for being blunt."

I stated in another post that my laptop's keyboard is not working well, I miss some i's, o's and rarely other letters, I also use the screen keyborad for the enter which totally doesn't work. That s why I edit my posts for typos a lot. But sometimes I'm too lazy to edit. Happy? I wont try to explain you the other situation, I can see how your personality is and it would serve no purpose. Just knock it off and say somethng interesting instead.

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A good portion of this game is PVP, it's a survival simulator, in real life people aren't hugging and dancing together during a zombie apocalypse. Snipers provide easy access to good materials that would otherwise take a long time to acquire.

For some reason, I doubt that someone in real life would go on top of a building with a sniper rifle and shoot at fellow survivors that they'd never met.

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