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Weapon Nerf Poll

Weapon Nerf, Good or Bad  

191 members have voted

  1. 1. Good or Bad

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Don't debate. Keep it simple.

bumps are okay

updated poll with 3rd option

Edited by Hashisx

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OK I know keep it simple but I just had to motivate my choice GOOD.

THE thing is that with the old damages quiet sidearms were too good since they made barely no noise and were 1 shoot, this update forces the player so either shoot a lot with the slightly louder sidearm but more shots are needed however it brings you the main option to fire just one or two shots with the loud main weapon.

This made zombie killing a lot more interesting while still keeping the intense short lived fire fights of arma, really good job done at Bohemia I would say!

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I don't care.

The same people crying are the ones who go into threads yelling "QQ ADAPT OR DIE, GO BACK TO COD" and crap like that.

It's funny when the tables are turned on them.

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I don't care.

The same people crying are the ones who go into pvp threads yelling "QQ ADAPT OR DIE, GO BACK TO COD" and crap like that.

It's funny when the tables are turned on them.

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weapons are fine.

if you get killed as infantry by a sniper, then you're a bad infantryman,.

if you get killed as a sniper by infantry, then you're a bad sniper.

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46 Bad

6 Good

Looks fine to me. The experiment should keep going down that road. Yeah. Definitely.

Good observation.

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zombies need to be stronger but damage was also nerfed vs players and that's not good.

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The weapon nerf makes absolutely no sense for pvp and for pve higher tier weapons remain completely unnerfed compared to the lower tier weapons made nigh useless.

This change should be reverted in DayZ away from the Arma2 1.62 levels back to 1.61 levels and some weapons (9mm stuff, both smgs and pistols) should probably even be buffed a bit. To gain this new intriguing "zombies don't die like flies" effect zombies could just get like 50-100% more hp (all headshots should still be kills)

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Terrible, terrible change. The game is even easier now for people who log off in combat. And Ol' Faithful (my Enfield) has been reduced to a shadow of its former self.

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while still keeping the intense short lived fire fights of arma, really good job done at Bohemia I would say!


It now takes 5 hits with the AK-74 to kill a player. It takes 9 to 15 hits to kill a player with one of the pistols.

It takes less hits than that to kill someone with an m4 or AK or the starting pistols in COUNTER-STRIKE.


"Intense short-lived firefights" my pale hairy ass.

Fact is, this weapon nerf by Bohemia is plainly unrealistic and is simply intended to make ARMA 2 mp missions against AI easier, because if you notice, all the weapons that were nerfed are OPFOR weapons.

This nerf wasn't created with DayZ in mind. If it were, then the nerfs would be more consistent across the board (why aren't the m4s and m16s nerfed?), and m1911s and revolvers wouldn't be broken now because their clips are prohibitively small in regard to how many hits it takes to kill a single zombie... while in normal ARMA 2 it makes sense for the .45 ACP guns to be so nerfed, because players are soldiers wearing flak vests.

Edited by cogwheel

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it is bad. The biggest difference is the lee enfield , in a so called mil sim how can they possibly think a person would still be moving after getting hit by a .303 round?? Was this update done to please the massive influx of bf3 nuts looking for "prolonged" unrealistic firefights?

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People are crying for their 1911, I guess. Learn to headshot, I've been doing it fine with a PDW and/or M9SD.

This post is ironic. It makes a point against itself.

Indeed, the PDW and M9SD are still viable with the changes. Because the PDW has a huge clip, and because the M9SD is simple to crawl around with and get easy headshots.

But here's thing -- this is ONLY true for these two sidearms. And that's proof right there that these damage changes are broken. M1911s and Revolvers are worthless in any situation now that isn't 'alamoing' (i.e. getting zeds to follow you into a house), because with 4 clips you can now only get a grand total of 8 zombie kills without headshots. And glocks and m9s aren't much better. You can get only 4 kills per clip with a glock and 3 with an m9, and their ammo is rarer.

Edited by cogwheel

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