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[OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

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Does anybody have a link to update to 95389 for just players?

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Same shit here. Forced update through Six Launcher. No more DayZ for me :( Its finally weekend and now I cant play... meh.

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Tried to join several servers with the same issue. Have attempted to update my personal server to the latest patch but it continues to show as

This issue will hopefully resolve itself as i'm sure theres a heavy load while people download the updates.

Looks like your bang on, after extreme patience on a loading screen I am back in and merrily being killed again. :)

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uploaded my @dayZ file into winrar on dropbox i can play with the

https://www.dropbox....zlsm/rBW9xgbWoe arma2 ao directory put in @Dayz.winrar in right click extract here write all

if u don't trust it don't download it

I'm sorry I dont trust the Belgians.

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I really don't get why six launcher forces you to update.. Why not just have a 'launch' button and an 'update' button.. fucking annoying...

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I'm having the same problem of loading, I can not get into any more server.

We can only hope

Edited by Varella

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I really don't get why six launcher forces you to update.. Why not just have a 'launch' button and an 'update' button.. fucking annoying...

It does? You have to right click the preset and select update or install to update. You can just click launch game without updating first...

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It's been an hour and a half now and I managed to join one server. Just one. And it restarted 10 minutes later and instantly filled up.

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I still have .3 and get stuck at loading screen, anyone with this?

ps the server is also .3 ds

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I think Six Launcher needs to stop forcing updates on people before they can play. Sure, you should be prompted that a new version is available and highly recommended to install, but it's so bloody annoying not being able to opt out. This game is alpha so obviously there may be the occasional bugs in new patches that are rolled out and some people may want to keep their current version. I appreciate the hard work that has been put into this program but a few aspects of it are flawed. Also, is it just me or does Six Launcher now not show any server pings? Am I also right in thinking that unless servers have been updated manually by the admin, then all new Dayz patches are useless until the majority of servers have upgraded? One final point, why the hell release something like this on a Friday when weekend support is bound to be at a minimum. A bit of thought and planning by developers would be nice.

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This is why you don't update until you see feedback. allday

my server self updated itself, and i've been forced to download the patch from six launche, i couln't do anything to prevent this, btw, yes i'm stuck ad loading screen me too

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I think Six Launcher needs to stop forcing updates on people before they can play. Sure, you should be prompted that a new version is available and highly recommended to install, but it's so bloody annoying not being able to opt out. This game is alpha so obviously there may be the occasional bugs in new patches that are rolled out and some people may want to keep their current version. I appreciate the hard work that has been put into this program but a few aspects of it are flawed. Also, is it just me or does Six Launcher now not show any server pings? Am I also right in thinking that unless servers have been updated manually by the admin, then all new Dayz patches are useless until the majority of servers have upgraded? One final point, why the hell release something like this on a Friday when weekend support is bound to be at a minimum. A bit of thought and planning by developers would be nice.

Where are people getting this?

If you don't want to update using six, then don't update. Just launch the game. See the huge green dropdown arrow in the top left? Change it to launch the game instead of install and update. And it does tell you if you need to update or not. A yellow hexagon near the selected preset means updates are available, green means everything is up to date. You can launch without updating just by changing the button to launch game instead of update preset pretty easily.

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Its not a official patch.

Who is illegally releasing this piece of crappatch then ill snipe him and let zombies eat his corpse:D

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Same issue here, is there anyone to go back to the last version? Or if anyone finds a server that is actually join able if they could post which one that would be great.

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no fix, the patch is broken and supposed to have been rolled out to a few people to test, PANTSONRETARD SixUpdater DIDNT GET THE MEMO, and fucked half the playerbase who now can't play until hotfix comes out

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