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Gun nerf made the game more challenging

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The gun nerf and the new update in general directly and indirectly made zombies a larger threat, and I have seen less pvp since the update. Before, no one cared about zombies. Players were the only real threat while zombies just got in the way of people. Too hard now? Adapt or buy a new game.

Edited by Helsing
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The gun nerf and the new update in general directly and indirectly made zombies a larger threat, and I have seen less pvp since the update. Before, no one cared about zombies. Players were the only real threat while zombies just got in the way of people. Too hard now? Adapt or buy a new game.

Can I point out your retardation again? This isn't meant for dayz. In fact, Rocket is looking into changing it as we speak. The nerfing is awful for pvp, and makes it pointless to use half the pistols. May as well use a makarov because it's more quiet and has common ammo...I mean, if you're going to get a headshot anyways, who gives a shit about the other pistols? You're defending something shitty, and I'd like if you stopped doing that.

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Can I point out your retardation again? This isn't meant for dayz. In fact, Rocket is looking into changing it as we speak. The nerfing is awful for pvp, and makes it pointless to use half the pistols. May as well use a makarov because it's more quiet and has common ammo...I mean, if you're going to get a headshot anyways, who gives a shit about the other pistols? You're defending something shitty, and I'd like if you stopped doing that.

Too bad. I like the new weapons and I think the old system was shitty. I like the game how it is right now and I don't want to go back to the pre nerf guns. It's my opinion.

If you don't want to see it then I highly suggest you stop posting here, as I don't want to see yours either.

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This "nerf" is actually the first time I have seen this .45 vs 9mm myth put to rest in a game. Technically speaking, the ballistics don't lie. There is no marketable difference between the rounds. The loads yes...but not the rounds. .45 to .40 to 9mm...so little difference that in reality no one would notice. If the loads are the same, the damage or ballistic energy is so comparitable that it really boils down to weapon system and rounds available.

This video does a great job of explaining Mr. Gomez is the man. And he has lot of experience in law enforcement, military and training shooters.

In the end, this is how a gunfight would go: I got a pistol in .45, .40 or 9mm and he has body armor? Waste of my time...need head shot. I got a pistol in .45, .40 or 9mm and he has no body armor but is high on something or infected? Waste of my time unless I get a good shot on a vital organ or the spine. Oh, the unarmored will bleed out "eventually", but I won't put them down. I got a pistol in .45, .40 or 9mm and he is a normal human with normal human behavior? One shot, not vital hit, will probably stop the problem (in real life)...most folks reconsider their behavior and drive once shot...even in a non vital spot.

The moral of the story? Pistols suck for putting people or infected down. They lack ballistic energy required to do massive damage unless they hit something vital. So...yes...it could take 14 shots to "kill"...you may have hit soft tissue or non vital targets in the first 13. But your target should have bled out pretty quickly...


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Interesting ballistics visuals for those interested: Handgun_gel_comparison.jpg

However, does anyone else find it odd that we spawn "unarmed" because "not many people have guns" (which is hilarious, especially people who've survived apparently WEEKS after this outbreak) but we all now spawn with "ballistic armor"?

I don't mind the nerfs THAT bad, but if we're talking realism here, let's go with more melee weapons (improvised or otherwise), and so far I am 0 for 20 or so on trying to make one-shot headshots with a Makarov... is that expected behavior post-nerf? I KNOW I am making the headshots, and they are not dying. (At least, I am seeing the blood spat on their dome).

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I don't know about you OP but the vests we are wearing don't look like ballistic armor to me, and the female skin isn't wearing anything.

itt OP probably has some endgame military weapon and disliked the fact that a fresh spawn could compete with him. 9 bullets to the chest with a m1911 is not realistic, 14 mp5 bullets to the chest is not realistic.

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I don't know about you OP but the vests we are wearing don't look like ballistic armor to me, and the female skin isn't wearing anything.

itt OP probably has some endgame military weapon and disliked the fact that a fresh spawn could compete with him. 9 bullets to the chest with a m1911 is not realistic, 14 mp5 bullets to the chest is not realistic.

Unfortunately, it is realistic and I made the OP when I was in cherno with a lee entfield. I have high grade weapons now but I will surely go back to the coast eventually.

You should watch the vid posted by demon20 a few posts up

edit: Google a ballistic vest. They come in all shapes and sizes. Also, the female survivor may have it under her clothing.

Edited by Helsing

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It's not to bad, it's a big difference between prepatch and now. However, versus zombies it is more realistic. What I mean by that is the fact that destroying the brain is the only known way to truely kill a zombie. Technically, you could put a .50 round through a zombies chest, creating a giant gaping hole, and it would still be alive. If you ran over a zombie and managed to sever the torso from its legs, it would still crawl after you. The fact that pre patch you could take a 1911 and one shot a zombie in the chest? Not realistic. This will make people think more strategically and go for headshots as much as possible, or they are just going to waste ammo.

As for players, the nerf should not apply. The amount of pistol rounds it takes to kill a player (minus headshots) is not realistic. It should be looked into (I think Rocket is) and fixed.

I dont know if the two guns vs zeds / guns vs players can be differentiated, but something needs to be done.

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