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Banditry exploded

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I think a lot of this depends on the stage of the world and the stage of the infection at that time. Sure enough humans would try to keep their humanity and try to live and work together, at first. As long as they believe in any kind of authority returning, they would also be afraid of having to face consequences for their actions. But in "the Road" you can see how it works when there is absolutely nothing left and it's either you or him. In "Platoon" you see how war makes people think about their own survival more than about comradery and playing on the same team.

I think it is legit to say, people would be fighting each other deathmatch style at some point. However, in Dayz, there is an abundance of food, medicine and weapons. This is the first stage of the apocalypse - not the last - so to shoot people now and run around like idiots has no other meaning and purpose than shooting somone and running around like an idiot.

Even that is wrong, when things get really bad human beings form mobs and tear each other apart looking food, they don't all decide to go solo and frag. In the real world by forming a larger group you increases the chance of being able to kill or steal from other groups you encounter as well, the limit on group size is the amount of resources you can plunder. Obviously people don't necessarily want to share the things they loot, but in the real world it's easier to give someone their share than risk going solo, the exception being when the loot is really good. Like when a criminal betrays his partner after they pull off a big job or someone ninja loots something really good from their guild in an mmo.

Edited by Huntra

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just read this thread, and so far I think even tho it is mainly a big argument. I think it is amazing how informative this type of arguing can be. It doesnt matter what side you're on, as long as you can discuss it like an adult, which is why I am loving this thread.

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The Way I see it. Fresh Spawn... He's here to loot.... that's my loot. BANG.


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in posts like this there is never someone who says : yeah i use to camp sniper hill in elektro and kill newspawns..but playing in the private hives, with side chat, i always ask if someone is in the community here and a lot of people aren't. to these rednecks this is just a mod for a fps. i never rage when i die. i actually died by everything in this game, from doors, hackers, three, legit players. have been killed by return fire and without any reason, unarmed by a double barrell shotgun, or night firefights..but even when you have a camp, you simply watch your stuff and maybe run to nwa to take another rifle. when you don't have nothing you search for veichles and others' camps, or try to set up yours (right now i'm camping a vehicle in the north, waiting for the owner..i'll try not to kill him, but to make a sort of alliance). but the point is that this game needs something to do when you can manage to survive, beside killing each other..i have a 70 days char in main hive, i just log in at night,low pop servers, fill the canteen, kill a goat, log out. i have everything, and without killing anyone. but it's boring so as i said, private hive and have fun

Edited by Bludy

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