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About JDCollie

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  1. JDCollie

    What gear do you rock?

    I was rocking a CZ550, AKM, and PDW with SD mags until a server glitch took the CZ and the AKM :( May not be the best gear in the world, but it works great for solo play.
  2. JDCollie

    Bandit or Survivor [POLL]

    Q: Are you a Bandit or a Survivor? A: Yes.
  3. JDCollie

    An Apology

    To the player on US 202 in Breezey last night, I owe you an apology. I haven't used a CZ550 before, and with you beelining for my building with a string of zombies hot on your heels, I was just trying to help out. I honestly didn't mean to shoot you in the head and I feel terrible for doing so. That wasn't how it was supposed to go at all. I was aiming for your legs.
  4. JDCollie

    Law to Lawless Lands

    Seems like a good idea to me. I may be a bandit, but facing organized opposition can't do anything but make things more interesting for everyone.
  5. JDCollie

    Why this mod is failing

    Hey, he said the bandits are winning! Did you hear that guys? We're winning!
  6. JDCollie

    Banditry exploded

    I wish new players would think about this for a second: "Hmmm, I'm on a zombie infested island with limited resources. That complete stranger in front of me has an AKM. Should I go say 'Hi'?" Would you do that in real life?
  7. I watched videos on Youtube before I got the game. I rolled into Cherno on my very first spawn with a full KoS mentality; haven't regretted it once yet.
  8. JDCollie

    Zombies? or FPS?

    On a new spawn, the hospitals are the first place I hit up (because they are so horrifically dangerous, and new spawns have nothing to lose)
  9. There is a very simple way; announce yourself on direct chat, and see if you are still alive ten seconds later.
  10. JDCollie

    To you lazy snipers.

    If I'm not confident that I can't get the kill, I don't take the shot. It isn't worth revealing my position just to wing someone that is just going to log before I can loot/kill them.
  11. Why would you ever snipe up there? Good work my friend, the axe was the perfect tool for that endeavor.
  12. JDCollie

    I was evil last night...

    I'm with this guy. Backstabbing stupid people works, but backstabbing stupid people in merciless and creative ways is much better!
  13. JDCollie

    Why did you frag!?

    What are you talking about? He didn't leave anyone behind. :D
  14. JDCollie

    Lol, bad snipers

    Its part of the ArmA II game singleplayer.
  15. JDCollie

    My first kill.

    I think the 'Honorable' survivors use all the time they spend being dead trolling the Bandit Campfire. Ignore them; I would have done exactly the same thing. Also, you get beans for punishing his dc-noobery.