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Worst Weapon In Dayz -Vote

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Earlier today I asked you all what you thought was the worst weapon in dayz. Most were too be expected but some people hated weapons I thought to be ok. So I've decided to find out what is the most hated weapon in dayz by getting everyone to vote on it. I'll give you all about a week for people to vote and then i'll post the results on the forum as well as my YouTube channel. I look forward to seeing the results.

To vote go here:


To my YouTube channel go here:


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Do you mean pre weapon nerf or after, because you will get different answers depending on which.

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Preferably before the patch

Just to clarify, was not responsible for the nerf.....er.....fix. It was the 1.62 Arma Beta.

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Had a revolver in the middle of a looted town that had no ammo with tons of zombies chasing me, and I turned down a crowbar. So, I'd say that.

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Just to clarify, was not responsible for the nerf.....er.....fix. It was the 1.62 Arma Beta.

My bad before 1.62 so the 1.6 version. The 1.62 hasn't been out for very long so people haven't been given a decent chance to try all the weapons out.

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Crowbar. I don't pick that up even if I'm unarmed.

This, except my name was Gordon Freeman (which it's not).

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I actually killed a dude with a crowbar, he had a crossbow.

I was looting one of those Bistro building, upstairs. I go back in the corridor, and find this guy crawling on the ground. Start hitting him with that stupid crowbar (I couldn't find a goddamn hatchet!) he shoots me in the stomach with the crossbow, I start bleeding, but he has to reload, I keep hitting him until he dies.

Then I bandaged myself and procedeed to get killed by zeds because I was way too low on health and inside cherno (or elektro, I can't remember) and didn't manage to sneak outside town properly.

It was fun.

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You mean the worst weapon other than the Double-Barrelled shotgun? Because I don't see it on this poll. And it would get my vote in a heartbeat.

It's close ranged, it only has a capacity of 2 shots (of course) without being that powerful, the ammo takes up so much inventory space for so little firepower in return. The iron sights even suck.

Very costly to miss with. Not even worth putting your hatchet in the toolbar for. The hatchet may be melee, but with infinite swings and a pointlessly small hearing range, you're actually going to be defending against trouble instead of attracting more. And finally, thanks to the recent update, the hatchet even outdoes the DBS in damage.

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i dont think the crowbar or hachet should count in on this, i think the ops means guns, not weapons at all

i vote the MP5

sure, you can kill something with it, but not better than with an AK or any shotgun, the sights are terrible, and good uck findng the ammo for that sucker

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Other than the obvious melee weapons, I'd say the double barrel is the worst.

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I agree with crowbar being the worst. Half the time, they just bug out and I can't even swing with them :/

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crow bar easy 2nd worst double barrel which I did not even see on the list Crowbar < Double barrel < hatchet < crossbow (although crossbow is debatable because vs zombies OP)

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I must admit that i never pick up a double barrel shotgun unless i am completely unarmed and i will quite happily drop it for a hatchet.

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