[email protected] 23 Posted July 29, 2012 COME AT ME BRO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 I am serious guys, of the 10 servers I frequently visit, the number of snipers in a three hour time span has decreased to under 2.00, when only two days ago it was at over 6.00. I'm making a difference. But let's be clear to people out there, this is a job only I should do. It's boring and requires god-like sniping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 I snipe and kill purely for pleasure in this game. No one will ever stop people sniping in major cities or anywhere, i have solution though introduce bears into the game.If you are in Cherno: stay there. This will be good. If you think you are safe in another city killing innocents, it will only be a matter of time until the number of snipers in Cherno on a three hour basis drops below 0.33, to the point where I move city. If you are in the area I move to, count yourself already dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 This pleases me.No sweat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torby 9 Posted July 29, 2012 I love how peoples morals are all like black and white in this game. If you've sniped someone in Cherno. you're a douchebag.Some of the people looting in Cherno, aren't saints either. I've been killed by "friendly" and "innocent" people alot. Even when I had just spawned and all I carried was a bandage. As soon as they see me, they scream friendly. Only to shot me in the back once I let my guard down. It's not like everyone in the city have a noobtag on them. I have a strict avoid-or-shoot policy now. I also enjoy shooting people in cities with a sniper. Don't really feel bad anymore either, because I know they would've shot me the minute they saw me, if they had the chance.I welcome the OP to find me, if I'm ever in his server and happen to be sniping. I would enjoy the challenge of having a fair fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Don't really feel bad anymore either, because I know they would've shot me the minute they saw me, if they had the chance.I welcome the OP to find me, if I'm ever in his server and happen to be sniping. I would enjoy the challenge of having a fair fight.Hmmm, two things that are wrong with this post.a) To assume that the only reason you kill people with a sniper is because you "know they would've shot me the minute they saw me" is a ridiculous presumption. Not only because a lot of people ARE friendly, but because it's not "kill or be killed" it's you just killing. It's not as if you see someone from afar and think "they will kill me so I should kill them". You will never meet.... you could avoid them. Ridiculous statement.Number two, I love and hate how you said "would enjoy the challenge of a fair fight" - I don't think you would, because chances are you would die - you're only used to killing people who are innocently running along and who cannot fight back.I was recently watching a tiger documentary, and ones accused of man-eating were kept in prisons. But a millionaire wanted to free them into the wild, and did. But some tigers got so accustomed to being fed dead meat, they would probably die in the wild because they would have lost most ability to hunt. This is the same situation, you're so used to killing people who a) very likely cannot fight back B) are an easy kill. So tell me, what do you do when you come up against someone who isn't easy to kill and are very capable of fighting back? You become the tiger who starved to death. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torby 9 Posted July 29, 2012 Believe me bro. If you ever encounter me, anywhere, chances are you'll die. You might get me, but my squad will most certainly get retaliation. Especially if you're a lone wolf.To your first point. Please don't take what I say out of context. I said I had a avoid-or-shoot policy. If I can avoid, I will, with the exception of sniping in Cherno ofcourse, which I only occasionally do. When I do, I'm totally aware that It's not exactly a fair fight, but the people down there knows the risk they're taking and they should be aware that there might be snipers around.The point you make about me only being used to killing people from afar in cities, are wrong I'm afraid. I'm spent hours looting airfields and such. Been in douzins of squadfights, were 5 of us are shooting at another 5 man squad. Please don't state things that you can only asume.I'll be watching out for you mate :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
`Orum 17 Posted July 29, 2012 Anyone dumb enough to enter Cherno deserves to be sniped. Anyone dumb enough to snipe people in Cherno deserves to be killed. 'nuff said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Anyone dumb enough to enter Cherno deserves to be sniped. Anyone dumb enough to snipe people in Cherno deserves to be killed. 'nuff said.My friend. I am working hard to make Cherno a place anyone can join without fear of snipers.That is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Believe me bro. If you ever encounter me, anywhere, chances are you'll die. You might get me, but my squad will most certainly get retaliation. Especially if you're a lone wolf.To your first point. Please don't take what I say out of context. I said I had a avoid-or-shoot policy. If I can avoid, I will, with the exception of sniping in Cherno ofcourse, which I only occasionally do. When I do, I'm totally aware that It's not exactly a fair fight, but the people down there knows the risk they're taking and they should be aware that there might be snipers around.The point you make about me only being used to killing people from afar in cities, are wrong I'm afraid. I'm spent hours looting airfields and such. Been in douzins of squadfights, were 5 of us are shooting at another 5 man squad. Please don't state things that you can only asume.I'll be watching out for you mate :)I don't need squad mates, I am indeed a lone wolf. To say "with the exception of sniping in Cherno" is, again, ridiculous. Why are you just randomly making exceptions?When I kill you, and your "squad" is there to back you up, I might retreat. Plus I'm heavily camouflaged, I could lay still and still be easily undetected. I will take on a squad of 10+ if I know they are a danger to the city. Don't worry about that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vellarain 73 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) Well