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About orox

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  1. orox

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm calling for a wipe !
  2. I'm gonna laugh hard if such thinks happens with the standalone.
  3. The next patch will costs you a few bucks.
  4. Tents bug, vehicule bug, and GFX bug was there in 2.4. 1 month ago.
  5. he's too busy to fix critical stuff o/
  6. This thread should be renamed "Hotfix Build Trolling Update". 2 weeks waiting and : - I'm stuck at loading screen (80% of the time) - Artifacts still there (on Nividia 560Ti / CoreDuo 3.2Ghz) - Tried to switch server, I was on the beach (with my stuff) - Tried to switch server again, I was still on the beach (without ANY stuff) - Moved myself near map center, had a break, reloged, I was on the beach... Using manual DayZ install, latest ArMA beta and connected to servers with the same version. Seriously, rocket..how can it be so hard to fix issues in a reasonable delay ? Well, see you in 2 weeks for the next patch, and don't forget "woof woof " guys !
  7. orox

    Pending Update: Build

    rocket is working on Valve's time ! ... One week without playing so far.
  8. orox

    Graphical Issues

    One week i'm (and my friends) not playing Dayz because of this bug. I can't understand rocket, he knows how to fix this and didn't released hotfix. I know 7.5 will be great with more fixes, but seriously..it's a major bug there. Last ETA was wednesday, 3 days ago. It's Valve time !
  9. orox

    Pending Update: Build

    Can't you just realease a fast hotfix for the glitches ? We are a lot who can't play anymore.
  10. I'd like hotfix for the glitches bug, waiting for a week is way too long.
  11. orox

    Graphical bugs

    I'd like hotfix for the glitches bug, waiting for a week is way too long.
  12. orox

    Graphical bugs

    Can we have dev's feedback at least, just one word on this issue ?
  13. Are devs aware about this glitch issue ? Not even a word about this since yesterday.
  14. Wirefence glitches everywhere when I look a military base. Playing on Nvidia 560Ti. A friend of mine has the same issue with his Nvidia, and another (ATI) has less glitches. He said bodies (NPC) in the military camp are corrupted.