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Only one weapon for you!

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I think it would be the M4A1 CCO SD, I've been rocking it for the past while, its pretty P.I.M.P.

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liking my m4a1 cco sd and DMR atm.. but a AS50 would be very welcome instead of the DMR.

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loving my DMR. I use it instead of binocs and i always check my surrounding out before entering buildings :D

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DMR, can be used with NVG, up to 800 meter, easy to find mags, zoom in / zoom out scope, 1 or 2 shots to kill player and 1 shot for a zombie kill. Not the best sniper rifle, but it's one of the most versatile guns in the game.

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mk 48 hands down, ammo easy to find in deerstands and firestations 2 shot kill players, and when prone hardly any recoil, short bursts when crouching for easy kills as well. 1 shot zombie kills and 100 rounds can be used with nvg. Intimidation factor is high and easy kills even at 300m.


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You've got a horrible headshot ratio. I'd have a better one using an assault rifle.

idiot... sure you got a better ratio with a m4... cause you aim for the head on close distance and try to use the least amount of ammo with a dmr you kill a zomb with 1 bullet so why aim for the head and may fail? And hmm this is realy hard to say... m4 cco sd but the ammo is some typ of rare execpt you go for racs a few times. So yes i never only use 1 weapon. I'll need my sidearm and my sniper in the bag to survive sry no 1 weapon for me.

Edited by grogo

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idiot... sure you got a better ratio with a m4... cause you aim for the head on close distance and try to use the least amount of ammo with a dmr you kill a zomb with 1 bullet so why aim for the head and may fail?

Yeah, no. Same thing applies to every weapon and distance. OH SHIT I MIGHT MISS I'D BETTER SHOOT AT THE TORSO works for 20 meters like it does for 1 klick. My point was that assault rifles are usually less accurate and they're often fired in bursts or fully automatic in close quarters. Using an actual sniper rifle I'd have a better ratio than with an assault rifle. And with an assault rifle I'd have a better ratio than you. Easily.

Get it?

Edited by Merciless

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Can the one weapon be a SINGLE secondary with no primary?.

If so, i would run around with a Suppressed M9 with full mag's all day.

Good range, Silent, and is great for putting players down.

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Yeah, no. Same thing applies to every weapon and distance. OH SHIT I MIGHT MISS I'D BETTER SHOOT AT THE TORSO works for 20 meters like it does for 1 klick. My point was that assault rifles are usually less accurate and they're often fired in bursts or fully automatic in close quarters. Using an actual sniper rifle I'd have a better ratio than with an assault rifle. And with an assault rifle I'd have a better ratio than you. Easily.

Get it?

sry bullshit i only burst when i got on a player with in 5 feet... My first rule @ a zomb attack search for a house and kill them with headshoots less ammo needed more for firefights with player...

PS: Sry for the offtopic guys

PS2: Last time i died i had a 250 zombs killed 150 headshoots most of them with m16 or sidearm revolver... With sniper i had less cause 1. im in a group 2. i dont need to kill zombs with sniper 3. if i kill one with my sniper and not the sidearm i dont aim for the head cause i need 1 bullet... (close combat) and range aswell havnt got the time for aiming if the zomb already hitting me + range its most time zombs moving= fail aiming on the smalest point...

Edited by grogo

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sry bullshit i only burst when i got on a player with in 5 feet... My first rule @ a zomb attack search for a house and kill them with headshoots less ammo needed more for firefights with player...

Oh boy am I glad nobody cares if you use a weapon the way it is intended or not.

How is my point hard to get? Why is your reaction a completely invalid reply?

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Can the one weapon be a SINGLE secondary with no primary?.

If so, i would run around with a Suppressed M9 with full mag's all day.

Good range, Silent, and is great for putting players down.

for real? it has terrible range. good at maybe 30m. needs to aim to the left in order to hit the target. terrible. to each his own i guess though. if you want a good silenced weapon get an m4 cco sd.

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AS50 if we have unlimited ammo.

DMR if we have to keep looting the ammo.

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My favourite gun is the FN FAL (the iron sight one), but I choose the hatchet for my answer to the question. :)

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