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I`m a goat (bug)

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What happened:

I`m ran and ran and became a goat

Where you were:


What you were doing:


*Current installed version: (now

*Server(s) you were on:


*Your system specs:

windows 7 x64, i7 870, 8Gb ram, GF GTX470

*Timeline of events before/after error:

I`m running and fall down, then I became a goat. Restarting don`t help me


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haha, tnk.ben bombaybadboy and tnk. lewis are in my clan. The odds of seeing them disconnect from some randomers youtube video. Ha. Wonder why I didn't win the Euromillions then :(

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i wonder how this gets approved when my server version changes all the time report doesn't get in ...

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hahahahaaa.... okee i LOVE this idea, of turning player into animal. hahaha when i saw the video on the top. i fell from my chair xDD

witch FUCKING lovly hacker had done this xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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If theres a way to restart that I don't know about I'd love to know, but the restart button in the escape menu does nothing and respawn is greyed out because they changed it. Leg's not broken, I'm just a rabbit

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Go hug some zombies...

Also, anyone who thinks hackers are "hilarious" and "good" is simply encouraging shitty behaviour and should be slapped in the same category as the hacker themselves... and thus be perma-banned. IMO encouraging hackers is the same as hacking.


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I'm literally imobilized in the middle of the woods, no idea where I am, with no respawn button. I'm also a rabbit lying down so it's not like i'm easy to find either. I can't die I can't make a new character, this is getting really frustrating. Bought Arma II just for this mod, and 3 days and I have still not been able to play. I have NO idea what to do here.

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Isn't that the next expansion pack for Arma II, where you can play as an animal? ^^

Doesn't changing servers work? I guess that would have been the first thing you tried, though.

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Now go to cherno, climb a roof and strongly attack the next sniper getting there with your horns

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Isn't that the next expansion pack for Arma II, where you can play as an animal? ^^

Doesn't changing servers work? I guess that would have been the first thing you tried, though.

Yeah I tried that, but characters are stored on a central server so that if you change to another server, you don't lose your character information. That's a really sweet feature! Except I can't die!

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Yeah I tried that, but characters are stored on a central server so that if you change to another server, you don't lose your character information. That's a really sweet feature! Except I can't die!

Oh man - that is true. That's a really dangerous exploit of the hacker.

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damn son, i feel really sorry for you.

do you know where you are? i could search you and kill you and then you are out of your misery...pm me and i will do it promptly...

that was one of the MAIN issues why the respawn button should not have been removed, but our fuhrer rocket thaugt that this is a good idea. at the moment with the current immense hacking issue its just the mist stupid moronic idea to have, the hackers just teleport you to the debug forest for the lulz, you cant kill yourself and have to wait for hours to die of starvation or something like that. the best is that the admin staff from the game doesnt even give a shit, they are all like "hey look at these morons in the boards complaining about our fixes trololo"

rocket, PLS dont pull a notch and give us one of the most entertaining game and then just drop it.

as long as we have the immense hacker problem (arma2 & be is exploitable as fuck) u have to bring back the respawn button!!

even if battle eye constantly bans players, they just buy another cd key and do the same shit again because the game is not expensive, they dont give a fuck being banned, they rinse and repeat it.

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There's nothing you can do. You'll have to play on a private hive server and contact the server admin or DayZ dev team.

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I hope the players that cant play anymore, because they cant respawn are the players that wanted rid of the respawn button


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Surely there is a way for server hosts or Dayz team to disable specific commands like this so hackers can't use them?

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