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Banditry exploded

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In the words of Alfred Pennyworth: "Some people Mr.Wayne just want to watch the world burn."

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If you want to have a good view of what becomes the civilization after total apocalypse, watch the road with Viggo Mortensen. It is pretty much what happens in DayZ but without internet impunity/anonymity factor. It is how humans are and you are not going to change it.

*SPOILER ALERT* (if you haven't seen the movie)




At the end the father dies, but the child gets rescued by another family which does NOT shoot the child and his dying father on sight! Instead, the other family stalked them for some time to be able to judge if they pose a threat to them, and then decided to approach them peacefully and offer company.

Most of the people complaining about KoS in Day Z do not want to turn the mod into a Carebare Land, they just want a potentially positive survivor encounter once in a while.

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I wish new players would think about this for a second: "Hmmm, I'm on a zombie infested island with limited resources. That complete stranger in front of me has an AKM. Should I go say 'Hi'?"

Would you do that in real life?

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I wish new players would think about this for a second: "Hmmm, I'm on a zombie infested island with limited resources. That complete stranger in front of me has an AKM. Should I go say 'Hi'?"

Would you do that in real life?

That's oversimplifying the problem, the same can be done for the opposite: If you're on a zombie infested island with limited resources and found a ghillie suit and a sniper rifle, would you lay down at the forest line at the coast to shoot at every human being you can see through your scope, wasting your ammo, just to be able to collect another flashlight and a bandage afterwards?

IMHO the problem is there is too little gameplay incentive to not go solo. Blood bags and the Epi-Pen are basically the only game mechanisms which reward coop play. And once you have a hatchet, matches and a knife, hunting animals becomes a very easy replacement for the blood bags. Possible ideas would be limiting healing with food. For example the amount of healing from eating could depend on if you're actually hungry. If you eat when you're really hungry, healing takes full effect. If you eat when the hunger indicator is green, you get almost no health. And/or simply no health from food above 8000 blood. And broken bones and morphine could be handled more realistically: So that you need the morphine to not get unconscious when another player has to set the bone before stabilizing/bandaging it.

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i loose multipul hours (lets pick 40 hours) of hunting gear he looses 2 hours, i loose a huge list of semi/difficult to find gear he doesnt

its a none zero sum game, the loss V's gain desont balance

COD and other standard fps games are zero sum, i gain or loose 1 kill/death marker thats it

wait wut? i bet i didnt, unless your talking about me calrrifying this is a none zero point game and clarrifying the possible outcomes, posative sum outcombe,negative sum outcome, zero point outcombe

you have radio player 2 doesnt (this is pressuming its a findable item not standard spawn issue), you bumble across player 2 cant alert him your there or check his intentions besides whats already ingame (salute/happydance/surrender/direct text/chat) your in exactly the same position as you were before except now you have a radio in your tool belt

standard item, im a bandit i have a radio, your chatting to player b, i use radio to track you down and kill you both becasue of what your saying over the radio, you may not be working together you may be just chatting doesnt matter, this is no different to when we had global chat enabled, and it got used for luring people into ambushes or hunting them down more then for grouping. becasue for every 1 player that was actually looking to group there were two looking for free gear

throw in a third option, the ability to lock radio channels so no one else can listen but everyone spawns with a radio, well now youve just broken the original intention you cant chat to the other guy until he is invited into your radio channel and you cant do that unless your close enough to invite, this is still pretty much the same position you were in with no radio so he is still just as likley to shoot you as before, and this is forcing people, theres an advantage in numbers your no adding in another advantage of the ability to communicate organise and hunt that isnt open to people unless they group, forcing grouping by rewarding that behaviour

this is no different to using ts or skype, many servers have public ts channels that they advertise ingame anyway

well if you class hurling insults as well as bullet, U.S. gang violence at its hieght, KOS was the norm, infact any place with high rates of gang related gun violence KOS rather then communicating is the norm

im just tallented i guess <3

Oh did you just totally miss the point of why playing in a KoS fashion is zero sum play and make an irrelevant argument about what the game is in actuality?... oh yeah you did (you also defeated your own argument by saying COD is zero sum, guess what people do in COD....KoS!). Secondly trying to argue in game radio comms and only having communication outside of the game on teamspeak is "no different" is like some horrible joke, an outside of the game connection obviously massively changes the dynamic of the relationship of people who communicate while playing the game. Gang violence is nothing to do with KoS, no gangs indiscriminately kill on sight. Everything you say is smacks of half arsed understanding and malformed arguments.

DayZ doesn't even achieve the social level of gang violence as the only people that team up are from the forums. It breaks the immersion massively that the game is played the way it is right now, it is also extremely unrealistic. Please stop quoting what I've said writing such poor responses!

Edited by Huntra

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Last time i checked 99% of the population are psychopaths so DayZ seems pretty realistic. Seriously what are you going to do in an Apocalypse ? There is no internet or videogames to play so it seems reasonable to kill some noobs for the lulz, killing them with Assault Rifles is too dangerous so most people will just blow some heads up with their AS50. Well they have their 10 duped ones in a tent back home and ammo is not a question as you just have to log out and back in again. Seems realistic to me.

