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Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

Should regular servers exist?  

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I think third person should be forced on all servers. Just because some of you can't figure out how to use it doesn't mean all of us should be forced into tunnel vision.

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I think third person should be forced on all servers. Just because some of you can't figure out how to use it doesn't mean all of us should be forced into tunnel vision.

i dont get it do you have a camera floating behind and above your head in real life

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Im not even sure what the exact difference between Veteran and Regular is. If you take away the nametags/CH/3DP/Range from a regular server, do you then have a vet server? I thought that the difference was in how much loot that would spawn, and how often you needed food/water.

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I see what you're saying, but what's the harm in having both of them?

And seeing zombies through walls is your peripheral vision if I remember correctly and its only enabled on certain servers, so don't put all regular servers in the same boat.

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ITT people who complain about realism but use a dayz map on the internet till they find one in game.

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I see what you're saying, but what's the harm in having both of them?

The harm in having exploiter friendly mechanics is that people can exploit those mechanics then use the equipment they exploited for to kill other players on a server that doesn't let that happen.

exploiter friendly mechanics on a non-hive server is fine, just like hacking and other forms of cheating.

Edited by Dsi1

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Why the fuck people cry about regular servers, crosshairs and 3DP servers? There are as many Veteran servers as Regulars. Same goes for 3DP servers and CH servers. Just dont play on one. Fuckers.

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I think third person should be forced on all servers. Just because some of you can't figure out how to use it doesn't mean all of us should be forced into tunnel vision.


So you can hide behind the wall and check the surroundings safe?

gtfo from dayz

Edited by AnusDriller

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Why does everyone keep saying that regular servers have nametags?

I play on plenty of regular servers and none of the ones I play on have nametags. A few of them don't have crosshairs and a couple only have first person.

At least try to educate yourselves as to how things really are.

They are settings that are enabled by the people who set up the server.

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Personally, I don't like the cross hair, I don't care for 3rd person, I hate name tags and the range that is visible with them. Waypoints bother me. I play on servers without these things. (My home server has been having trouble turning off cross hair and waypoint, not sure why) I avoid servers that have these things enabled.

I'd like to see everyone playing by the same standards.

I feel that cross hairs hold your hand. Learn to shoot from the hip or get into iron sights.

I don't know who you are standing out there in the field, and I shouldn't know who you are on a simple mouse-over. I should have to walk up to you and start up a conversation. I should have to ask for your name.

Rangefinders and GPS are "rare" for a reason. They're powerful tools. You take their power away when you give any player a waypoint or range on mouse-over. Should I mention "lol snipers" on a server with distance to target? It's way too easy to sit on that hill in that shiny bush suit, at least make them work for the kill. Make them pull out their in game map and rough range in buildings or make them search for those elusive range finders.

I'd like to see "hardcore" in a sense. I feel that having all those shiny extras diminish my gameplay. The grit in this game feels authentic (or as authentic as possible) and it loses that feeling with the extras. Taking the cross hairs, nameplates and waypoints away won't hurt anyone.

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Well, I keep setting my server to Veteran (US 554) but everytime it is restarted it drops back to regular and even recently changed to recruit. So, I don't know. Maybe the admins aren't the ones changing it because I certainly don't change mine.

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The harm in having exploiter friendly mechanics is that people can exploit those mechanics then use the equipment they exploited for to kill other players on a server that doesn't let that happen.

exploiter friendly mechanics on a non-hive server is fine, just like hacking and other forms of cheating.

Exploiter friendly mechanics as in, third person, seeing zombies locations through walls?

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i dont get it do you have a camera floating behind and above your head in real life

  • in real life I can turn indoors properly and know where I am / not get stuck in a "tight" pathway.
  • In real life, I know if im hidden in a tree or not.
  • In real life I can see what clothes I wear or see a mirror / glass to see that and know where I can hide.
  • In real life I have a bigger fov and can easily turn and view things not be restrained by clunkyness.
  • In real life I can lay on my belly and not be blind in grass as i'm able to tilt my head up.
  • In real life I can poke my head OVER things to see them or use glass as a type of periscope.

