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zenatsu (DayZ)

[BSB] Network Recruiting

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Yet again, so much people joined and playing together, helping each other and enjoying the game!

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If you're all still recruiting, I'd love to join. I've only been playing a couple of days now, but I've really been looking for a large, active group of cooperative DayZ players.

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Check out www.bsbnetwork.com/home, Cadmus! Register and sign up, get on teamspeak and you are ready to go!

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Please not we are primary a a community and not a clan. We do have an in=house clan but it is not essential to be a part of this to get involved with the games hosted within our community, nor does it mean by becoming a part of our community you are part of the In-house clan (The Core). There are also a couple of other Day Z clans/teams using our community and resources so it's a great place to meet up with other decent, mature and fair gamers. We will blackball those who are cheats, idiots, trolls, greifers and just general nuggets.

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Hi there!!

I have been looking for a community like urs so well organized and playing as a team together. i have managed play solo for sometime but hacker always destroy ur day so this game is very hard without backup from other player and i always enjoy teamwork as in a organisation with leaders and orders. so if u guys still recruiting i would like to join.

Steam: Bravecommander

Age: 24

TS3: Wolfy

games i play: ACE2, AR2:PR, BF2:PR and Bf3 and iam experienced player.

with greetings.


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Cool just get yourself on our forum and/or TS3 server and see who's nearby you in game. We're always open to fun, fair and friendly gamers!

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The first ina series of video journals entitled "DayZ & NightZ". BSB Vae and his fire team make a midnight raid!

DayZ & NightZ: The Night Raid

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Thank you, Vae and the guys did an excellent job and all kudos must go to them for producing this vid!! It's just an example of the stuff going on daily over at our community/

Edited by Box

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Awesome free prize draw coming this month. Keep an eye on our website for news.

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Hey guys, for those of you looking for a community, look no further, BSB are a helpful bunch of guys who you are sure to have fun with, head over to the forum an get on TS!

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Joined your community today (as Bauglin), looking forward to joining you ingame tonight or tomorrow evening :)

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Great, look forward to getting a few games in with you!

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Sounds great, too bad my vocal English sounds bad :/

Is this the same Clay pigeon who played BF2 with us back in 2006?

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Is this the same Clay pigeon who played BF2 with us back in 2006?

I did play BF2 in 2006, but I don't remember anything like this ;o

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Ah ok, probably not you then as our Clay Pigeon was active recently on our forum, but just to make sure your name isn't Richard is it?

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Just found your community when looking at these forums and was really impressed and signed on straight away, looking forward to teaming up!

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Hi Alex, thanks for your positive feedback, I look forward to getting a couple of games in with you soon!

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Joined BSB over 2 weeks ago and has been non stop dayz of awesome and mayhem. Our raid video has already been uploaded but we regularly get into firefights, ambush vehicles, get ambushed in vehicles, raid camps and defend ours. Running around with a consistent group of 4-8 players makes a massive difference to your day in the game.

I highly suggest heading over to http://www.bsbnetwork.com/home and registering. There are plenty of social channels to join and once you have got a group you play with regular you can make yourself into a Fireteam and do whatever you like in game.

Come join the Mayhem

[bSB] Lickaholic

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