Edited by iNSANE.

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Last time i checked 99% of the population are psychopaths so DayZ seems pretty realistic. Seriously what are you going to do in an Apocalypse ? There is no internet or videogames to play so it seems reasonable to kill some noobs for the lulz, killing them with Assault Rifles is too dangerous so most people will just blow some heads up with their AS50. Well they have their 10 duped ones in a tent back home and ammo is not a question as you just have to log out and back in again. Seems realistic to me.

Haha damn realisitc. Walking dead is realistic! The devs need to make the game more like a messed up post-apocalyptic society and less like a world were their can be no society at all.

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shoot you because your unarmed? maybe... depends on my mood.

shoot you because you have a bandage? definetly so i dont have to scrounge one up. welcome to dayz

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Haha damn realisitc. Walking dead is realistic! The devs need to make the game more like a messed up post-apocalyptic society and less like a world were their can be no society at all.

I was beeing ironic :P

Just wanted to reply to all those people who think it's realistic to only have psychopaths that kill for fun. ^^

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I agree with the OP. Its because an ass of people who play COD buy a game they have never played before. Only to play a mod of that game, come in and start shooting everyone cause they think their kill count is going to merit some kind of recognition from other players. I am not saying that pvp is bad but, when you only have enough imagination to say" derp, I'm gonna hang around this town on the coast and just start killing people cause they'll think i'm great and i'll think I am great cause I am better than them. derp."

Its alot different when your coming into town to pick up some supplies at the store or looking for some ammo/guns in a barn after you just spawned and you kill someone for their shit cause you NEED it. Not just cause you could kill them. That is what COD is all about. Well who ever has the most kill is good at a video game! Awesome! Congratulations you killed someone who had no way of defending themselves.

Well, this is what it leads to. When I first played this game in April, It was pretty hard to run into some a-hole who just wanted to shoot everything that moved. People worked together more often than not. Then A-hole McGee's from every corner of the earth started showing up murdering everything. So....that is what just about everyone does now. Including me. I see something moving fast. I shoot it. Not necessarily just like that but you know what I mean. This game has gone from long-term survival to COD Zombies with a huge map. Thank God/Rocket for the fact that servers can run with only 30-40 players. If not, no one new to the game would want to play after getting killed by some A-Hole shooting everything he saw that did not move like zombies


I had some jerk kill me after I saved his life. I killed the zombies that were on him. I healed him. He followed me so we could get him some gear. I gave him a pistol before we entered a town. 3 minutes after handing him the pistol. He shot me in the head. I know, I know, I'm a dumbass. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would kill the zombies that were on him, and then stand over him and shoot him in the face. I wish I could add an animation of me crapping all over his dead face!!!!!! RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!

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A real way to fix this IMO is to create a rank system. Pc players cream over a rank system. Good deed equals more points. bad deed equals less points. Some more perks for good deed players. Like higher chance of specific loots or something like that.

You should be able to hover over a player for 2 seconds and ID him as a bandit or survivor. That will cull the numbers down because a lot of people are just killing out of fear. Getting the jump, throwing the first punch just in case. If you were able to check if the person is a bandit then BAM to the face lol...

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Banditry isn't a problem, people who shoot unarmed survivors with nothing on them is becoming one

ditto ^ Thats when the bandit skin 'should' kick in.

Edited by Cowwie

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You see, the game does not force the players to team up in any way, so basically, cut the "the game is about surviving in a hostile world" crap and face the facts, the game is about shooting other players, whether you like it or not. You might not like it, but it doesn't mean that everyone else are doing it the "wrong" way. To all the idiots whining about realism... you can't jump in this game, mmkay.

Sadly, nothing is going to change until DayZ becomes a hostile world, where you simply can't survive alone.

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the game is about shooting other players,

then why are there zombies and limited supplies? If the game was about JUST killing players, i urge you to uninstall and go back to playing FPS'

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Because it was supposed to be a game about suriving in a post-apocalyptic world. It is not though... well, sadly.

Edited by MolestedRabbit

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I mean, you can qq a few more pages about stupid FPS community breaking your toy, but it is not going to change anything. The funny part is that all you can think of telling me is "I am unique and you are stupid FPS kid". You can't make everyone play by the rules you made up in your head, you see and are way too angry to understand what I'm talking about :<

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Oh did you just totally miss the point of why playing in a KoS fashion is zero sum play and make an irrelevant argument about what the game is in actuality?... oh yeah you did (you also defeated your own argument by saying COD is zero sum, guess what people do in COD....KoS!).

no i think you missed the point COD is a zero sum game becasue any exchange results in -1 ofr player A +1 for player B