The game engine limits all of that -- That's why there's a fucking third person option in the game because... Shock, horror...

First person only is NOT realistic.

Nametags / Regular and Recruit servers need to go. But third person is actually more realistic (abuse and all) than first person only.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Exploiter friendly mechanics as in, third person, seeing zombies locations through walls?

Third person (See over/around cover without exposing yourself), nametags (See players hidden in plants/trees, and get their range), and the peripheral system (See players and zombies hidden in plants/trees) are all exploitable. Crosshairs are a crutch and need to be gone anyways, shooting from the hip accurately should be a skill.

  • in real life I can turn indoors properly and know where I am / not get stuck in a "tight" pathway.
  • In real life, I know if im hidden in a tree or not.
  • In real life I can see what clothes I wear or see a mirror / glass to see that and know where I can hide.
  • In real life I have a bigger fov and can easily turn and view things not be restrained by clunkyness.
  • In real life I can lay on my belly and not be blind in grass as i'm able to tilt my head up.
  • In real life I can poke my head OVER things to see them or use glass as a type of periscope.

The game engine limits all of that -- That's why there's a fucking third person option in the game because... Shock, horror...

First person only is NOT realistic.

Shock and horror, the game isn't perfect, that doesn't mean we should give up on it.


  • In game you can lower your weapon to improve agility indoors, try turning around with a long rifle inside a small hallway without lowering or raising it out of the way, you'll get stuck just like in ArmA.
  • In game you can turn your head and see the tree covering your body
  • In game you can turn your head and see the clothes on your body
  • In game you can turn your head and see things around you
  • In game you can flatten grass so you can see past it
  • In game you can lean AROUND things to see past them without exposing yourself too much

Edited by Dsi1

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*sigh* as an Admin who's taken far too much crap from freeloading entitled little brats recently I have to educate somewhere here....

You do realise that Difficulty is entirely configurable via the server config file.

Just because one server says Regular does not make it the same as another that says Regular as each server admin can customise what their "Regular/Vetran" actually means.

Our Server has a Regular that is Name tags OFF, CH OFF, Auto Aim OFF, Super AI OFF, 3Rd Person On.

Our Vetran simple turns 3rd Off and increases the Zombie skill slightly, but is otherwise identical to Regular.

Not Being funny but as you are complaining about this clearly you don't host your own and rely on others to pay for or otherwise host servers for you to freeload off.

Where did you get the gall to take a pop of the Admins paying their own money to host servers for YOU to play on for not having the exact settings you want when you clearly don't even understand what you are complaining about as the tags Regular/Vetran mean nothing....My Regular could be more hardcore than your Vetran server if I wanted it to be and it IS more hardcore than some Vet servers as I've tweaked the Zombie Damage up.

I actually dislike the 3rd person myself as a lot of people use it and have supernatual seeming periphal vision as a result but we just can't the a lot of the video/screen shots we want without it so it's a trade off, and one we pay a substatial amount of money out of our own pockets to make.

You don't like it, go pay for your own server or just go find one of the hundreds of servers out there that have the settings you like.

Don't go moaning that people PAYING for YOU to play aren't doing it right.

*rant off

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*sigh* as an Admin who's taken far too much crap from freeloading entitled little brats recently I have to educate somewhere here....

You do realise that Difficulty is entirely configurable via the server config file.

Just because one server says Regular does not make it the same as another that says Regular as each server admin can customise what their "Regular/Vetran" actually means.

Our Server has a Regular that is Name tags OFF, CH OFF, Auto Aim OFF, Super AI OFF, 3Rd Person On.

Our Vetran simple turns 3rd Off and increases the Zombie skill slightly, but is otherwise identical to Regular.

Not Being funny but as you are complaining about this clearly you don't host your own and rely on others to pay for or otherwise host servers for you to freeload off.

Where did you get the gall to take a pop of the Admins paying their own money to host servers for YOU to play on for not having the exact settings you want when you clearly don't even understand what you are complaining about as the tags Regular/Vetran mean nothing....My Regular could be more hardcore than your Vetran server if I wanted it to be and it IS more hardcore than some Vet servers as I've tweaked the Zombie Damage up.

I actually dislike the 3rd person myself as a lot of people use it and have supernatual seeming periphal vision as a result but we just can't the a lot of the video/screen shots we want without it so it's a trade off, and one we pay a substatial amount of money out of our own pockets to make.

You don't like it, go pay for your own server or just go find one of the hundreds of servers out there that have the settings you like.

Don't go moaning that people PAYING for YOU to play aren't doing it right.

*rant off

People aren't moaning that you're doing it wrong, the options were available and you shouldn't be at fault for taking them.

The options ever being available in the first place, for hive servers at least, is what's wrong.

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The options are available and should be available for the different players of the community. Not everyone enjoys this game in Veteran mode. The poll confirms this. Maybe it is not the majority but it is absolutely a significant chunk.

The poll confirms that the options should stay but there should not be a crossover between Veteran and other difficulty levels. If I find a weapon in a recruit server then why should I be able to use it in a veteran server?

Also something to think about: Isn't joining a server with 2 people and finding a weapon just as bad as going into an easier server? Yes it is. High tier weapons shouldn't spawn in servers with less than ten people. Hows that for elitism?!

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I don't play on Recruit of Regular server. Their settings are gross, in my opinion.

But, to each their own. The lames need a place to play. Don't you think?

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I don't think either one should be forced onto any servers. Why not allow the person that hosts the server to pick what is displayed and what difficulty level?

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I'm more concerned with the video options people can change that give them a major advantage, disabling shadows for example. I don't want to play my game on shitty video settings just so the playing field is even with other players. There needs to be some kind of minimum standard to it.

Edited by Psychobob
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The only semi logical argument I seem to see against having Less than ZOMG I'M SO HARDCOREEEEEEEEEE! options is:

It's too easy to farm up and give an advantage against people on VET Servers!

Sorry STRAWMAN falicy.

Anything that makes it easier for you, makes it easier for the other survivors to KILL YOU, and will logically DECREASE life expectancy and therfore farm potential and increase the risk of loosing what you already have.

Lets face it, the only real challange for players trying to kit up is OTHER players, zombies unless you SERIOUSLY screw up are little more than inconvenient.

You'd get closer to your apparent goals of removing ANY advantage one player has over another with t Battlefield 3 style Minimum players so the game Freezes if there are less than 10 players online and kick/ban any players who only play at night because it's easier for them vs people who only play daytime etc...

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I'm more concerned with the video options people can change that give them a major advantage, disabling shadows for example. I don't want to play my game on shitty video settings just so the playing field is even with other players. There needs to be some kind of minimum standard to it.

You don't and shouldn't.

Yes some people abuse graphic options but what can you do, Gamma settings for one machine would screw over someone else with different drivers or monitor.

You have to allow people to change settings and accept some people will abuse this.

To say otherwise you'd also have to insist DayZ comes bundled with Spyware that makes sure Display brighness isn't set up too high or that the Graphics driver allow Gamma control outside of DayZ etc and you can go to silly lengths here that are well beyond dayz's already very limited develepment resources.

At the end of the day I don't think these "advantages" are nearly as earth shattering "imbalanced" as some people seem to work themselves into beliving.

I don't play on Recruit of Regular server. Their settings are gross, in my opinion.

But, to each their own. The lames need a place to play. Don't you think?

Obvious troll is obvious

Edited by Cannon

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i see posts about removing crosshairs

why the fuck do you want that?

its impossible to shoot, and in real life, when ur holding the gun, u know where its gonna shoot, in a video game its too hard seriously shut the fuck up

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*shooting from the hip* IRL which is the equivelant of shooting in game without Ironsight or "Scope" is notoriously inaccurate no matter how good you think you are.

Sure some gun slingers make a show of rapid accurate pistol shooting from the hip but outside of a few godlike (Sorry I'm now going to go watch Bob Munden again....OK I'm back) examples most people would be lucky to hit shit from the hip in a fast moving encounter ;)

I also found that CH encourage death match idiots.

You can shoot from the hip and it's accurate enough at the right range but is almost worthless at long range, as it SHOULD be imho...but each to their own

*PS: Srs...this guy is INSANE.

Edited by Cannon
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