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Inventory Not Saving on Logout

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Date/Time: 7/27/12 @ 9pm (US Central Time)

What happened: Respawned after death and found a shotgun (Remington 870) then a few minutes later logged out to switch servers to play with my friends. When I spawned in the shotgun was gone. Found a couple of things, then logged out due to massive graphical issues. After logging back in, all the new items I found were gone. Both times I was neither in shock, bleeding or had any broken bones.

Where you were: In the medical tents/deer stand area by Balota

What you were doing: Had just started after dieing.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US1094 and US956(??)

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i have this issue alot. i had L85 with ammo. then after log i lost all the ammo. and the m24 i had with 10 clips i came back with 16 clips, the 6 came from when i was at the airfield i dropped the 6 to fit the L85 ammo. it saved my location but not my stuff. that was after 2 hours after camping in stary sober

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I experienced this on my first login with

Everything in my main inventory was gone. Still had weapons, still had the tools, and the backpack was fine. Just all my ammo and food. Strangely, I don't think it took the painkillers.

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Same thing has happened to me multiple times, just today i was laying under a tree eating and heard as50 shots so i ran over and found the guy looted his as50 and a L85 still had 3 slots empty in my pack, so i continue on about 20 mins later the server either restarted or crashed log on to another server and the as50 in my pack is gone and i have the items from about 5 hours ago that i had switched out multiple times.

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Same here.

A buddy and me just played on a server which became laggy as more and more people joined the game. At one point I was bleeding but couldn't bandage myself: I clicked but nothing happened, then it seemed to work but I was still bleeding, etc. So we switched to another server with less players.

Bandaging worked immediately on the new server. However, when I looked into my backpack I noticed that my beloved DMR - which I've been carrying around for about 4 weeks - was AWOL.

This is the 3rd gun I've lost this way. The other two were MP5SDs.

Todays loss made me change my mind about duping: duping now seems to be a legit way to create backups of items the game will steal from you sooner or later.

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for me its even worse. it does not save anything and everything is resetted on relogin. i loose everything i collected and i get the starter gear back

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We lost everything TWICE in our vehicle, one after the first patch yesterday night, and one after the patch this morning... :(

Weapons, ammos, backpacks, ... That's not fun!

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Experiencing similar issue with the difference being I do not lose eveything. Logged on this morning and after awhile made a pass through the NE airfield. Found a M4A1 with ammo in one of the hangers. Logged off shortly after with M4A1 equiped and fully loaded. Logged back in a couple of hours later and still had the M4A1 but all ammo was gone. Continued playing and went into Krasnostav where I found a M1911 and ammo. After awhile longer came across crashed helo site and found NV goggles (a first for me). Logged off shortly after with M1911 equipped and fully loaded and NV goggles. Just logged back in a short while ago and NV goggles were gone but still had the M1911 and all ammo. I also have not loss any other 'common' items (food, painkillers, soda etc..)so ifor me it appears to be a bit hit or miss on what I lose.

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Same thing happens to me, I play the game for a while, get satisfied with my gear, take a break and when I log back in I am in the same spot. When I check my gear I only have the original items you spawn with.


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This happens with me,

I found a ghillie suit and equiped it logged out 10 mins later, come back and it's gone.

so later im on another server and i find another ghillie suit but this time i only put it into my backpack about 30 mins later i d/c and

come back to find it gone again!

not sure what happened but it would be nice to get some idea what is happening.

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This happends also for me everytime i log out i loose all the gear since patch 1.7.2 . Rocket please reply on this thread! Gamebreaking bug.

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Bey Mee Too ..... I must play about 1 houre than ... saved it maby :( .. also when i repair cars and log out the cars are broken as before :(

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Happened to me when I found AS50, was so happy then join a server boom I had a akm again :/

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Same issue with me last night. Logged out with my M14 in main inventory, along with 3 mags, pain killers, water bottle, and a smoke grenade, and after finding an FN FAL and 5 mags, as well as a Bizon PP-19 and one clip, which were divided between my inventory and backpack. Logged back in today, only the M14 and its amm, painkillers, water bottle, and smoke grenade were left, and the Bizon and FAL turned into the 5 STANAG mags I had in my backpack before I grabbed the shiny guns.

I r sad... This bug needs to be fixed asap :(

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SInce last night everytime i load into a server im loosing all my kit. But i found cammo gear also last night, so i dont know if this has caused the issue.

Any ideas

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This has happened to me today (July 29th). I haven't played DayZ for awhile due to some server side character issues and log in issues which have been corrected. I logged in earlier today and found myself with my proper character near the Balota airstrip. I proceeded to hide from zombies and get what I could (bandages, medicine, AKS-74 kobra, M1911, plenty of ammo). I heard shooting in the distance while I hid so I examined the control tower to find two dead players whom I looted. I proceeded northward due to an influx of zombies. I skirted Balota and checked the factory for supplies sustaining some damage (2000 blood worth). I entered the factory to find nothing of use (3 hatchets, wtf?) and logged out to run errands. Got home and told my friend the bugs were fixed and we can play, upon logging in all the items I had accumulated on my trip to the factory were gone and I was in "pain" status (requiring painkillers) even though when I logged out I was perfectly fine. I was also still inside the factory in Balota.

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I also had inventory issues with logged out with ak kobra in hand and m14 in backpack with 4 dmr mags (I had been switching between the kobra and m14 throughout the night, leaving one in backpack at all times). When I logged back in I had kobra in hand and another kobra in my backpack with no m14 to be seen. One dmr mag remained while other 3 had been deleted and some of my ak ammo had duplicated (went from 4-5 clips to 7). My friend had similar issue with update causing m249 belts to duplicate in backpack and delete a bunch of morphine and bloodbags.

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I just had this problem. What the fuck? Really? I was playing with a friend when I got shot by someone and died. My friend was able to kill the person who killed me. He had to go, but stayed to guard my body until I was able to get back to it. I looted my stuff back, and logged off since I didn't want to play alone. Log in later to find that NOTHING I PICKED UP ON MY DEAD BODY WAS THERE. I HAD NOTHING! You know how much stuff I lost? Fuck this shit.

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I had the same issue, I was at my friends and teaching him how to play as he just got it today (July 29th). We found a AKM and a ghillie suit, i really wanted the suit so he said fine run home ill give it to you, he logged off where i did and when he returned he had "died" while logged off...it keeps happening too. i'm almost afraid to play now, I have a camo outfit and lots of gear...i don't really wana lose it...

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If often loose things because of this bug and some people use this bug to clone weapons/ammo.

Lets pretend, you have a winchester with two mags and you want more ammo for it, you just change it for another gun, logout and then log in, you will have your winchester in your hand and there will be another one in the floor.

Please fix this bug because the noobs just do this instead of looking for more mags.

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spend some hours on the issue today.

tried several servers

tried different genders

tried different gears

tried different ways of dieing,

logout on swimming / proning

you see? iam getting more desperate everytime

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I know that if I get something new and logout soon after I will lose it, but killing a zombie forces a hive update it seems and 'saves' your character. I'm assuming you've all tried this? I'm also assuming you are playing on servers that are connected to the hive and on the current patch version?

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