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I myself wasn't too sure that it was the static dead soldiers causing the glitching, but I investigated a little, and here is what I first saw.16c47rd.jpgThen after getting closer, I found the source of it:


I guess that's +1 for dead soldiers being the problem. I'm sure they're not the only cause though. I too am hoping that this gets fixed soon. I just bought Arma2 today so I could play this mod, and this isn't a very satisfying welcome...

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One week i'm (and my friends) not playing Dayz because of this bug. I can't understand rocket, he knows how to fix this and didn't released hotfix.

I know 7.5 will be great with more fixes, but seriously..it's a major bug there.

Last ETA was wednesday, 3 days ago. It's Valve time !

Edited by Orox

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One week i'm (and my friends) not playing Dayz because of this bug. I can't understand rocket, he knows how to fix this and didn't released hotfix.

I know 7.5 will be great with more fixes, but seriously..it's a major bug there.

Last ETA was wednesday, 3 days ago. It's Valve time !

It's because it's an engine bug and not a DayZ bug. You have to wait for BI to fix it, not Rocket.

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Alright, before I actually neck-myself (figure of speech for killing) can someone get this job done asap.

I find you always fuck my weekends up by absolutely making sure all bugs begin Friday 5pm after work...

This bug was supposed to be fixed 31st July, it's now 4th Auguest GMT+10 and nothing has been done.

This graphic issue has made it impossible to see in any higher market worth town, e.g. NW-Airfield or Stary, not to mention pvp hot zones such as Cherno and Electro.

Please fix this bug ASAP!

kind regards, everyone that you have fucked over.

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Yeah, I tried tweaking all my visual settings and couldnt get this to go away. I noticed it awhile ago with barbed wire, especially intersecting barbed wire (in a forest near some guy's tents, we placed 4-5 barbed wires), but it wasn't THAT bad. Now that I'm at stary sobor, I can't tell if there is or is not barbed wire. Others in the thread have said it's the static dead military zombie corpses, but it's unplayable when trying to loot in there, you cant see zombies, and when trying to snipe nearby, you cant see any players. So it seems the artifacts are caused by objects - would different skins on objects fix this?

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Look at these screenshots...






















↑ Compass color is weird. (reversed?)










I hope it's DayZ problem. not my GPU D:

Edited by jonypoins

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Some people are saying this is caused by barbed wire but I have had it happen to me in open fields, basically you can look in any direction but the direction of the glitch.

Was in cherno last night and the only direction I couldn't look was South. This obviously has happened because of the last patch but what exactly is the issue here?

It looks like these texture bombs just pop out of nowhere and make the game/area you are in unplayable.

i7 2600k


GTX 580

Also has there been any comments by the devs as to what is going on?

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me and friend of mine were raiding berezino - i was inside building next to a supermarket, he was in forest, covering me. then he got killed (because he wasn't looking for his back) and i wasnt able to snipe his killer from the town because every time i was turning NW, i was getting a mix of caleidoscope and acid. And because i never practiced with DMR before.

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Some people are saying this is caused by barbed wire but I have had it happen to me in open fields, basically you can look in any direction but the direction of the glitch.

Was in cherno last night and the only direction I couldn't look was South. This obviously has happened because of the last patch but what exactly is the issue here?

It looks like these texture bombs just pop out of nowhere and make the game/area you are in unplayable.

i7 2600k


GTX 580

Also has there been any comments by the devs as to what is going on?

It has been stated several times in this topic that its the dead soldiers, next to humvees and such, that cause the anamolies

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Unplayable at the moment with this ;)

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This ISNT caused by barbed wires. This is caused by piles of bodies that you can find in airfields and near stary sobor... Hope they release a fix soon cus this is really freakin annoying

Also got killed by someone in the airfield cause i couldnt see 2 feet in front of me. Freakin pissed me off. Had a DMR and pretty much every gear i needed

Barbed wire can cause the glitch as well...

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Im pretty sure its the barbed wire tool kit, not the barbed wire itself, and the dead military bodies. The tents are not the problem and the barbed wire is not either. I can stare at both of these without an issue, its only when i look at the little tool box and the dead bodies.

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Just restart your whole Arma II and it will work from the moment you logged back in. So dont just disconnect but shut down the whole game and start it again. Should be fixed after that

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Barbed wire can cause the glitch as well...

Barbed wire artifacting is minimal compared to whats been going on with military bodies. There are quickfixes, but evidently they're crapshots that only work for some people some of the time.

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I had this issue about two seconds ago. I would look at a house from one direction and textures would fill my screen, which is bad news when sneaking past zombies at night. However, I could view the house if I looked at a different section of it. Thought it was an isolated even, but then I looked at what appeared to be a military base and the same thing happened. I certainly hope this is not server persistant and will be solved by logging in and out of the game...

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I confirm that glitches do appear from dead military bodies and barbed wire, they are most common in Chernogorsk in the centre of the town, on the NW Airstrip, The Airstrip in Balota and more places, currently i dont go on these places just to make sure i don't run in somewhere i can die but they can be distracting, i hope they'll be fixed.

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Please fix this as soon as possible, the game is unplayable right now! :-( :-( :-( :-(

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This bug is very annoying! I stole a nice ural truck full of weapons from some clan and I was on my way towards bolota to pick up a friend and that bug filled the screen and I crashed into a burned out Humvee and blew up. <_<

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Urge people to try this when they can, it's allowed most of our clan to play graphical error free

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I saw it coming from the center of Cherno, as well as recently from a lighthouse (I don't think it was an ordinary lighthouse, twas larger). It happens a lot for me, can't go to the lighthouse cause I cannot see. Logged out, will try again another day.

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Set memory size to default in options instead of very high :)

And then problem solved ! still needs to be fixed

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Sweet, Setting the memory size to default instead of very high has totally resolved my issue.

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