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Siberian (DayZ)

have i just got the worst luk ever or am i doing it wrong ?

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That won't last long First rule of dayz never get attached to your gear, have fun with that gun while it lasts.

Also, that I won't shoot you thing won't last long either Shoot when you have a clear shot or you'll regret it.

im aware it naturaly wont be long before my gun is gone due to death..(althou im trying to play really careful, only venturing into civi areas for basics as needed) im a RP player so i play like my life really depends on it..

as far as shooting players that is something ill never do first.. just not a PVP player in any game other then pure FPS games (which i dont consider this game to be at all)

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as far as shooting players that is something ill never do first.. just not a PVP player in any game other then pure FPS games (which i dont consider this game to be at all)

Let's see how long that attitude lasts.

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I'm currently debating shooting my own partner to be honest. He fired an unsilenced weapon in the middle of the airfield and I got ganked for his troubles.

Sure, I picked up an AK-74 within 5 minutes of my spawning, but I'm going to miss that ALICE pack.

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Let's see how long that attitude lasts.

considering ive played most MMO's with PVP for as many years back as they go, and NEVER killed anyone, i'd bet on more of the same..

in defense is another matter, im talking about "shoot first" PVP kills (usualy for no other reason then the target presents itself)

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considering ive played most MMO's with PVP for as many years back as they go, and NEVER killed anyone, i'd bet on more of the same..

in defense is another matter, im talking about "shoot first" PVP kills (usualy for no other reason then the target presents itself)

DayZ can't really be compared with any other MMO.

Besides, my guess is that you're going to get jumpy after getting shot down silently one too many times by a psychotic bandit crew, and then before too long you'll end up blasting armed people and asking questions never.

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had my first runin with a fellow player today..

think we both scared the shit outa each other..

running along the roadside just in the bushs/trees middle of nowere.. we both stopped and paused for 1/2 sec. then he chats over comms "friendly".. i fumble around trying to type out same in direct chat.. tense moment..

we both had Enfields aswell.. lol 2 noobs passing each other.. good times..

neither of us hung around..

ohwell, managed to make it to the farmhouse i was aiming for, and even found some yummy pasta for dinner.. another day survived in the Apoc.

Edited by Siberian
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Well Siberian I started reading this thread and just skipped to the end to see why it was so hot, since you claimed you were going to quit back on the 1st page.

I am REALLY glad you stuck with it.

I was about to suggest PM'ing me and see if we could hook up. I now keep a spare this or that with me in case I meet some fresh meat. I mean, I could have used a compass early on too. I had a hard time finding ANYTHING except empty cans. (SIDE NOTE: PUT A COINSTAR MACHINE IN THE GAME)

I was killed early on by someone in a supermarket. I haven't needed to kill anyone except a trash-talking fool since then because I can avoid and distract like nobody's business.

You and I probably have that in common. Taking a while to find a gun and exploring without maps makes you good at the sneaky stuff. You'll see. Welcome to the club!

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First time I played I crawled into my second town with nothing but chem lights when blam, head shot by a player. From now on if I see someone I shoot first, question my moral judgement later. Hope they like the chem lights.

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The Lee Enfield is one of my favourite guns in the game. But a tip for you,you do not want to use that gun inside a town, unless you plan on pvp. It is far to loud for zombie shooting.

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I'm currently debating shooting my own partner to be honest. He fired an unsilenced weapon in the middle of the airfield and I got ganked for his troubles.

Sure, I picked up an AK-74 within 5 minutes of my spawning, but I'm going to miss that ALICE pack.

Your friend had a silenced weapon, and you are going to miss your ALICE pack? Lol... they are more common then Czech packs which have LESS room.

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ive got everything i need to hide n survive now..

its off into the hinterlands and explore.. no chance ill be risking the cities now.

thx to those offering help.

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OMG just about starved to death again...

thx god i came across that cow, and had teh supplies to make a fire..

i cant seem to find canned food anywere anymore.. literaly spent the nite running around from place to place (no cities, didnt wanna risk seeing people).

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I used to have the same problem as you: I could not find a gun.

Now give me cherno/electro and I will have a gun in less than 5 minutes.

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