Dayz however isnt, an encounter could result in -40 for 1 player while the other player only risks -2, so the player is more likley to take the posative move for them, so geared ppl more foten then not shoot first given the chance, now ungeared people attacking someone with other gear risk -1 (random unit assigned) but because they get all the other guys gear the stand to gain +3 or +10 gear score gain, again the posative move for that player is to charge him down with an axe

that one is kill on sight becasue thats what the game is, it is designed to have very clear friend/enemy dynamics with no thought required, that guys in grey shoot, that guys in green dont shoot thats it

now dayz isnt that clear cut, and becasue a simple +1/-1 k/d ratio isnt whats at stake, and in almost every scenario killing someone gives the greater benefit then letting them go or teaming up with them, couple this with the darkside of mans psychology and you get people killing each other just incase or for gear

im not talking about the people just camping a beach shooting people before they have taken two steps for the lulz thats a different mattr and requires a different solution

Secondly trying to argue in game radio comms and only having communication outside of the game on teamspeak is "no different" is like some horrible joke, an outside of the game connection obviously massively changes the dynamic of the relationship of people who communicate while playing the game

you simply said put radios in that will fix everything, you didnt explain how they would work, how you would get them, how would communication be handled by them

i have to guess what you mean by a statment becasue for someone so well educated as your self in the sciences you must know that making a statment means nothing unless its a statment about somthing everyone already understands, other wise a small amount of quantifying goes a long way

i gave 3 possible ways it could be implemented, rather then give your own or rework one of mine you again just went 'no no no your an idoit im super smart lalalalala' -_- welldone

if they are implemented for all players on a single channel this is nothing more then global chat

if they are implemented as a findable item then they are only semi useful in thier function of comunnication with other players, becasue not everyone has them

if they are usable like mini chat rooms where people are invited in to increase communication in a team(as ive seen sugegsted before) this again does nothing for the kos becasue of lack of communication argument becasue you cant communicate if they arnt already invited into your channel, and basically provide an ingame ts or skype

so maybe stop showing how good at yoga you are by pulling your head out your ass and your foot out your mouth and put a littl effort into explaining what it is your trying to suggest instead of making half assed comments with no context added so people understand how the suggestion works

Gang violence is nothing to do with KoS, no gangs indiscriminately kill on sight.


http://www.telegraph...ad-hunters.html <-hey look the police being ordered to do it

http://www.milpages.com/blog/6325 <- these people are just dumb but meah

it seems not only gangs but police can and do operate on a shoot on sight policy to their enemies, in the case of the biker ganags its more usually beat them into a nice long stay in hospital on sight, ganags dont use shoot on sight but mid 80's early 90's standing on the wrong corner with the wrong coloured T-shirt could get you shot even though you had nothing to do with either gang (the territory your stood on, on the assocaited gang colour your t-shirt is)

Everything you say is smacks of half arsed understanding and malformed arguments.
<3 u too
DayZ doesn't even achieve the social level of gang violence as the only people that team up are from the forums. It breaks the immersion massively that the game is played the way it is right now, it is also extremely unrealistic. Please stop quoting what I've said writing such poor responses!

please give better responses then just 'no dont like it so must be wrong' and maybe the responses will improve, when i dont really know what your arguing for the best i can do is a scatter shot and hope i hit the mark before you start moving the goalposts again Edited by stuffnthings

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So what are you actually doing ingame?

Exploring. Killing zombies. Picking up ammo. Shooting cows. Refilling my canteen. Once all zombies are dead, I move on. I'm their fucking apocalypse.

Edited by ninjaholic
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If you can prove to me, in the current state of this alpha mod, that there is a way to trust those I don't know (with respect to rising banditry), I'll happily quit killing on sight.

Until then, if you're not in my group and we have the shot, we're going to take it (unless you're unarmed).

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If you can prove to me, in the current state of this alpha mod, that there is a way to trust those I don't know (with respect to rising banditry), I'll happily quit killing on sight.

Until then, if you're not in my group and we have the shot, we're going to take it (unless you're unarmed).

There sorta used to be when we had the bandit skin. Not perfect but you were much more willing to trust someone back then if they had the right skin. Conversely you would shoot on sight the guys with bandit skins. Since that change however dayz has fallen into anarchy.

It's a tricky design challenge and i'm sure we haven't seen the last of it.

high Morality should benefit you and low morality should cause a penalty. Those of you that play EVE Online, think sec status.

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If you are constantly dying in big towns then why the hell don't you stay away from them? YES CHERNO AND ELECTRO ARE MAJOR PVP ZONES! Maybe you should stay away from them and stop winging.

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If you are constantly dying in big towns then why the hell don't you stay away from them? YES CHERNO AND ELECTRO ARE MAJOR PVP ZONES! Maybe you should stay away from them and stop winging.

Add North West Airfield and Stary Sobor to that list.

Edited by ninjaholic

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Add North West Airfield and Stary Sobor to that list.

Yes, on my server I've claimed SS as my own. I kill anyone who I spot coming in. :) It's a great location with loot and having Copter crashes near by and the NW Airfield less than a 10 min sprint....you cannot beat it.

It really helps that my tents are actually working :)

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What server you on again? :P

;) If you can find my camp and raid it I will commend you sir ....I try to keep my most valuable stuff on me when I log out though....but since I have two or three of most high grade weapons it would be a find for a fellow bandit hahaha

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