this a fun topic with plenty of sniper on sniper drama and all kinds of kill ethics this game seems to revolve around.I find it silly that people claim counter sniping is easy when you need to consider that if the sniper is any good he will:A ) Be outside the city limits.B ) Not putting up a silhouette on a hill.C ) Be 400+ meters out to not spawn zombies around him.D ) Be playing in a server with no name plating.E ) Have all high value spots ranged out for fast zeroing.F ) Will have a spotter with him, good snipers work in pairs.I can keep going but those six key elements are what will keep a good sniper alive and well. If he is carrying a weapon like an AS50, or a M24 good hunting because he is gonna be one hell of a hard target to sight. Edited July 29, 2012 by Vellarain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuzerre 64 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) I will join you in your hunt (as soon as I get a silenced weapon). Edited July 29, 2012 by Deuzerre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) I will join you in your hunt (as soon as I get a silenced weapon).I can't risk the following:a ) anyone killing me. Because that will waste time trying to get a sniper again etc. so I can't trust anyone. You can't blame me, right?b ) my spot being detected.c ) anyone else thinking they can take the law into their own hands. Leave this shit up to the big boys. Edited July 29, 2012 by ZombieSpecialist Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godparties 7 Posted July 29, 2012 The above logic makes no sense. The difference is that they're camping to kill friendlies, or people who are NEW to the good. I'm camping to kill the people that kill innocent guy's trying to learn how to play the game.And "whiners moaning about whiners" makes no sense either. I'm not complaining that they're killing friendlies, and then going on a rooftop and killing friendlies. It's a totally different scenario you fail to comprehend.And yeah, Liam Neison should have gotten quoted, I agree.Campers gon' camp. To include Counter sniping and otherwise. No matter the reason. I personally don't camp Cherno, because I don't need anything in that city that I can't find away from the coast. But I do snipe. And I do kill all that I see that aren't a part of my 7-man team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Campers gon' camp. To include Counter sniping and otherwise. No matter the reason. I personally don't camp Cherno, because I don't need anything in that city that I can't find away from the coast. But I do snipe. And I do kill all that I see that aren't a part of my 7-man team.Okay. You will die. By my hands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brusann 67 Posted July 29, 2012 Someone's a little mad... In two or three months on this game, I've never ever been killed by a sniper in elektro or cherno. I don't understand what the problem is... you basically have to ask to be killed by them. They can only see a small portion of the city at a time from the hills unless they'd like to display themselves for the world to see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Someone's a little mad... In two or three months on this game, I've never ever been killed by a sniper in elektro or cherno. I don't understand what the problem is... you basically have to ask to be killed by them. They can only see a small portion of the city at a time from the hills unless they'd like to display themselves for the world to see.Oh, you're mistaken. I'm not mad.... I'm focused. On killing every one of them, and so far I'm doing very well. The problem is you can't go out in the open, even though there are no zombies. And why can't you go out in the open to travel more effectively? Because there's always a douchebag sniping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godparties 7 Posted July 29, 2012 Okay. You will die. By my hands.Possible. But, as i'll say, and EVERYONE will agree. You'll die. Like I said, 7-man team. We set up in positions so that we can support ourselves. Also, you're not the best. You can't take everyone out. Personally, I don't give a fuck. Dying just means I start over and camp again. (: The same goes for you, camper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombieSpecialist 144 Posted July 29, 2012 Possible. But, as i'll say, and EVERYONE will agree. You'll die. Like I said, 7-man team. We set up in positions so that we can support ourselves. Also, you're not the best. You can't take everyone out. Personally, I don't give a fuck. Dying just means I start over and camp again. (: The same goes for you, camper.As I've already stated I camp for GOOD reasons. Anyway you'll disagree with that. And yes, I can take out 7 man teams because you'll never know where I am. Literally. There's a very small chance you'll find out where I am hiding. So then I wait until someone goes on a roof, or a hill to snipe and then, again, as previously said: you die.Your 7 man team can do what they want... but they're not getting onto a vantage point to snipe. That's all I'm saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trolling R3bel 9 Posted July 29, 2012 Awh how cute he admitted to serverhopping. I'll still snipe regardless the odss of us meeting are low plus I go to vybor and snipe anyways. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godparties 7 Posted July 29, 2012 Literally, you make noise, or you'll be in the area. You won't live. Welcome to try. You aren't the best. You're just another "Vigalante camper" who got sniped too much. We snipe. We kill. We live. And some of us die. We'll do it over, and over, and over. (; Just to piss you off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Vanluven 4 Posted July 29, 2012 I was pretty much in the middle of the map... no one around. So I though... one shot dead. I'm sick of it too... I only die from other players. I've never once shot another player. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godparties 7 Posted July 29, 2012 Awh how cute he admitted to serverhopping. I'll still snipe regardless the odss of us meeting are low plus I go to vybor and snipe anyways.He's just on his period. Even if I never sniped before, I'd do it just to see how upset he gets. Cause rule number one in DayZ:Don't get attached to your gear. And Rifles are too easy to find. xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites