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Fraggle (DayZ)

Making forests scary at night.

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Two words;

Slender Man

Two words; WRONG GAME.

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(If I could post an image to convey my NOPE-ness I would, anyone else get an error?)

Here, I'll help.

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Sounds should always have a source, no background noise or some screams coming from nowhere..

A random player(s) death sequence could be a finale "scream" from being attacked/swarmed and then eaten by the infected(killed)..

hence making screams real ingame sfx

regardless i do think any player screams and/or even voice acting of "yelling/screaming" from sever wounding would be nice to see in the near future hearing these things from afar would be a real treat

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I'll keep this brief and to the point.

Currently at night the forests are a bit of a safe haven (no Zeds, no wildlife). I'd like to see something implemented that makes the forests much more treacherous places to be at night, or at least just bloody scary. Post your ideas below. That is all.

I'm putting your thread as a link relevant to the part of the conversation at 35:20 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/

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I'll keep this brief and to the point.

Currently at night the forests are a bit of a safe haven (no Zeds, no wildlife). I'd like to see something implemented that makes the forests much more treacherous places to be at night, or at least just bloody scary. Post your ideas below. That is all.

What would be alot more fun would be roaming hordes of zombies. i'm talking like 30-50 sized groups.

But only like 3-6 groups on the map.

Edited by wulfgar/nightslayer78

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I like the woods being mostly empty. It's where you go to avoid roads, towns and open fields. It's possible to get turned around in them if you don't have a map or compass, and the odd deer stand or little building is enough to keep you from forgetting that there are zombies in Chernarus.

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What could be fun, but it's probably not working well with the DayZ background, is something in the line of the chernarus apocalyps forest "monster".

Basically the forest is safe during the day, but during the night you will be killed if you remain for too long in the woods :)

I know "I" personally would love something like that, genuinly frightening stories to tell.

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this game is not a movie

Even though Rocket said in an interview, that it's more like a movie than a game.

Your logic is fail, just thought you'd like to know.


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This is what happened as they played chernarus apocalyps the first time.

This is when they actually looked for the forest "thing"

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Gamma doesn't really help because night time basically coats everything in the same 'color' or shading so gamma would still show black.

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Mutated animals or just like crazy ass wolves would do it for me :/ and then you could get some delish meat too :)

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Gamma doesn't really help because night time basically coats everything in the same 'color' or shading so gamma would still show black.

You can see way further, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Edited by stormich50

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packs of wolves howling at the moon would be cool :)

or BEARS ^^

or just rotting zed-dogs

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theres a post about this (dont know if anyones seen or said) that a person posted photos on a monster in the woods. and a DayZ team commented saying its true, he took one of the photos himself.. D;

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Wolf packs 3-5 and bears alone. Probably using fire or torch to keep them away.

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